
The Awakening.

"Ehhhhhhh." Exclaimed Kaito audibly, as he slid off his bed.

He was shocked at the sight he saw before him. He was bewildered and overwhelmed by the sight before his very eyes. He remembered Okano Koji saying that if someone received a score of 0 it was because the system couldnt integrate with a person. And yet when he thought the word Status. He could see the screen clear as the evening sky.

<Bang Bang Bang>

Kaito's mother was knocking on his door worried. She heard him yell soon after going to his room and it gave her a fright. Her motherly institution was blaring in her mind that she needed to go to him, so she continued knocking when he didn't answer.

That's when reality set back in Kaito. He rolled over and stood to open his door.

As he opened the door, he saw his mother's fretful face. She was so overcome with worry that a sweat drop began running down her face and off her nose.

"I'm okay mom, sorry I yelped. I just stubbed my toe." Said Kaito compassionately.

"Are you sure honey? You sounded very distressed, it sounded more serious than that." She said with a troubled look.

"That's all it was mom, it was just my toe. I'm sorry for bothering you. "

"Kai, i'm not bothered. I was just worried, you asked to go to your room so suddenly and it's not like you. "

"Sorry…. it's just been a long day and I think I should rest. I'll talk to you in the morning."

"Oh okay, just let me know if you need anything." Said Kaito's mother, saddened.

"Love you mom, goodnight."

"Love you too Kai."

Kaito waited for his mother to start walking down the hall before he closed his door once more. Then he turned around and slid down the door. He breathed heavily with his back to the door. He was mentally exhausted from the day he had. But something kept popping up in his head, why did his mother look so different. She stood out so easily to him, like he could see every detail of her body.

He could clearly see her long light red umber hair meeting the base of her scalp. He could see all the hair strands move as she took a breath. He could see the slight indentations on her forehead from working too hard. Her long eyelashes, and soft round blue eye that looked glossy like she was going to cry. The etched pink in her cheeks from getting worried. He could see his mother's slight mistake of her red lipstick on her upper lip. He could see her skin so clearly almost like he could see every pore on her face.

He always thought he had a beautiful mother. When people came over, or she went to a parent teacher conference, or walked around town people would always tell her how beautiful she was.

His mother was a vision of beauty, she was 5'5", she wasn't fat nor was she overly skinny. She was a little squishy and chunky but that worked toward her charm. She had fair skin and had an amazing fashion sense. She was always able to turn heads. And after seeing his mother so clearly he understood why.

That's when he looked around his room and noticed everything seemed so visible. He could see everything so clearly and perceptibly. Nothing seemed to hide from his sight, and it wasn't like he was blind before. He had a perfect 20:20 vision, but after taking that serum and looking now. Everything was so apparent and noticeable, down to the little detailed scratches on his dresser.

He was amazed by his sight, and he decided to stand up,however, that was a mistake. As he stood he felt overwhelmingly dizzy and fell to his bed and passed out. The sights were already overbearing on his synapses that suddenly standing up was too much for his body at the moment. Which caused him to lose control and pass out.

It was the next morning and Kaito had still not awoken. So Haru thought she should go wake him, but this was to no avail. She was stopped by her mother who told him to let him sleep. He clearly needed it.

So they let him be. They didn't yet know how long he'd rest till it was over and done. Kaito had been asleep for 3 days before awaking on Thursday morning.

While asleep, Kaito's mind laid in a void of nothing, he was conscious but had no power. He was just floating aimlessly and helpless. No start or destination, just the emptiness of isolation.

However, his body did not follow his mind. It was being broken down and reassembled. His bones were repeatedly shattered to the point of being powderized. Had he not been in the void he would've lost his mind from the agonizing pain. The powder was rejuvenated and reconstructed to a bone shape where it hardened and shattered again and again till it wouldn't break. His muscles were torn and reformed continuously so they could handle the strain of his new body.

His height and body shape didn't differ, but his weight changed dramatically. He was originally 190lbs but he now weighed an astonishing 310lbs. He didn't yet know the changes to his body, no one could tell from the naked eye. It wasn't until he awoke and rose from his bed that something was awry. His bed frame broke. This startled him so he stood and walked to his door wobbling and shaking. He had yet to get used to his new body so it was difficult for him to move.

He made it to the door and opened it and walked towards the stairs. Every step he took the floor creaked and rattled. His sister and mother downstairs were frightened to hear the stomping sounds of a goliath entering the room in the place of Kaito. They looked at him and spoke over one another." Look who finally arose" Haru. " morning sleepy head". Their mother.

"What do you mean finally? And good morning to you. I feel so energized." Kaito said happily.

Until he remembered that it was a school week and it was Monday when he had fallen asleep. He looked at his family, and without saying a word they pointed at the television. It displayed the news which read, "Breaking news. The world's 12th National rank was awoken in Escait." He looked a little more and saw the date headline was Thursday. He then looked at his family gawking and dumbfounded. He thought he slept all night and missed waking for school, he never expected to sleep 3 days.

"Hungry?" Haru said cheerfully and mocking.

"Quite," he said. "Thanks for asking twerp." He whispered. His mother got up, kissed his cheek and walked to the kitchen. She came back with a plate of eggs and told him to sit with them. Kaito sat and devoured the eggs.

"Must've been starving Kai" said his mom calmly.

"I really am. Thanks for the food mom…" he paused. "I'm sorry."


"I was a jerk when I got home and instead of talking to you I pushed you away and went to my room. I must've really hurt you and I'm sorry. "

His mother was surprised by his response. It was throughout and sincere, which made her happy. She was proud he found his mistake and apologized, she was proud of his maturity. "Thank you Kai. and don't worry about school. I'll send you a note tomorrow."

"Oh thanks mom."

They spent the day together watching the news and Harus TV shows, and movies. They sat chatting and mocking Kaito for sleeping as long as he did. And told him he better not over slept tonight. Which caused Haru and their mom to chuckle, until it was finally time for bed.

They all said good night and went to bed. Except Kaito stood in his room and remembered his bed was broken. He looked about his room for a means to fix what happened. Only to quickly give up and succumb to his exhaustion.