
Leveling With My Divine Beast

Riku Fujimura is an ordinary college student who escapes his lonely life through RPG games. However, his world turns upside down when he stumbles upon a mysterious archway during a jog with his dog. Entering the archway, Riku finds himself in a dungeon reminiscent of his favorite games, where a translucent screen informs him that he must complete quests to survive. In his first quest, Riku battles a swarm of orcs, transforming his dog into the mythical Fenrir, now known as Rev. This initial victory marks the beginning of a perilous journey through an SSS-ranked dungeon, home to mythical creatures and dark magic. Riku and Rev develop an unbreakable bond as they face increasingly dangerous foes, their strength and skills growing with each encounter. Their ultimate challenge comes in the form of Beelzebub, a demon lord whose defeat earns Riku a legendary armor set, enhancing his powers and resilience. With each quest completed, Riku delves deeper into the dungeon's mysteries, uncovering secrets about the world's magic and his own latent abilities.

DreamweaverWrites · Fantasy
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The First Official Mission

The next morning, Riku Fujimura awoke to the soft glow of sunlight streaming through his apartment window. He stretched, feeling the familiar ache of his muscles from the previous day's training. Beside him, Rev, his divine beast in the form of a Fenrir, was already awake, eyes alert and ears perked.

"Good morning, Rev," Riku said, giving his companion a pat on the head. Rev responded with a low, contented growl.

Riku got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face to shake off the last remnants of sleep. Today was an important day—his first official mission as a registered hunter. He quickly dressed in his training clothes, a mix of lightweight armor and durable fabric, and strapped his Legendary Sword of Beelzebub to his side.

After a quick breakfast, Riku and Rev left the apartment and made their way to the Hunter Association's headquarters. The streets were unusually quiet, a stark contrast to the bustling activity he had witnessed in the city just a few days ago. The recent news of dungeons and monsters appearing around the world had created an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.

When they arrived at the headquarters, the receptionist greeted them with a warm smile. "Good morning, Riku. You're just in time. The mission briefing is about to start."

Riku nodded and followed her to a large conference room where several other hunters were already gathered. At the front of the room stood Kaito, the senior hunter who had conducted Riku's assessment.

"Welcome, everyone," Kaito began, his voice steady and authoritative. "We have a critical mission today. A new dungeon has appeared on the outskirts of the city. It's classified as a B-rank dungeon, but we suspect it might contain higher-level threats. Our task is to investigate, clear out any monsters, and secure the area."

He gestured to a large screen behind him, which displayed a map of the city's outskirts with a red marker indicating the dungeon's location. "We'll be splitting into teams for this mission. Each team will have a specific role—scouting, combat, or support. Riku, you'll be leading Team Alpha. Your job is to handle the primary combat operations."

Riku felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was his chance to prove himself in the field. He glanced around at the hunters in the room, recognizing a few faces from his training sessions. They nodded in acknowledgment, ready to follow his lead.

"Team Alpha, assemble!" Kaito called out. Riku stepped forward, and four other hunters joined him—Hana, a mage with impressive magical abilities; Kenji, a skilled archer; Mei, a healer; and Takashi, a tank with formidable strength and endurance.

"Let's do this," Riku said, his voice firm. "We'll meet at the entrance to the dungeon in fifteen minutes. Make sure you're prepared."

As they dispersed to gather their equipment, Riku took a moment to open his status screen, checking his stats and skills one last time.

Name: Riku Fujimura

Level: 12

Class: Swordsman

HP: 600/600

MP: 250/250

Strength: 45

Agility: 40

Intelligence: 30

Endurance: 35

Luck: 25


Sword Mastery (Level 4)

Dash (Level 3)

Critical Strike (Level 3)

Heal (Level 2)

Flame Slash (Level 1)


Legendary Sword of Beelzebub

Legendary Armor Set

Satisfied with his preparations, Riku turned to Rev. "Ready for our first mission, buddy?"

Rev barked in response, his tail wagging eagerly.

