
Leveling With My Divine Beast

Riku Fujimura is an ordinary college student who escapes his lonely life through RPG games. However, his world turns upside down when he stumbles upon a mysterious archway during a jog with his dog. Entering the archway, Riku finds himself in a dungeon reminiscent of his favorite games, where a translucent screen informs him that he must complete quests to survive. In his first quest, Riku battles a swarm of orcs, transforming his dog into the mythical Fenrir, now known as Rev. This initial victory marks the beginning of a perilous journey through an SSS-ranked dungeon, home to mythical creatures and dark magic. Riku and Rev develop an unbreakable bond as they face increasingly dangerous foes, their strength and skills growing with each encounter. Their ultimate challenge comes in the form of Beelzebub, a demon lord whose defeat earns Riku a legendary armor set, enhancing his powers and resilience. With each quest completed, Riku delves deeper into the dungeon's mysteries, uncovering secrets about the world's magic and his own latent abilities.

DreamweaverWrites · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The News

The morning sun streamed through the apartment window as Riku Fujimura stepped inside, his footsteps echoing softly on the wooden floor. He closed the door behind him, a sense of relief washing over him after the harrowing ordeal in the dungeon. Rev, his newly transformed Fenrir companion, padded silently by his side, his presence a comforting reminder of their recent victory.

Riku tossed his backpack onto the couch and collapsed next to it, exhaustion evident in every muscle of his body. The legendary armor set he had earned from defeating Beelzebub gleamed faintly, even in the soft light of the apartment. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to process everything that had happened.

"Rev, make yourself at home," Riku said, gesturing towards the apartment. The massive wolf looked slightly out of place in the small living space but settled down near the window, his eyes alert and watchful.

Riku turned on the TV, hoping to catch up on the news and get a sense of normalcy. The screen flickered to life, showing a news anchor with a serious expression.

"Good morning. Our top story today: a series of mysterious incidents have been reported across the globe. Strange, otherworldly creatures and dungeons have begun appearing in various locations, causing widespread panic and confusion. Authorities are urging citizens to remain indoors and avoid these areas at all costs."

Riku sat up, his heart pounding. The news anchor continued, "In addition, individuals who possess extraordinary abilities are being called upon to help combat these threats. These individuals, now referred to as 'hunters,' are tasked with entering these dungeons and dealing with the creatures within."

Riku's mind raced. The world was changing, and it seemed like the game-like reality he had stumbled into was now becoming a part of everyday life. He glanced at Rev, who met his gaze with a knowing look.

"The government has announced the formation of the Hunter Association, an organization dedicated to managing and supporting these hunters. Those blessed with abilities are urged to register immediately. However, it appears that not all abilities are the same. Some hunters have reported being able to see and use a system similar to a video game, but the specifics remain unclear."

Riku's heart skipped a beat. A leveling system? Was he the only one who had access to such a thing? He quickly opened his status screen, the translucent display appearing before him.

Name: Riku Fujimura

Level: 10

Class: Swordsman

HP: 500/500

MP: 200/200

Strength: 40

Agility: 35

Intelligence: 25

Endurance: 30

Luck: 20


Sword Mastery (Level 3)Dash (Level 2)Critical Strike (Level 2)Heal (Level 1)


Legendary Sword of BeelzebubLegendary Armor Set

Riku stared at his stats, a mixture of excitement and anxiety bubbling within him. He had always dreamt of having a system like this in real life, but the implications were daunting. He was a level 10 Swordsman, with skills and equipment that gave him an edge over ordinary people. But what did this mean for him now?

The news anchor's voice broke through his thoughts. "We go live to a press conference with the head of the newly formed Hunter Association, Mr. Takashi Yamamoto."

The screen switched to a podium where a middle-aged man with a stern expression stood. "Good morning. As you know, the appearance of these dungeons and monsters has created a significant threat. The Hunter Association has been established to address this crisis. Our primary goal is to support and train hunters, as well as to protect the public from these dangers. We urge anyone with abilities to come forward and join our ranks. Together, we can overcome this challenge."

Riku turned off the TV, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew he had a choice to make. He could try to live a normal life, ignoring the abilities and the leveling system he possessed, or he could embrace this new reality and become a hunter.

"Looks like we've got our work cut out for us, Rev," Riku said, glancing at his companion. Rev wagged his tail, a fierce determination in his eyes.

Riku stood up, the weight of his decision settling on his shoulders. He couldn't ignore what he had seen and experienced. The world was changing, and he had a role to play in it. He took a deep breath and opened his inventory screen, the familiar interface appearing before him. He equipped his Legendary Sword and checked his potions and supplies.


Health Potion x5Mana Potion x3Stamina Elixir x2Iron Sword (backup)Leather Armor (backup)

With his preparations complete, Riku turned to Rev. "Let's head to the Hunter Association. It's time to see what we're really capable of."

