
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Almost wasted effort

After that, I began investigating the empty body of Buddha whose mind I had destroyed. His body was unique, formless yet still present, resembling air. Analyzing whether I could merge with this Buddha's body was quite difficult, and I had to act quickly because I didn't know how long it would take for others to realize what I had done.

The highest throne in Buddhist mythology or religion vanished. It was no wonder that news of Buddha's disappearance from his place became the beginning of others' knowledge about my actions. Therefore, I decided not to think about anything else for the next 3 months, except for analyzing this god's body.

And finally, success! Woah, I worked tirelessly and managed to analyze it thoroughly. Now, I just had to formulate the theories I had in mind. Without experimentation, I was confident that this would work.


<Third person perspective>

One month later, Petra's second child's birth became joyful news for their small family, although it wasn't very well-received by some important figures in the demon world.

This birth was a significant sign, as being a hybrid was rarely accepted in demon society. For example, it had recently happened in the Belial clan. Although the details didn't need to be disclosed, for the Handerson family, this was something different. Petra used his power to suppress those people, forcing them to accept this child.

Being a hybrid would be a big challenge for this child. As a father, Petra had to give his best for him, unlike their first child who had to be hidden. Petra hoped his first son could have a peaceful life for the rest of his life.

His birth became a phenomenal moment because the child was special. When the baby was born, the midwife who handled the delivery had to be evacuated because the magic released into the air made the room collapse when the baby cried. However, Grayfia's presence and Petra's efforts to neutralize the magical energy made the situation slightly more manageable.

And on April 18, 2000, local time, the child was born into the world carrying the name Eugune Lucifuge or Handerson. Somehow the child chose whose surname to take, but a hybrid child was born healthy who would later shake the supernatural world.


The young master from the Lucifuge family was showered with love by his parents. Different from Petra's first son. The magus only visited him a few months at a time, and his enthusiasm diminished since his research. To assuage his guilt, Petra made a familiar for him while also watching over and ensuring his well-being.

Petra never once considered himself a good father, on the contrary, he considered himself a failure as a father because he prioritized one over the other. His guilt was certainly caused by the future he saw and wanted to change, because that ambition had to sacrifice one for his goals.

At least, the magus had to guide his children in the right direction according to their own desires. As an apology for failing to be a good father. Even for Eugene, who was still young, he had to leave him to pursue the great ambition he had.

In 2002, Petra Handerson had to leave his family again for the last time, and he created a small farewell party with Eugune, who was already 2 years old. As hoped by his wife and parents-in-law, they understood Petra, allowing his departure. It might be for how long, but they were willing to wait patiently.

The farewell party was filled with warmth and laughter, although in their hearts they felt sadness for the impending departure. Petra tried to convey his love to Eugune in the best way he could, although he knew that this departure would leave a deep wound in their hearts.

In that farewell moment, Petra promised to return when the time was right, reassuring his family that he would always remember them and love them boundlessly. Eugune, although still young, felt the warmth and love from his father, even though he didn't fully understand what was happening.

As the departure time arrived, there was a mixture of emotions of emotion and courage in Petra's heart as he left his family to pursue his ambition.


Outside Earth's atmosphere, precisely on the Moon.

Petra decided to perform the fusion because he was far from Earth, and no one would realize his presence on the dark side of the moon. Even for gods, no one would be aware if the magus performed the transformation into Maitreya, the Supreme God, here, with all the magic hindering perception. Petra prepared to perform the fusion.

Gazing into the empty space for the last time, Petra took a breath, though there was no oxygen, yet he could still feel the airflow through his magic. "Alright... It's time for the final job."

With that, he focused on the Buddha's body sitting in front of him, reciting mantras and gathering the primal energy. He called this highest technique 'OmegaTransmute'.

As Petra focused on the Buddha's body, it felt like the entire universe was against him. An incredible pain shook his body, as if the universe itself was reprimanding him for his intention to violate absolute rules. Every fiber of his being felt burned by the uncontrolled energy, yet his determination remained steadfast.

With all the strength he possessed, Petra fought against unimaginable pain and obstacles. He felt an immense power flowing through him, transforming him into a larger and stronger form. Shattered cries and thunder accompanied his transformation process, filling space with unimaginable power.

After what felt like eternity, Petra finally reached the peak of his struggle. He felt a new energy flowing through him, stronger than ever before. A dazzling light enveloped him, and strange phenomena occurred on Earth.

Powerful entities throughout the universe began to realize his existence and were surprised by the changes that had occurred. Something very significant, unnoticed by them, had happened.

