
Lies I Tell Myself

Lyra is a young woman who almost dies from an attack by rogues, while she was wondering the forest debating about suicide. She is barely alive when found by border patrol. However, she has no memory of the last few months. Her family and mate get a second chance, but they are all keeping a secret to keep her safe.Lyra's fated mate rejected her for his choice mate. Her birth father's enemies are looking for her and she doesn't even know who she is truly. Lyra's second chance mate is the Alpha of the Silvercrest pack and not interested in another mate after losing his first mate.

dysphoricThea · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Pumpkin Flavored Favor

Tallulah's Pov

Baneridge Pack-December 9th

"Oh that girl gets on my nerves so bad. I don't know why she won't just do what is expected of her." I declared walking into the kitchen to check on her casserole and wait for everyone to get home. Rhett and Cooper had training today, and Josie had cheer practice. Rhett has been watching over Cooper the past year helping him prepare to take over as beta. Cooper is so excited and even though Rhett won't admit it, Cooper will be an amazing beta.

Preparing the table for dinner, the timer went off on the stove, dinner was ready to come out. Like clockwork, the boys pulled into the driveway and Josie had already text that she was on the way.

"We are going to have to eventually send the reports to Silvercrest, you know that we can't keep this in house. Beta Noah Bennett is going to be wondering why we haven't been submitting our part of the reports. Beta Carter has already called about collaborating on the rogue issues. Dad you got to get Alpha Judson and Mason on it, we have to work with other packs to get this under control," declared Cooper to Rhett as they walked through the front door taking their coats off to hang them on the rack.

"I hear what you are saying, but Judson isn't ready to hand over the investigation. We haven't had any attacks. There have just been an increase in rogue sightings and the number of rogues in the area has grown. Let's give him a few more days, tell Carter you are finishing up the witness statements, that should give you enough room for us to get Judson on board," instructed Rhett.

"Okay. I'm going to go up stairs and change before dinner," responded Cooper heading towards the stairs.

"Alright, hurry up smells like dinner is almost done and good job today you are ready. Now I can retire with your mom," Rhett said to his son as he patted his back and smiled knowing the pack would be in good hands with his son taking over next month. Cooper turned to continue up the stairs. Rhett needed to greet his lovely wife. Rhett walked up behind his wife to hug her, "hey baby , smells good in here. How was your day?"

Turning and kissing Rhett on the cheek, "Thank you, I made a creamy pumpkin casserole. Coop's favorite," I responded, grabbing the plates to set on the table. "Go wash up, Josie should be walking at any moment."

"Oh so why are we buttering up Coop?" asked Rhett with a mischievous grin.

"Go wash up and we will talk about it at dinner," I retorted, walking back to the counter for the casserole to set it on the table.

Honey what are you up to? Rhett mindlinked.

I spoke to YOUR daughter. She wasn't even planning to come home for winter break. Did you know anything about this? I responded as I finished setting up the table.

No, I didn't know. I haven't spoken to her in a few weeks. Why do we need to involve Cooper? Rhett leaned up against the counter crossing his arms as he observed his wife diligently setting the table to magazine display perfection.

She listens to him. We need to send him to bring her home. I knew this would turn into an argument that's why I wanted Cooper to visit Lyra.

Okay but you know he is going to have to clear it with the Alpha and Mason before he were to leave. This is a crucial time for the pack with the leadership transition underway. Rhett responded as he walked up to his wife and put his hands on her hips to make her face him.

Before I could respond Josie came bouncing into the house and heading straight upstairs.

"Josie, hurry up, dinner is almost ready." said Rhett as he went up the stairs behind her.

Ten minutes later, everyone was sitting around the table passing the food to each other and talking about their day. "How was your day Josie?" I asked.

"It wasn't bad until practice. Liza got injured so now we are short a girl for regionals and we have to do try outs mid year. Liza knew she couldn't stick the landing of the full layout twist. If we can't find a decent replacement we will have to redo the entire routine." complained Josie as she passed the creamy pumpkin casserole and grabbed the salad.

"You must have some girls in mind to replace Liza." Rhett said, taking a bite of the casserole.

"None that can effectively replace Liza. Now we will have practices four days a week and Mason is having us all train twice a week. Logan said something about everyone training and weekly runs." Josie replied, sounding defeated and picking at her food with no interest in eating.