As they left the apartment, Riku felt a sense of purpose and determination he had never known before. The journey ahead would be fraught with danger, but with his leveling system and Rev by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The Hunter Association's headquarters was a bustling hive of activity. Hunters of all shapes and sizes milled about, some in groups discussing strategies, others alone, focused and intense. Riku and Rev entered the building, their presence drawing curious glances. A young woman at the reception desk smiled at them.

"Welcome to the Hunter Association. Are you here to register?" she asked.

Riku nodded. "Yes, I'm Riku Fujimura, and this is Rev."

The receptionist's eyes widened slightly at the sight of Rev, but she quickly composed herself. "Please fill out this form, and someone will be with you shortly."

Riku filled out the registration form, detailing his abilities and his experience in the dungeon. After a few minutes, a tall man with a stern expression approached them.

"Riku Fujimura? I'm Kaito, one of the senior hunters. I'll be conducting your assessment."

Riku followed Kaito through a series of hallways until they reached a large training room. The room was filled with various training equipment and targets. Kaito gestured for Riku to step forward.

"Let's see what you can do. Show me your skills."

Riku nodded and drew his Legendary Sword, feeling its familiar weight in his hand. He took a deep breath and focused, the system interface overlaying his vision.

Quest: Hunter Assessment

Objective: Demonstrate your combat abilities to the senior hunter.Reward: Hunter CertificationFailure: None

He began with a series of basic sword strikes, his movements fluid and precise. Kaito watched intently, his expression unreadable. As Riku continued, he activated his skills, moving faster and striking harder.

"Dash!" Riku called out, his body blurring as he moved across the room with incredible speed. He struck a series of targets in rapid succession, each blow landing with pinpoint accuracy.

"Critical Strike!" He focused his energy, delivering a powerful blow that shattered a training dummy.

Kaito nodded, a hint of approval in his eyes. "Impressive. You've got skill, no doubt about it. But how do you handle magic?"

Riku took a step back and concentrated. "Heal!" A soft green light enveloped him, mending the minor cuts and bruises from his previous battles.

Kaito raised an eyebrow. "A swordsman with healing abilities. Interesting."

As the assessment continued, Riku demonstrated his full range of abilities, his confidence growing with each successful skill execution. Finally, Kaito called for a halt.

"That's enough. You've proven yourself capable. Welcome to the Hunter Association, Riku Fujimura."

Riku felt a surge of pride and relief. "Thank you."

Kaito handed him a small device. "This is your hunter badge. It tracks your rank and status within the association. Keep it with you at all times."

Riku accepted the badge, feeling its weight in his hand. It was a tangible symbol of his new role and responsibilities. He clipped it to his belt and turned to Rev.

"We did it, buddy. We're official hunters now."

Rev barked in approval, his tail wagging energetically.

Kaito clapped Riku on the shoulder. "You've got potential, Riku. Keep training, and you'll go far. If you ever need guidance, don't hesitate to ask."

Riku nodded. "I will. Thank you, Kaito."

As they left the training room, Riku couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The world was full of unknown dangers, but he was ready to face them head-on. With Rev by his side and his leveling system to guide him, there was no limit to what he could achieve.

The next few days were a whirlwind of activity. Riku and Rev trained tirelessly, honing their skills and learning from experienced hunters. The Hunter Association provided them with resources and support, but Riku's unique leveling system set him apart. He quickly rose through the ranks, his stats and abilities improving with each quest completed.

Name: Riku Fujimura

Level: 12

Class: Swordsman

HP: 600/600

MP: 250/250

Strength: 45

Agility: 40

Intelligence: 30

Endurance: 35

Luck: 25


Sword Mastery (Level 4)Dash (Level 3)Critical Strike (Level 3)Heal (Level 2)Flame Slash (Level 1)


Legendary Sword of BeelzebubLegendary Armor Set

Riku couldn't help but marvel at his progress. The system was like a living, breathing game, with each new challenge bringing greater rewards. He and Rev became known for their efficiency and teamwork, their reputation growing within the association.

One evening, after a particularly grueling training session, Riku sat on the balcony of his apartment, gazing out at the city skyline. Rev lay at his feet, his eyes half-closed in contentment.

"Things are changing so fast," Riku mused, absently scratching behind Rev's ears. "But I feel like this is just the beginning."

Rev opened one eye and gave a soft huff of agreement.

Riku opened his status screen again, reflecting on his journey so far. He had come a long way from the lonely college student who stumbled into a dungeon. Now, he was a hunter, a protector, and a hero in the making.

He closed the screen and stood up, stretching his tired muscles. "Come on, Rev. We've got work to do."

As they reentered the apartment, Riku felt a renewed sense of purpose. The world was full of challenges, but he was ready to face them. With his divine beast by his side and his leveling system guiding him, he would carve out a legacy that would be remembered for generations.

And so, with determination in his heart and a fierce resolve in his eyes, Riku Fujimura stepped into the unknown, ready to level up and embrace his destiny.