They made their way to the designated meeting point, where the rest of Team Alpha was already waiting. The journey to the dungeon was uneventful, the tension in the air palpable as they approached the ominous structure. The entrance was a massive stone archway, similar to the one Riku had stumbled upon during his initial adventure.

"Stay alert," Riku instructed as they entered the dungeon, the air growing colder and darker with each step. The sound of dripping water echoed through the cavernous space, and the faint glow of luminescent moss provided minimal illumination.

The first chamber they encountered was empty, but Riku's instincts told him that danger lurked just beyond the shadows. "Kenji, scout ahead and report back."

Kenji nodded and moved silently into the darkness, his keen eyes and agility making him the perfect scout. A few minutes later, he returned, his expression grim.

"There's a group of goblins up ahead, about twenty of them. They're armed and look ready for a fight."

Riku nodded. "Alright, here's the plan. Kenji, take up a position where you can provide cover fire. Hana, use your magic to keep them off balance. Mei, stay close and be ready to heal anyone who gets injured. Takashi, you're with me on the front line. We'll take them head-on."

They moved into position, the tension mounting as they approached the goblins. Riku signaled for the attack, and Kenji's arrows flew through the air, striking the goblins with deadly precision. Hana's spells followed, explosive bursts of fire and ice causing chaos among their ranks.

"Charge!" Riku shouted, leading the charge with Takashi at his side. His sword flashed in the dim light, cutting down goblins with swift, powerful strikes. Takashi's shield and hammer were a formidable combination, bashing and smashing through the goblin ranks.

Rev leaped into the fray, his powerful jaws and claws tearing through the goblins with ease. The battle was intense, but Riku's team fought with coordination and determination. Mei's healing spells kept everyone in top condition, her presence a reassuring anchor in the chaos.

Quest: Clear the B-Rank Dungeon

Objective: Defeat the goblin horde and secure the dungeon. Reward: 1000 EXP, 500 Gold, Rare Item Failure: None

The system notification appeared as the last goblin fell, signaling their victory. Riku took a moment to catch his breath, glancing at his teammates. They were tired but uninjured, a testament to their skill and teamwork.

"Good work, everyone," Riku said, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Let's keep moving. There are bound to be more threats ahead."

They pressed on, navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the dungeon. The air grew colder, and the darkness seemed to deepen with each step. Riku kept his senses sharp, his eyes scanning for any signs of movement.

In the next chamber, they encountered a group of larger, more formidable enemies—orc warriors. These creatures were stronger and more resilient than the goblins, their heavy weapons and armor posing a significant challenge.

"Same strategy," Riku said, his mind racing. "Kenji, Hana, keep them off balance. Takashi and I will engage them directly. Mei, be ready to heal."

The battle that followed was even fiercer than the first. The orcs were powerful, their attacks relentless. Riku's sword clashed with their heavy axes, each strike sending shockwaves through his body. Takashi's shield held firm, protecting them from the worst of the onslaught.

"Flame Slash!" Riku called out, channeling his energy into his sword. The blade ignited with fiery energy, cutting through the orcs' armor and flesh with searing heat. The skill drained his mana quickly, but it was devastatingly effective.

Hana's spells rained down upon the orcs, explosive bursts of fire and lightning causing havoc in their ranks. Kenji's arrows found their marks, exploiting the openings created by Riku and Takashi's attacks.

Rev was a blur of motion, his powerful form darting in and out of the melee, his jaws and claws inflicting grievous wounds on the orcs. Mei's healing spells kept everyone in fighting shape, her calm presence a steadying influence.

The battle was hard-fought, but Team Alpha emerged victorious. The last orc fell with a heavy thud, its massive body hitting the ground.

Quest Complete: Clear the B-Rank Dungeon

Reward:EXP: 1000Gold: 500Item: Ring of Fortitude (Increases Endurance by 10)

Riku felt a surge of energy as the system notification appeared, his experience points increasing and a new item added to his inventory. He took a moment to check his status screen, noting the changes.

