
Chapter 6-The Death Game Starts

Heading into my classroom after all that happened Friday gave me the feeling of normalcy I had seemingly lost last Friday. Of course, this "normalcy" I'm thinking of is still far from the normal of the world I used to live in before dying. I mean sure, people with blue hair was something you could see but they weren't born with it being that color, they dyed it to be so.

"Hey Alex, how are you doing?" Kazuto, interrupting my thoughts, asked me an unusual question.

"I'm doing fine, why do you ask?" I responded, still confused as to why he asked me about how I'm doing.

"What, can't a friend ask their friend how they're doing." Kazuto says, in a sort of joking way.

"When that friend never asks such a question then yes, it is." I retort.

"*sigh* I guess you're right, remember that game I was talking about." Kazuto asks, losing the how's your day tone.

"Sword Art Online right." I say, having an inkling where this conversation is going.

"So the release date for the official game is in a few days and I was wondering if you like to join me in playing the game." Kazuto says, inviting me to join him in playing the game.

"I don't know man, I'm not the best at video games, you should know that." I respond, trying to decline the offer without screaming that if you die in the game, you die in real life.

"Come on, it will be fun, I'll even teach you how to play." Kazuto says as if he's a delinquent trying to take me to "Real Fun Place".

"*sigh* Alright, I'll get the game." I say, realizing that I can't win this fight against this loner.

"Alright class, settle down now." The teacher says walking into the class. "Class rep if you will."

(Time Skip)

Heading into my room, I put on my NerveGear while laying down on my bed, why am I doing this instead of just waiting a day so I don't have to join this death game you ask, because I'm a dumbass, that's why. Pressing the Login button and making my character, I head into the deadly and beautiful world known as Aincrad. Wow, this may be the start of a death game but damn, does it look beautiful.

Deciding that I might as well let Kirito help Klein out, I go and sit on a nearby bench to you know, "enjoy the scenery". Yeah no, I can enjoy the scenery later right now I should be waiting for Mr. Big Scary Guy to make his appearance and tell me the oh so sad news that I'm trapped in this game until someone clears the final floor, and that if I die in here I'll die in real life. A cool setting until you get some loner harem-having guy to come and ruin it for you, sucks to suck I guess.

"Eh, what's going on, I was just on a quest."

"Me too, why are we back at the starting town?"

"Yeah, what's going?"


Listening to all the now confused players who all just got forced back to the Town of Beginnings I realize that the real game has started, Grabbing the mirror that appeared in front of me I watch as the funny stupid character I spent my time disappear to reveal the face I see every time I look in the mirror. While feeling sad after seeing the character I spent most of my time working on die in front of my eyes, a big strange-looking fella in a cloak appears out of thin air in the sky.

"You all are trapped in this game until you beat the boss on the last floor." The big cloak guy says. "Also if you die in the game you die in real life, good luck." The cloaked man finishes before disappearing just like how he appeared.

"Oh nooooooooo." I say in a monotone voice

With the start of this death game and the screams of scared and confused players, I go and look for a good place to nap while I wait for Kirito to try and make contact before I try to do so myself. A goal once again set, I set off to look for the legendary elusive nap spot.

Chapter 6-The Death Game Starts-Complete

Word Count-718

Hey, Chief here, sorry for the late chapter, writer block hit harder than it has in the past. But hey, with this chapter I have a sense of direction, so hopefully, when I start writing the next chapter I won't have to deal with this again. Also, this whole SAO arc hopefully isn't going to last very long, just trying to get this part done and over with so I can get back to fleshing out the MC powers and world building since I haven't done much of either, so hopefully, you're looking forward to that.

That is all, nothing more to report, goodnight

Chief456creators' thoughts