
Liebe auf dem Schlachtfeld

Crimson bandits, a group of thieves who are known for killing and targeting dukes and noble men. With their leader, Ranga Valhalla, they're unstoppable and no military soldiers couldn't catch them. While targeting the Duke of Archemy, they met some mages in the military. They're being asked to join them so that they'll help the bandits with whatever they're looking for. Ranga has no choice but to accept the proposal rather than being beheaded. After joining the military, they've encountered numerous events that started to change them.

Raging_Tempest · War
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14 Chs


Hello dear readers! This story had not been updated for a long time and I was planning on dropping it. Please let me know if any of you wants it to be continued because if so, I'll try my best to release new chapters ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ

-From the author