"You'll figure it out. You girls always do," I responded hoping to get her to realize how determined she truly is and what her team is capable of accomplishing. "How are finals going, and when is your last final? We need to go to the dress shop, the alterations are done and they need us to come in."

"I had my trig final today and I don't have another until friday. I don't have to be at the school until 3 for try-out, and I won't be home until 7. So we can do it Thursday morning if that works for you, mom" she said, seeming more excited."I can't wait to show everyone my beautiful dress."

"Honey, you will look beautiful in anything you wear." I responded taking a sip of my white wine

"So what is the special occasion that we are having Cooper's favorite dinner? It's not his birthday is it?" Josie asked with a teasing grin on her face looking at her brother.

"Haha Josie you're so funny. You know it's not my birthday. But mom, why did you make my favorite and don't act like I can't smell that pumpkin spice strudel cooking?" Cooper inquired as he set his fork down and leaned back in his chair waiting to hear what favor his mom needed from him.

"Can't I just want to spoil my only little boy with his favorite meal for all his hard work and dedication to this family and the pack," Tallulah asked in her sweet voice and shocked face that he would accuse her off wanting something.

Everyone started laughing at Tallulah's terrible attempt at sounding sweet and innocent.

"Hey now yall quit laughing. I don't only make you favorites when I need something," she responded, faking being hurt.

Hahaha "okay you also do it for our birthdays or major celebrations. But neither has occurred today. So spill it mom." Cooper responded, getting his laugh under control. He wondered what kind of favor required not only creamy pumpkin casserole, mash potatoes, and green beans, but pumpkin spice strudel.

"Well you see. I called Lyra to make sure she got the invitation for the ball, but she was upset-" Tallulah said before getting cut off by Cooper.

"Was she upset before or after you told her she had no choice but to come home?" Cooper asked as he threw his napkin over his half eaten plate. Not wanting to get involved in another one of his mom and sister's misunderstandings.

"Cooper, can you go visit your sister with Halley? Maybe ya'll can talk her into coming home for the Yule ball." Tallulah said, avoiding her mate's watchful eye. She knew this conversation would lead to an argument about her not respecting Lyra's wishes.

"I guess mom. I don't know why she has to be forced to come if she doesn't want to." argued Cooper, not everyone needed or wanted to find their mate right away. Lyra had plenty of time to find a mate. At least she was able to get away for a bit.

Maybe her friend will be over, for a human Jordan is kind of cute.his wolf piped up.

You know Alpha Judson would not approve of a human dating a werewolf. She isn't even our mate. Cooper argued.

Well you would know if you would accidentally bump into her. You can't smell human mates. It takes a physical touch. his wolf responded.

"When can you leave? We have a lot to do before the Yule ball?" Tallulah asked, trying to get her son's attention. He was obviously having a conversation with either his wolf or someone else. Ignoring her mate's ever so subtle change in moods. The kids were lucky they couldn't feel their father's disappointment with the current topic.

We can talk about this later Cooper responded shutting his wolf down before his mom got mad.

"Mom, I've got a lot to work on. I can't just up and leave to play jailer for you to have me force Lyra home." Cooper explained now his mood was soured. Why does he always have to play captain-grab-lyra for mom? Why can't they just figure it out?

"Tally, you know we are in the middle of security plans for the ball, the transition, preparations for 3 other packs to visit and the heightened rogue sightings. Now is not the time for Coop to be running off to force Lyra home." Rhett expressed as he placed his hand on top of hers.

"But Rhett she has to be present. It will look bad for the beta family to not have all of their unmated children present." Tallulah whined.

"I'll talk to Alpha Judson first thing in the morning. But I make no promises of bringing Lyra home. If she doesn't want to come I'm not forcing her. She is an adult mom," Cooper informed his mother, hoping to drop the conversation.

"I don't know why anyone would give up a chance to dress up like a princess hoping to find your own fated prince as you dance the night away under the stars." Josie said all dreamy as if she were imagining her fairy tale romance.

"Ugh Josie seriously you can't even tell if your mate is there or not until you're 18. Can I be excused? I think a run is appropriate." Cooper said having enough Yule Ball talk. He really had more things to worry about than some stupid ball full off day dreaming girls who just want to be housewives.

"Yeah son go ahead," Rhett answered, running his hand over his shaved head. "Tallulah, we will discuss this further later. I'm going to take a shower. Josie, you need to finish dinner then start your chore. You have after dinner clean up."