
Lies I Tell Myself

Lyra is a young woman who almost dies from an attack by rogues, while she was wondering the forest debating about suicide. She is barely alive when found by border patrol. However, she has no memory of the last few months. Her family and mate get a second chance, but they are all keeping a secret to keep her safe.Lyra's fated mate rejected her for his choice mate. Her birth father's enemies are looking for her and she doesn't even know who she is truly. Lyra's second chance mate is the Alpha of the Silvercrest pack and not interested in another mate after losing his first mate.

dysphoricThea · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Girl Talk

Lyra Pov

December 10th

Check my phone for any messages, and of course not. Halley must be on a mission. She will catch up with me whenever she gets back.

Raya, what are we going to do? I ask as I flop down on my bed dramatically. Brandon won't drop this argument. He wants to meet the family.

No one cares that you are dating a human, well, except for your mom. She doesn't like anything. Raya responded, stretching herself at the back of my mind. We need to run. It's a month since you've let me out.

Rolling my eyes it hasn't been a month. We just went last night, dramaqueen.

Well, it sure feels like it's been months. You never let me take control except by running. Raya pouted

We just went for a run last night, Raya. It had only been two weeks before that. I argued.

Come one, I need to stretch my legs and you know a run will help you clear your troubles away. Raya retorts, whining in my mind, waiting for me to answer.

Fine Raya. Okay, we will go for a run in a bit. Let me just grab my bag and change my clothes. I said getting up to get changed into black yoga pants, a sports bra and my favorite Harry Potter hoodie.

Just as I was tying sneakers, my phone started to ring.. "Please don't be mom...Please don't be mom...Please don't be mom" I chanted as I walked to my nightstand to grab my phone. "Thank goddess it's Jordan."

No….you said we would go for a run. Don't you dare back out on me. Raya cried.

Jordan may be just the person to talk about the fight with Brandon. Maybe she can help plan a way to smooth things over with him before he goes back to Seattle. I thought as I hit accept, "Hey girly, you're just the person I wanted to speak to."

"Hey wanna grab lunch?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, where do you want to go?" I responded.

"Maybe we can hit up that new Mexican place by the college, Don Ramon's," suggested Jordan.

"Oh yeah, I heard they are really good. Okay. Can we meet in an hour? I've got an errand to run real quick." I asked to pick up my Ravenclaw backpack and head to the door.

"Alright, see you there." said Jordan as she hung up.

See Raya, we can do both. Have lunch with Jordan and run. We will just make the run short. I said to my grumpy wolf. She has been testy the last few weeks.

Fine, but I want full control to hunt, run, or roll in the mud. Raya bargained as she pranced happily along.

No mud. Last time, it took me a whole bottle of shampoo to get all the mud out of our fur, which Jordan had to help with. We weren't even supposed to tell her about me being a werewolf. I retorted, hoping to avoid a nasty mud bath.

Whatever. You know you enjoyed it. Wake me up when you're ready. Raya said, curling up in a ball and placing her tail over her eyes.

Such a diva I thought as I got into my black 2014 Toyota 4runner. My little gift to myself for leaving the pack and starting college headed to the National Park to run in peace. As soon as I pulled into a parking spot at the trailhead, my phone began to ring. Looking at my phone, I felt defeated when it wasn't Brandon, but glad to see it was Halley.

"Hey Halley." I answered the call. Raya, we can wait a bit, right?

Of course, talk to Halley. Then we will go for a run. Said Raya before shutting the link between us. Probably to pout or to rest up for our run. She has been a bit more on edge lately.

"Hey girlie, how are you doing?" asked Halley. She sounds so excited. "When will you be coming home this time? I want to see you before the Yule Ball." Halley asked before I could respond.

"I am doing well. Did you talk to my mother? She asked me the same thing yesterday." I groaned.

"No, we have to go shopping for our dresses, silly. We need dresses for the New Years Party, the Yule Ball, and a few different outfits for the luncheons and what nots." replied Halley. Gosh, for such a badass warrior, she is very girly, but don't let it fool you. She will kickass in a dress and heels and not break a nail.

"I'm not coming until New Year's Eve. I have to get the office here closed for the holiday break and I have to fix this mess I have created with Brandon." I said, thinking about all the stuff I needed to get done before I could even think of going home.

"Oh, that will not do. I will have to drag you to the stores there to find what we need. Maybe I can come up next weekend. I will request the weekend after the briefing this afternoon. Now tell me what happened to Brandon. I thought things were going well with Brandon?" she said, more of a command than a question. She is not one to argue with, but we always have a blast at our girls' weekend. Maybe I can get her to convince my mother to let me stay longer.

"You know the usual. My mother called. I couldn't ignore her call for the third time. Brandon wants to come home with me for the ball. I don't want to bring him into our world. I want to keep my lives separate. There is no need for him to be involved in that part if he isn't my mate and he isn't, thankfully," I explained. I love Brandon and I am glad he isn't my mate. I get to love him on my own and not be forced to give in to the bond. It's a weakness and such a sexist bond, because too many men believe women are not capable of the same things. Halley is a prime example. She had to fight day and night to get to where she is, but there are second children that are given free passes to get those leadership roles without the extra testing.

"Why don't you just bring him? No one cares about interspecies dating anymore. I think Cooper and your dad would like him. He is a good guy." Halley says, not really understanding why I want to keep my life separated, but she loves a pack life. I don't want to stay in one place and pop out pups until I can no longer have any kids and then retire. I want to make something of my life. I want to be more than Beta Rhett's daughter, so and so's mate, or Beta's female. I want my own accomplishments outside of my gender.

"No, he would not take me as being a werewolf well and he isn't my mate. What if I meet my mate at the week's event? He would be devastated and not understand at all. I can't break him like that. Not to mention, my mother would not approve at all. She would think I was choosing him over my mate and I would never hear the end of it. I can only imagine her using him against me to my dad and not allowing me to finish my degree." I argued. I wish my mother had been as supportive of my dreams as Halley's mom.

"Where is Brandon now?" she asked me.

"He left last night and I haven't heard from him at all. He is only in town until Monday. I have two more days to fix this or end it." I answered. I guess it might be best to either tell him or let him go.

"Okay, here is what you are going to do. Go for a run. Let Raya out and give her full control. Let her run for as long as she needs. Clear your mind and let your instincts lead you. Then pray to the Moon Goddess for guidance. However, you know her answer will be for you to let go and find your mate, but I digress. Ask for peace and guidance to make the right choice. I expect a text with an answer of when we are getting together to go shopping. And be safe out there. There is a new group of extremists we are investigating. I can't give you any details, but pay attention to your surroundings and listen to Raya if she says something isn't right." Halley warned. Her idea isn't bad. I promised to let Raya run.

"Alright. I will do it. Thanks girl." I told her. She truly is my best friend. She said goodbye then hung up.

I looked at my phone for a minute then set it down. Leaning my head against my headrest taking in the silence. Running my hands down my face rubbing my eyes, you got this. We have to believe the Moon Goddess knows the plan for us. Raya, you ready to do this?

I was born for this, now give me control. Raya demanded. I grab my bag and put my phone in the back pocket. Lock up my car, I head towards the trail. I know a hike half a mile up the trail. There is a waterfall nearby that I can slide behind and put my bag to shift. No one goes down there this time of year.