Name: Riku Fujimura

Level: 14

Class: Swordsman

HP: 700/700

MP: 300/300

Strength: 50

Agility: 45

Intelligence: 35

Endurance: 40

Luck: 30


Sword Mastery (Level 5)

Dash (Level 3)

Critical Strike (Level 3)

Heal (Level 2)

Flame Slash (Level 2)


Legendary Sword of Beelzebub

Legendary Armor Set

Ring of Fortitude

The new item, the Ring of Fortitude, shimmered faintly as Riku equipped it. He could feel its magic enhancing his endurance, bolstering his resilience.

"Let's take a quick break and regroup," Riku said, his voice steady. "We need to be ready for whatever comes next."

They found a relatively safe corner of the dungeon and settled down, taking the opportunity to rest and recover. Mei's healing spells worked wonders, mending their wounds and restoring their energy.

As they rested, Riku took the time to reflect on their progress. They had faced significant challenges, but their teamwork and skills had seen them through. He felt a growing sense of camaraderie with his teammates, a bond forged in the heat of battle.

"Riku, what's our next move?" Hana asked, her eyes bright with curiosity.

Riku considered their options. "We need to keep pushing forward. There are bound to be more powerful enemies deeper in the dungeon, and we need to secure it completely. Stay alert and be ready for anything."

They resumed their journey, moving cautiously through the dark corridors. The dungeon seemed to stretch on endlessly, a labyrinth of stone and shadows. Each step brought them closer to their goal, but also deeper into the unknown.

In the next chamber, they encountered a new type of enemy—giant spiders. These creatures were fast and deadly, their venomous bites and web attacks posing a serious threat.

"Kenji, Hana, keep them at a distance. Takashi, stay close and protect Mei. Rev and I will handle the frontline," Riku instructed, his mind racing with strategies.

The battle with the spiders was intense, their agile movements and venomous attacks keeping Team Alpha on their toes. Riku's sword flashed as he cut through their webs, his attacks precise and deadly. Rev's powerful jaws and claws tore through the spiders with ease, his agility matching theirs.

Hana's spells provided crucial support, her fire and lightning attacks keeping the spiders at bay. Kenji's arrows found their marks, exploiting the openings created by Riku and Rev's attacks. Takashi's shield held firm, protecting Mei as she cast her healing spells.

The battle was fierce, but Team Alpha emerged victorious once again. The last spider fell with a screech, its body collapsing in a heap.

Quest Complete: Defeat the Giant Spiders

Reward:EXP: 500Gold: 250Item: Spider Silk Cloak (Increases Agility by 5)

Riku felt another surge of energy as the system notification appeared, his experience points increasing and a new item added to his inventory. He took a moment to check his status screen, noting the changes.

Name: Riku Fujimura

Level: 15

Class: Swordsman

HP: 750/750

MP: 350/350

Strength: 55

Agility: 50

Intelligence: 40

Endurance: 45

Luck: 35


Sword Mastery (Level 5)

Dash (Level 4)

Critical Strike (Level 3)

Heal (Level 2)

Flame Slash (Level 2)


Legendary Sword of Beelzebub

Legendary Armor Set

Ring of Fortitude

Spider Silk Cloak

The Spider Silk Cloak shimmered as Riku equipped it, its lightweight material enhancing his agility. He could feel the difference immediately, his movements becoming quicker and more fluid.

"Good work, everyone," Riku said, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Let's keep moving. We're making good progress."

They pressed on, navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the dungeon. The air grew colder, and the darkness seemed to deepen with each step. Riku kept his senses sharp, his eyes scanning for any signs of movement.

In the next chamber, they encountered a group of powerful enemies—dark elves. These creatures were skilled warriors, their attacks precise and deadly. They moved with an eerie grace, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

"Same strategy," Riku said, his mind racing. "Kenji, Hana, keep them off balance. Takashi and I will engage them directly. Mei, be ready to heal."

The battle that followed was intense, the dark elves proving to be formidable opponents. Riku's sword clashed with their blades, each strike sending shockwaves through his body. Takashi's shield held firm, protecting them from the worst of the onslaught.

