
Leveling System in Naruto

This novel is about a weak and sick boy who is selected by the Universe Consciousness to get reincarnated in the Naruto World with a System and some perks. ----------------------------------- It's my first webnovel so feel free to contact me if there is a mistake so that I can improve the quality of the Novel. This contains no Harem or R-18 scenes as I am not interested in those. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Daddy2604 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

New Life

After bidding farewell to the universe consciousness Saiki tried to open his eyes but he couldn't all he could feel is a stickiness in his limbs so he thought he was in a mothers womb. He then tried to contact with the universe consciousness.

[Hello host, the universe consciousness will be no loner be available but I am here to take care of you from now on. You can also consider me as an auxiliary system with all system capabilities.]

"So can you level me up and show me status then?"

[I can indeed show you your status but I can't level you up but I can give you quests and give you rewards such as stat points, skill points, ninjutsu, etc.]

"So how does these rewards come from"

[System can't give you rewards from nothing. Even though you being born creates a connection between Naruto World and Main Universe it's not strong. So every time you complete a quest it makes the bonds between the two world stronger due to which the Universe Consciousness rewards you for your hard work according to this universes rule.]

"Ok. I understand so can you show me my status"

[Host Name : ???

Age : unborn

Hp: 20 {(Dex*2+Str+Agi)*10}

Cp: 50 {Cha*100}

Str : 0.5

Agi: 0.5

Dex: 0.5

Int: 10

CC: 0.5

Cha: 0.5


"Can you elaborate how are the stats considered for a Ninja"

[Yes host the stand for stats is

Normal Person:10

Genin: 10-20

Chunin: 21-40

Jonin: 41-60

Elite Jonin: 61-80

Kage: 81-120

Super Kage: 121- 160 (Madara Eternal Mangyekyo, Hashirama)

Six Paths:- 161- 200 (Sage of six paths, Madara Six Path, Obito Six Path)

Demi-God: 201-250 (Otsutsuki Clan)


[Chakra is

Academy student: 0-100

Genin: 100-200

Chunin: 201-400

Jonin: 401-800

Elite Jonin: 801-1500

Kage: 1501-5000

Super Kage: 5001- 10000 (Madara Eternal Mangyekyo, Hashirama, Below 7 tails)

Six Paths:- 10001- 20000 (Sage of six paths, Madara Six Path, Obito Six Path, 7 tails and above)

Demi-God: 20001-35000 (Otsutsuki Clan)


"So according to you is Kaguya is a demi god and Naruto and Sasuke should be Six Path then how can they defeat Kaguya ?"

[Host even though Kaguya is a demi-god she got her strength due to god tree and never really know how to use her power as there was no need for her until her children sealed her and after that she was in her seal for next 1000 years so she was never really familiar with her strength]

[Host get ready you are going to be born soon]

"Whattt" Saiki felt a like he was bein pushed some where . After sometime he was finally out all he was able to see a beautiful women with white hair and blue eyes smiling at him with a pale face. Suddenly a man with black eyes and brown hair comes to her while yelling "Megumiii". She answers "It's okay Seichi. Look at our baby how cute he is". That man takes me in his arm and says "Saiki Gojo that's your name my son"

"Huh Gojo, system what the hell is going on" I asked to the system.

[The Universe Consciousness know that you love the character Gojo Satoru So he decided to give you his family name as a gift]

"Thanks" I replied as I thought 'Anyway my previous family didn't like me. Maybe the new life isn't actually bad'

After which I started smile which also caused my parents to smile


It's been a year since I was born I was always quiet child. At first my parents were worried that did I have any problems or not due to which I had to act like a child sometimes which even thought I didn't like it but I was happy as it made my parents smile. They loved me so much that I felt like there is nothing more that i can get in this life. I started crawling at the age of 3 months, spoke my first words mom and dad at 5 months which made them almost cry and started walking at 8 months old I was considered a genius according to my neighbor's.

"Dad! Dad! can you teach me ninjutsu I wanna be a ninja" I asked my dad as my parents are both jonin.

"Haha you ae still young Saiki wait for you to be at least 5 year old dad promises to teach you" he replied.

I sulked but no choice who made me so young. Like this time went by and another year passed. I first decided to ask the system to train but he said the same reply as my dad said that 4-5 is the optimum age to start training or it can cause hidden injuries' to the body hat determines my future. I was quite happy and enjoying my family life until that event occurred that changed my entire life and the worst moment in my life in which I lost everything and for the first time I felt powerlessness.

The Nine-Tails attack that occurred at 10 October Konoha 48.

"The real story is gonna begin from the next chapter.


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