

Their kingdom blasted to nothing and their people scattered the High Synedrion lands on the western continent in search of the key. The natives now must stand up and fight or have their entire lives destroyed, will the child of prophecy rise to the occasion and defeat the invaders or will he fall as well.

LudothePlutonian · Book&Literature
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Team seven stared at the young man. Tall, slender and a long face. He wore nothing but a pair of black trousers and brown geta sandals. He had emerged from the dispersing mist quickly and strangely dealing with Gato's Militia. Kakashi frowned and revealed his sharingan once more, "what's up with this guy...why do I feel like I should get rid of him right now." He thought.

Walking past them, "Where is the nearest pub" he asked as he looked around, his brown eyes twitching. Stopping as he saw the town folk geared up for a fight. "Hmm, this isn't a very nice welcoming party." He said. "Excuse me denizens, where is the nearest pub."

"gone." Inari said slowly. The man frowned, doing a 180 and beginning his journey back to the small boat he came in on. "Hey who the hell are?!." Naruto shouted as he stepped forward, Kakashi immediately pulling him back. "Relax"
The man looked back, his brow furrowed, "I'm Gilgamesh." He said calmly, "Well Gilgamesh, may I inquire as to what you're doing here?." kakashi asked, "No you may not weirdo." Gilgamesh said.

Naruto held his fist up, "We're the weirdos?!. Do you see how you're dressed?!." he shouted, Gilgamesh looked down at his outfit and frowned, "What's wrong with my outfit?" he asked, Naruto said nothing, instead staring at the man, the bridge rumbled for a moment, the cracked stone rippling before suddenly stretching. The entire bridge suddenly turned into massive cylinder that was about 300 meters high.

Sakura looked down, "No way...", Kakashi attempted to suppress his shock, "The entire bridge changed." he said as he stared at Gilgamesh. "Don't make me repeat myself." he said as he stared at Naruto, the leaf Nin standing up and gritting his teeth, "The hell is wrong with you, Tazuna and everyone else worked hard on this bridge." He snapped as he rolled up his sleeves. The injured Sasuke sighing, "Oh boy."

"Did they?...those guys must've been lazy. Any real builder could've finished this in a day, maybe two." Gilgamesh said, Naruto summoned a clone that ran towards Gilgamesh, the clone stopping halfway and suddenly popping out of existence. "Nice magic trick." Gilgamesh said as he smiled, "But this encounter is already troublesome enough and I've already let my temper run loose a bit too much" he continued.

Gilgamesh got off the railing and stepped forward, "Consider this my first and only warning...don't follow me or come any closer."
The bridge suddenly changed again, turning into a small circle the size of a stool. Anyone who wasn't Gilgamesh practically drowned as they suddenly hit the water below. "What the hell is happening?!." Sakura shouted as she clapped about, "What the hell happened to the bridge?"Naruto asked. "My ally's won't be very happy if they find me indulging in such nonsense so I'll be going...it was...an unpleasant meeting." Gilgamesh said as he vanished. "Shit." Kakashi said as he looked around.

Reconstruction on the new bridge began almost immediately. Taking four more weeks and extending the mission deadline, the walk back to the village was silent, Kakashi lost in thought. "The bridge just vanished...no that's not the right word, it was still there...just grew in size and changed shape. What kind of ninjutsu allows one to do that...especially with no hand seals" he thought as he walked, "Not to mention how casually he did it. He's pretty high level...maybe even stronger then me...and that maybe is pretty loose."

Hiruzen stared at Kakashi. Not quite sure what to say about the news he just received, finally sighing and standing up. Walking to his window and frowning. "Shocking to say the least." he began. "As far as I can tell he poses no immediate threat, but I would still be concerned. Especially if his ally's are nearby as well." he continued.
Staring out of the window for a few more seconds before sitting back down. "We shall continue with the exams as normal.security around the village will be tightened, I'll alert Jiro and Danzo." he said slowly, "For now. Just take it easy Kakashi."
"Yes sir."

They had erected a tower on the Northern border of mist. Resembling the towers of their homeland with a just a few differences. The domed roof decorated with a golden statue, inside was a spiraling marble staircase that if followed to the top would lead to the room of the leader, if followed to the bottom it led to the storage room. Arches and ornate windows decorate the castles exterior and few birds occasionally landed on the flag pole near the top.

Sargon stared at Gilgamesh. The short man adjusting his thin, round glasses and clearing his throat, "Welcome back master...did you expedition go well?" he asked. "Umm, yeah, the natives weren't very friendly tho. I did enjoy the scenery tho, hey you wouldn't mind gathering the High Synedrion would you?."
Sargon pointed to the doorway, "They're already back." He said as Ezra and Miriam walked in, Ezra a spiky headed blonde man who wore a black Gi and a yellow haori. Miriam wearing a sleek and thin breastplate made of magical reinforced bandages that wrapped her arms as well.
Her sleek black hair tied into two neat buns. Ezra and Miriam were followed by Uriel, Musashi and Baldwin. Uriel a short, tubby old man with a long beard that he combed frequently. He always wore a silk pajama set, calming it was convenient if he needed to sleep.

Musashi was the tallest of the group, towering over everyone else and always standing straight. Always carrying his sword much like Miriam, with one finger in the flower design around the tip of the hilt. His black hair was always cut short and he remained clean shaven. Baldwin was the youngest member and the newest, his hair was always braided and his dark skin had a strange gleam to it. "Where is the Grand Archon" Uriel asked as he walked past Gilgamesh, "A hello would be nice as well." Gilgamesh said.
"He's away." Musashi said simply, "he's always away." Miriam said as she plopped down on the large red sofa, "Very true, don't know why I bother asking." Uriel said as he lit his pipe, "You look very cheerful Gill...I reckon you found something good?." Ezra said, "Well...of course, natives and land. Lots of it, mostly on water tho, but there's more." He said slowly as he yawned. "The natives were incredibly troublesome so be careful with them." He added. "The great Archon said we take it village by village, I doubt we'll have much trouble." Baldwin said. "Getting our hands on the key will be child's play."
Uriel took out a small ivory comb and began running it through his beard. "Perhaps you underestimate the natives." He said, "I would imagine the supreme magic would be highly guarded secret." he continued, Baldwin snickered. "The ash gate was highly guarded by natives and look at how they ended up."
Gilgamesh twirled the small coin on the table. Watching as it grew to the size of an apple before shrinking it down to the size of an ant. "Natives or no natives we're getting that key." He said.

Team seven entered room 310 with dampened spirits. They had fallen for such a simple genjutsu and both Naruto and Sasuke had been clobbered by that spandex wearing weirdo Lee. Naruto clenched his fist and stared at his team, "Listen guys. We can't let a few petty loss's mess with us, the exams haven't even officially started, our goal isn't victory!, we're gonna fight to survive!." He shouted, attracting the attention of everyone in the room, "Naruto..." Sakura began. "Shut up." Sasuke finished, Shikamaru yawned as he approached them, "Way to put a target on your back Naruto." He said as he looked around. Choji nodding while munching on chips.

"Yeah Naruto, try keeping it down." Ino said. "I suggest you listen to your teammates." The genin turned towards the voice, a tall boy wearing round glasses and a purple outfit stood a few feet away shuffling a deck of cards. "Who are you." Sasuke asked. The boy stopped shuffling the cards and pushed his gray hair out of his face, "Kabuto...since you guys are rookies I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but it's best that you stay quiet." He said as he went back to shuffling his cards.
"You've taken the exams before?." Naruto asked. "Seven times, maybe this time I'll pass." He said as with a smirk, "You guys want in on some info?." He asked as he spread the cards.