"Dash!" Riku called out, his body blurring as he moved across the room with incredible speed. He struck a series of dark elves in rapid succession, each blow landing with pinpoint accuracy.

Hana's spells rained down upon the dark elves, explosive bursts of fire and lightning causing havoc in their ranks. Kenji's arrows found their marks, exploiting the openings created by Riku and Takashi's attacks.

Rev was a blur of motion, his powerful form darting in and out of the melee, his jaws and claws inflicting grievous wounds on the dark elves. Mei's healing spells kept everyone in fighting shape, her calm presence a steadying influence.

The battle was hard-fought, but Team Alpha emerged victorious. The last dark elf fell with a heavy thud, its body hitting the ground.

Quest Complete: Defeat the Dark Elves

Reward:EXP: 750Gold: 375Item: Elven Dagger (Increases Agility by 10)

Riku felt a surge of energy as the system notification appeared, his experience points increasing and a new item added to his inventory. He took a moment to check his status screen, noting the changes.

Name: Riku Fujimura

Level: 16

Class: Swordsman

HP: 800/800

MP: 400/400

Strength: 60

Agility: 55

Intelligence: 45

Endurance: 50

Luck: 40


Sword Mastery (Level 6)

Dash (Level 4)

Critical Strike (Level 3)

Heal (Level 2)

Flame Slash (Level 3)


Legendary Sword of Beelzebub

Legendary Armor Set

Ring of Fortitude

Spider Silk Cloak

Elven Dagger

The Elven Dagger shimmered as Riku equipped it, its lightweight material enhancing his agility. He could feel the difference immediately, his movements becoming quicker and more fluid.

"Good work, everyone," Riku said, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Let's keep moving. We're making good progress."

They pressed on, navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the dungeon. The air grew colder, and the darkness seemed to deepen with each step. Riku kept his senses sharp, his eyes scanning for any signs of movement.

In the next chamber, they encountered a powerful enemy—a dark elf commander. This creature was larger and more formidable than the others, its attacks precise and deadly. It moved with an eerie grace, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

"Same strategy," Riku said, his mind racing. "Kenji, Hana, keep it off balance. Takashi and I will engage it directly. Mei, be ready to heal."

The battle that followed was intense, the dark elf commander proving to be a formidable opponent. Riku's sword clashed with its blade, each strike sending shockwaves through his body. Takashi's shield held firm, protecting them from the worst of the onslaught.

"Dash!" Riku called out, his body blurring as he moved across the room with incredible speed. He struck the dark elf commander in rapid succession, each blow landing with pinpoint accuracy.

Hana's spells rained down upon the dark elf commander, explosive bursts of fire and lightning causing havoc in its ranks. Kenji's arrows found their marks, exploiting the openings created by Riku and Takashi's attacks.

Rev was a blur of motion, his powerful form darting in and out of the melee, his jaws and claws inflicting grievous wounds on the dark elf commander. Mei's healing spells kept everyone in fighting shape, her calm presence a steadying influence.

The battle was hard-fought, but Team Alpha emerged victorious. The dark elf commander fell with a heavy thud, its body hitting the ground.

Quest Complete: Defeat the Dark Elf Commander

Reward:EXP: 1000 Gold: 500 Item: Commander's Amulet (Increases Strength and Agility by 10)

Riku felt a surge of energy as the system notification appeared, his experience points increasing and a new item added to his inventory. He took a moment to check his status screen, noting the changes.

Name: Riku Fujimura

Level: 18

Class: Swordsman

HP: 900/900

MP: 450/450

Strength: 70

Agility: 65

Intelligence: 50

Endurance: 55

Luck: 45


Sword Mastery (Level 7)

Dash (Level 5)

Critical Strike (Level 4)

Heal (Level 3)

Flame Slash (Level 4)


Legendary Sword of Beelzebub

Legendary Armor Set

Ring of Fortitude

Spider Silk Cloak

Elven Dagger

Commander's Amulet

The Commander's Amulet shimmered as Riku equipped it, its powerful magic enhancing his strength and agility. He could feel the difference immediately, his movements becoming quicker and more fluid, his attacks more powerful.

