
Chapter 7-Grinding

Waking up from my nap I look to see that about 4 hours have passed since I went to sleep, guess I might as well check to see if Kirito added me yet, now how do I open this menu? There we go, now let's see, nope still hasn't, guess I got to take matters into my own hands. Going through the menu I tap friends before adding Kirito using the add friends button, let's send a message to see where he is once he sees the request. Oh, speak of the devil he already accepted it.

<Message from Kirito>

[Hey, are you okay? Where are you? I'm in Horunka, can you try to make your way here, I told you I would teach you how to play, and with it mentioned that if you die in the game, you die in real life, if you don't know how to play you're going die quicker than if you knew how to play.

So can you try to make it here, it's northwest of the Town of Beginnings.]

I guess I should write back, let's see message, ah there we go. [Hey, I will start heading that way, I'm gonna try to get some help with the basics so I don't die in the way. I will hopefully see you soon.] And send, that should be good, now, let's get to grinding after I learn the basics, by myself in a safe environment of course.

(Time Skip)

*Huff* Huff* *Phew* That should do it with the grinding, I should start heading back so I can get some good equipment before heading towards Horunka. I've made it to level 10, which should be good enough to make it there. Goal in mind, I begin heading back before starting my journey to where Kirito is.

Chapter 7-Grinding

Word Count-302

Here you go, a very short chapter, I was in a good mood today and decided to ruin it by writing this chapter. Anyways, expect more chapters to come out at this rate as I'm trying to end this arc as quickly as possible so I can get back to world-building and fleshing out MC powers. Plus, I'm thinking of trying to write a different story, of course, I'm not dropping this, just trying to get some ideas that have popped into my head onto virtual paper. Of course, before I try writing a different story I'm going to get this story to at least 15 or 20 chapters before doing so as to let there be enough chapters so people have something to read while I write the other story, and then when it has about 5 chapters, I'll write a few chapters for this and then repeat this till I lost interest in writing one or the other, or you know, until one of them is complete. So yeah, that's it, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

That's all, goodnight everyone.

Chief456creators' thoughts