
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs


As I suspected, Sona-san wasn't too pleased with my presence there... As a Succubus, I understand very well about the hormones produced by living creatures, including demons. These hormones vary, but the one I understand the most is the sex hormone.

The scent emitted by living creatures when they feel close to their partners forms a pink mist that I can see through my mystical eyes. Although Sona's expression when speaking to Eugene showed her lack of interest or maintained distance, I could see the faint pink mist emanating every time she spoke to my king.

Once, I asked Eugene about his opinion on Sona and their relationship. My king didn't mind sharing stories about their past, when they were still children and played together. There were moments when both of them got bored with their activities and tried new things. When that happened, Ajuka Beelzebub-sama came bringing a chess box as Eugene's birthday present.

My king was a bit mischievous at that time, claiming that his intelligence was still higher than Sona's. This triggered a match between them, where as a woman one year older and with Sona's arrogant personality, she couldn't refuse the challenge.

As expected, Eugene won the match, and he immediately used his victory to tease Sona. As a result, Sona returned home with a broken heart, crying when she returned to her residence.

Later, rumors spread that Sona was engaged. Given the stubborn nature of the Sitri woman, she set a condition that anyone who could defeat her in a chess match would have the right to own her. When Eugene heard the news, his response was troubled, even to the point where he looked pale and sour. Fortunately, Sona never leaked the incident to the public until now.

That past chess match also influenced Sona's views on romantic relationships. Although not visible to me, I'm sure that Sona has long had a crush on Eugene.

However, despite all that, I still feel superior to her. Sona's unchanged personality over time has prevented their relationship from progressing.

It's truly enjoyable to see her annoyed face because she has no chance. Fufufufufu~ a mischievous grin spreads across my face as she enjoys the taste of sweet revenge painted on Eugene's face, savoring the moment when she holds all the unspoken power within them. a game of emotions.

The time has come, my king heads to the student council room with me following behind him eagerly to witness the drama unfolding between him and Sona, anticipating the subtle power play that will surely shape their dynamics in unexpected ways.

Eugene's footsteps halt, causing me to bump into his back.

Clearing the pain in my nose, I ask, "Eugene-san?" Looking back, Eugene's sharp gaze meets mine, a fleeting mischief dancing in his eyes as he turns to face me.

"Lily, when we're about to leave later, try sprinkling the sneezing powder I created earlier."


Why does my king suddenly want to play a prank on Sona?

Eugene chuckles softly at my puzzled expression, mischief twinkling in his eyes as he explains his plan in a low tone, "it's just a little game, Lily. Trust me, it'll be quite entertaining." With a wink, he continues walking towards the student council room, leaving me to ponder the impending joke and the possible consequences.

As we entered the room, Sona was engrossed in documents, her expression focused and serious. Eugene strolled casually, a playful smile appearing on his lips as he greeted her, "Good afternoon, Sona. Working hard as usual, I see."

Sona glanced up, her gaze meeting Eugene's with a hint of curiosity, "Eugene, you're finally here?" Her eyes flickered towards me, and I bowed politely in greeting.

Sona's expression remained calm, but I could sense a subtle tension in the air, the silent conversation of unspoken words exchanged between her and Eugene. It was as if they were engaged in a battle of wits beneath the surface, each trying to outmaneuver the other without revealing their true intentions.

Eugene, always adept at intrigue, smoothly transitioned from light conversation to the main topic. "So... What's the issue."

Sona's demeanor turned serious. "It's about Rias ignoring the fallen angel infiltrating our territory just to recruit a student from this academy known to possess the Boosted Gear."

Eugene stared at Sona with a sharp gaze, his eyes gleaming with disdain. "Rias? What do you mean, she's ignoring murder in our territory!? And you're just telling me this now!?" His voice was loud and full of anger, reflecting his deep dissatisfaction with the situation.

Sona, though seemingly calm, could feel the waves of emotion enveloping the room. She responded calmly, "The situation is complicated, Eugene. Not everything needs to be announced openly."

However, Eugene's temperamental attitude remained unchanged. "Not everything needs to be announced openly? Do you think I'm not entitled to know what's happening in my own territory?!" His voice rose further, indicating the escalating tension between them.

Standing beside him, I felt tense witnessing this exchange of words. I knew how dangerous it could be when Eugene was angry, and I hoped the situation wouldn't escalate further.

Sona remained calm, but her expression showed hidden concern. She tried to explain, "Eugene, I understand you're angry, but we need to stay calm and find the best solution."

But Eugene wasn't easily appeased. "Best solution?! Let me guess, she begged you to take in that poor lamb, one of her Peerage?" Seeing Lady Sitri flinch, Eugene took the opportunity to voice his doubts and disappointment. "So I'm right! Sona! We promised that if we were to bring in one of the Sacred Gear wielders, the three of us wouldn't resort to such means! Damn it, I knew cooperating with you in managing the territory would only stress me out."

Sona stood with a pleading expression, her body slightly leaning forward. "Please, you know how Rias is... Our friend, she's not difficult to read," she replied, her voice full of hope.

Eugene took a deep breath, his face looking tired and filled with deep distrust. With one hand still on his forehead, he replied, "Haaah... Damn it, this is why I keep emphasizing to her, don't rely too much on others in personal matters. Especially when we're dealing with a Dragon, not just any, but the Red Dragon Emperor, Ddraig."

Seeing my troubled king made me feel sympathetic towards him. 'Why does that cow-chested woman have to keep bothering my lord like this?' My mind raced, filled with dislike towards Rias, who seemed to only add trouble for Eugene.

"I beg of you... Please, can you overlook this issue? Not for Rias, but for me!" Sona pleaded, her eyes shimmering.

Seeing Sona's expression and hearing her plea, Eugene felt burdened. He slumped into the chair, one hand supporting his tilted head, his sharp gaze still fixed on Sona. "Fine... But, for this time only. This is the last. If I hear that she causes trouble again, I'll file a report stating that she's always problematic in managing her territory. Let her face sanctions from the council, so she knows what responsibility means."

Sona lowered her gaze, her expression filled with regret. "Thank you, Eugene. I won't make you regret it," she said softly, acknowledging Eugene's decision even though it felt heavy for her.

Eugene only nodded briefly in response, as if giving his final warning to Sona.

After that, the room fell silent, until finally Sona stood up, looking at Eugene sincerely. "I'll handle this issue properly. I won't bother you again," she promised with determination.

Eugene raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced by Sona's words. However, he chose not to continue the argument. "Very well, we'll see how it turns out later," he said coldly.

As we left the room, I couldn't help but ponder the situation. 'Sona-san is too soft on Rias-san. Every time Rias-san causes trouble, she always makes everyone suffer. Maybe it's time for her to be firmer.'

With that thought in mind, I followed Eugene out of the room, thinking about how difficult it is to be a leader and deal with various problems coming from different directions. Although my king could easily ignore it, his steadfast principles wouldn't allow him to do so.

As for Eugene's mischief about giving sneezing powder, I chose not to do it. The tense atmosphere made me hesitant to execute the plan. Besides, it wouldn't be right to play tricks on someone in such a serious situation.

We stepped out of the room, letting silence envelop our minds, while Eugene's decision still echoed in my mind. How he managed to uphold his principles in the midst of such a difficult situation.

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