Petra looked at himself with indescribable astonishment. He did not expect the process of reaching the level of Supreme God to be so fast and smooth. Initially, he estimated that it would take at least ten years or more to achieve such success.

However, as he began to feel the new power flowing through him, he realized that his power exceeded his own expectations. As Petra prepared to test his newfound strength, on the dark side of the moon, the vacuum of space cracked.

An indescribable presence, surpassing everything Petra had ever known, appeared in the form of a small fairy.

"Red code.... Initiating precautionary measures," the voice sounded like a robot, stiff and straightforward.

Petra looked at the fairy in front of him with deep confusion. As he was about to ask, a golden chain appeared and bound his body.

The Supreme God frowned, trying to understand this strange situation. "What's going on? Why am I bound like this?" he grumbled with a restrained voice, realizing that every effort to move only made him more entangled by the suddenly appearing chains.

"You have violated the Central Universal, and hereby we impose sealing punishment," the small fairy said with a robotic and stiff voice.

Petra responded with a sour and angry expression. All his efforts so far, only to end up with sealing? Of course, he refused that fate!

With his newfound power, he easily destroyed the chains that bound him. The fairy was startled to see Petra, his face dark but filled with dangerous energy.

"Central Universal? I don't know what that is and why I'm being punished like this, but!" His eyes were full of resistance. "I refuse to surrender! Do you know how difficult and tiring my journey has been to get here!? Don't toy with me!!" After shouting, Petra viciously attacked the fairy with the power of the Supreme God.

Fighting against the small fairy, it was easy for Petra, who had reached the level of Supreme God. But what troubled him was that the fairy split itself with the same power, every time it split. The more Petra killed the small fairies in every way, the fairies still split themselves until overwhelmed fighting against them.

Even with concentrated energy shots, Petra still couldn't defeat the fairy. The increasing number of fairies made it even harder for Petra to overcome them, until their numbers were like Pluto's asteroid stones all united.

With such a large number, Petra felt that it would be futile to fight these fairies. The way out was closed with the large number of his enemies, leaving only one option.

Before the fairy sealed himself and placed his body somewhere in the far reaches of the universe, it would be better for the Supreme God to seal himself in a room and divide his power to embed himself.

Petra realized that the only way to overcome this situation was to seal himself. Quickly, he concentrated his power to create a small dimensional space where he could perform his seal.

"It's time to end this," Petra muttered, his eyes shining with determination. With a firm hand movement, he began the process of sealing himself. His body began to glow brightly, and abundant energy filled the room.

However, the small fairies did not remain silent. They continued to attack, trying to disrupt the sealing process. Petra had to struggle hard to stay focused. Each attack by the small fairies made it increasingly difficult.


"Damn it, I need to hurry!" Petra yelled, trying to fend off the attacks.

Finally, after a fierce struggle, Petra succeeded in sealing himself. His body emitted a very bright light before finally falling silent. However, his power did not disappear just like that. As a Supreme God, he divided his power into four parts, each sealed in sparkling crystals.

In the silence of the new dimensional space, Petra sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and focused his mind. He realized that his power now had to be carefully guarded, and he was ready to wait for the right moment to break free and use his power again in the future. In his created dimension which he named New World, Petra began preparations again. Although saddened by the fact that his struggle was almost in vain because he was nearly sealed by foreign entities, he remained optimistic that there was still hope.

For now, he decided to unseal it at the right time in the original DxD storyline, whether it be at the beginning, middle, or end of the story. At that time, the fragments of his power must be in the right hands. To ensure this, Petra sent a black pigeon as a messenger to watch over his power crystals. He was aware that there was a risk that the fragments of his power might have their own egos, and in that situation, everything could become troublesome.

For that solution, Petra entrusted the rest to the next generation. Although it seemed irresponsible, it was his hope that the person who found the crystals would be able to overcome the challenge. Petra wished them the best before the power returned to him, if it had to happen.


Right after Petra sealed himself, the fairies that pursued him stopped moving, and one of them spoke like a robot with red flashes in its eyes.

"The threat level has stabilized... Security has been confirmed, requesting return..." the fairy said with a stiff, mechanical voice, while their eyes blinked red.

The other fairies also stopped moving, showing the same robotic response. They seemed to be receiving instructions from something beyond Petra's understanding.

Bzzzt... Bzzzt!

"Confirmation... Return accepted." Then the fragmented fairies gathered again into one entity. The small fairy in formal business attire turned around and flew towards the crack in space. Once inside, the crack healed on its own as if nothing had happened, and the world's time resumed its course.

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There are 15 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.