

Heyo, I was going to write a chapter instead of this but seeing as how the only thing I had written down was chapter 8 I don't think that is going to be the case. School started again so I'm now back to being busy, which leaves me with less time to write something I am already having problems with. So, with that being the case, I have decided to start writing something else, this with a solid foundation. I will come back to this once I can fix the already crumbling foundation that it has, if you are wondering, the story I will begin working on will involve Dark Souls. Thought I give a crack at it seeing as the Dark Souls franchise is one of my favorites. I will for this story, go though the lore as to understand how the whole world works seeing as how I hardly know of any of the lore. So yeah, that's it, I'm going on a break from this story to write a different story to if I can improve my skills at having a good foundation. So sorry, there is not going to be a chapter for this for a bit, I will try to write a bit for this while writing the Dark Souls fic. Goodnight, I hope you have a wonderful night.