"Good work, everyone," Riku said, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Let's keep moving. We're making good progress."

They pressed on, navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the dungeon. The air grew colder, and the darkness seemed to deepen with each step. Riku kept his senses sharp, his eyes scanning for any signs of movement.

In the final chamber, they encountered the dungeon boss—a powerful demon. This creature was massive, its body covered in dark, jagged armor. It wielded a massive sword, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

"Same strategy," Riku said, his mind racing. "Kenji, Hana, keep it off balance. Takashi and I will engage it directly. Mei, be ready to heal."

The battle that followed was intense, the demon proving to be a formidable opponent. Riku's sword clashed with its massive blade, each strike sending shockwaves through his body. Takashi's shield held firm, protecting them from the worst of the onslaught.

"Dash!" Riku called out, his body blurring as he moved across the room with incredible speed. He struck the demon in rapid succession, each blow landing with pinpoint accuracy.

Hana's spells rained down upon the demon, explosive bursts of fire and lightning causing havoc in its ranks. Kenji's arrows found their marks, exploiting the openings created by Riku and Takashi's attacks.

Rev was a blur of motion, his powerful form darting in and out of the melee, his jaws and claws inflicting grievous wounds on the demon. Mei's healing spells kept everyone in fighting shape, her calm presence a steadying influence.

The battle was hard-fought, but Team Alpha emerged victorious. The demon fell with a heavy thud, its body hitting the ground.

Quest Complete: Defeat the Demon Boss

Reward:EXP: 1500Gold: 750Item: Demon King's Crown (Increases All Stats by 10)

Riku felt a surge of energy as the system notification appeared, his experience points increasing and a new item added to his inventory. He took a moment to check his status screen, noting the changes.

Name: Riku Fujimura

Level: 20

Class: Swordsman

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 500/500

Strength: 80

Agility: 75

Intelligence: 60

Endurance: 65

Luck: 55


Sword Mastery (Level 8)

Dash (Level 5)

Critical Strike (Level 5)

Heal (Level 4)

Flame Slash (Level 5)


Legendary Sword of Beelzebub

Legendary Armor Set

Ring of Fortitude

Spider Silk Cloak

Elven Dagger

Commander's Amulet

Demon King's Crown

The Demon King's Crown shimmered as Riku equipped it, its powerful magic enhancing all of his stats. He could feel the difference immediately, his movements becoming quicker and more fluid, his attacks more powerful.

"Good work, everyone," Riku said, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Let's head back and report our success."

They made their way out of the dungeon, the tension in the air lifting as they emerged into the sunlight. Riku felt a sense of accomplishment, his first official mission a resounding success.

When they returned to the Hunter Association's headquarters, Kaito was there to greet them. "Excellent work, Team Alpha. You've exceeded our expectations."

Riku smiled, feeling a surge of pride. "Thank you, Kaito. It was a team effort."

Kaito nodded. "You've proven yourselves today. Keep up the good work, and you'll continue to rise in the ranks."

As they left the headquarters, Riku felt a sense of anticipation for the future. He had taken his first steps as a hunter, and there were many more adventures ahead.

Status Update:

Name: Riku Fujimura

Level: 20

Class: Swordsman

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 500/500

Strength: 80

Agility: 75

Intelligence: 60

Endurance: 65

Luck: 55


Sword Mastery (Level 8)

Dash (Level 5)

Critical Strike (Level 5)

Heal (Level 4)

Flame Slash (Level 5)


Legendary Sword of Beelzebub

Legendary Armor Set

Ring of Fortitude

Spider Silk Cloak

Elven Dagger

Commander's Amulet

Demon King's Crown

With a renewed sense of purpose, Riku and Rev set out on their next adventure, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. The world was full of dangers, but Riku was determined to rise to the occasion and become the greatest hunter of them all.