
life as a hive lord

as felix was dying he was calm and a little scared so when he reincarnates he is surprised and happy

ratlord_forlone · Others
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7 Chs

that's pretty neat

caves suck to walk through I swear I walked past that corner twelve minutes ago ...wait did I

[ 16 minutes later]

I am I an idiot the door is right there

I must be blind or just not used to my new eyes there right near my weird mouth thing is it a mouth maybe mandibles I dont know but ehh

I need to get back on track. time to go out side will it be fantasy or future war I dont know but I will find out soon

as he used his his side arm like appendages he opened the door to see grass and tree's but they weren't normal tree's they where each at least 30 feet tall

huh that's weird tree's aren't supposed to be that big but it should be fin-

(user has left dungeon you are now on you're own you may choose one perk that will be passive you will not see it note all perks are diffrent if you choose a perk you don't like you're stuck with it)

'ok may I see them'

( here they are all the perks your level and species can get note some may evolve/level up)

( skills

* biomass ×2 * birth rate ×5 * hardened carapace * will to survive * perfect hive * no fear * final form * second chance * heart of steel * hardened nerves * berserker rage * lucky * first contact * true chaos * reinforcements * new form * red sun * faith in your forefathers * magically inclined * horrid beast * etc

you may ask what four skills are and if not you get one extra skill)

umm I guess I should play it safe let's ask

' what is reinforcements, final form, second chance, and faith in your forefathers'

(reinforcements give you five of your species to help you, final form allows you to evolve after a high grade evolution, second chance allows you to come back a second time after dying. you'll be put in the same body, and faith in your forefathers let's you know all the knowledge your species knew)

'I guess ill go final form '

( evolution chosen you may not see it's effect till later levels )

huh that's it nothing I thought I might fell pain or maybe like sheer bliss huh that was anti climactic

ehh whatever let's look around