
life as a hive lord

as felix was dying he was calm and a little scared so when he reincarnates he is surprised and happy

ratlord_forlone · Others
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hey been a long time

now many of you know it's been a long time since I last talked well really talked to myself.

but I have worked hard during that time and I have got new minions ... no it was not a waste of a skill point it was a simple purchase .. ok I was lonely but there doing great we've already made a base and started to pump out little arachnids.

oh and I also found out that giant bugs are not welcome into elf territory there just a lil bit racist but with time I will have my paw/maw/hand/mandibles on them.

ohh and one last thing I may have burned an elf forest down that is why I'm hiding in a cave but the fire mage did it I was a victim if anything so it's not my fault or maybe .. naw can't be.

but off of that tangent I will report my progress to the Senate of me one queen two tanker bugs and to finish it off two evolved arachnids so that's neat.

so how you been doing 'I'm fine ' huh ' arcalisk is that you ' 'yes' ' you can talk why haven't you done so' 'I thought you would want to be alone ' as I walked of to the arachnid I place a hand or mandible on him 'I was starved for conversation you misread me now let's talk'.

that's when are little bug talked about his problems for a few days to the poor arachnids they didn't know the fear of a man who can complain over everything