
Leveling System in Naruto

This novel is about a weak and sick boy who is selected by the Universe Consciousness to get reincarnated in the Naruto World with a System and some perks. ----------------------------------- It's my first webnovel so feel free to contact me if there is a mistake so that I can improve the quality of the Novel. This contains no Harem or R-18 scenes as I am not interested in those. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Daddy2604 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Into the Naruto World

In a apartment in Tokyo a guy with a pale and sickly complexion can been seen watching the anime called One Piece. Even being sick can't hide his handsome face with silky smooth black hair and beautiful blue eyes that sparkle as night. "Damn Kaido really deserves to be the strongest creature no matter how he gets beaten he never really gets injured, I really eny him" said the boy.

His name is Seiki Yoshitaka, he has a weak body due to birth complications such that he can barely walk for half an hour before getting knocked out. He being the youngest child in the family nobody really cared about him. His parents were disappointed in him even though it wasn't his fault. Even though they live in a single house other than a maid bringing him food and medicine nobody even visits him other than having a family reunion. He hated himself for being weak and wished to die until a day one of his cousins came from abroad and watched anime with him from that on he got himself immersed on anime and wished to get reincarnated on them after seeing their supernatural powers. His favourite anime were Naruto, Fairy Tail, MHA, Jujutsu Kaisen, Black Clover and Demon Slayer.

"Man that was really one hell of an episode, I wish I could be able to do it. ' GOD IF YOU EXIST PLEASE LET ME BORN IN AN ANIME WORLD' like hell it come true" said Saiki.

[Condition for transmigration has been successfully met]

"Huh' who's there"

[Selecting the world]

"Hey answer me"

[Selected World: Naruto World]

[Difficulty: 10 Stars]

"Don't ignore and answer me"

[Transmigration Begins








Suddenly a black hole like huge hole came in front Saiki and stated sucking him in

"F**KKK" were his last world before vanishing.

Saiki slowly opened his eyes all he can seen is a white room with no door or window.

[Hello host]

"What??? huh' wait who are you? where am I? what's gonna happen to me?"

[Please calm yourself and listen to my explanation]

'huff' sighed Saiki before calming himself and said "Yes please continue"

[Ok host. Firstly you have been selected to be transmigrated to the Naruto world as you met with all the pre required conditions.]

"Wait you said condition and transmigration? Isn't Naruto a fictional world how can it even exist?"

[As for conditions they are

1. The host should have the minimum interaction with the living world so that the disappearance of the host shouldn't have a big impact on the world and it's easier to erase hosts presence from the world.

2. The host should be the one who should initiate the transmigration process by wishing it.

3. The host shouldn't have any bad karma and any malice to the upcoming world.]

"Okay, I understand the conditions but can fiction even exist."

[Yes as host said the almighty God 'One Above All' have only created this Universe but during it creation he got himself killed in the process and all it was left was it me which you can call 'Heavenly Dao' or 'Universe Consciousness' as you wish. As for the answer to your question during the death of God his power the power to create something out imagination was also dissolved in the universe. As human beings being the the only intelligent race in the universe to have high imagination their imagination leads to creation of the fictional world but there are also conditions such as amount of people imagining the same thing, total amount of time for imagination and population of imagination. And if you ask if it's only limited to human beings then it's not if there is another race that has the same amount of imagination as human beings their imagination can also create fictional worlds but the conditions has to be met.]

"So it's all based on imagination. But is the fictional world inside our universe or has it's own universe and can it continue to exist?"

[As the host said the fictional world doesn't exist in our universe but other universes until now there has been nearly 1093 fictional Universes. And as for your second question even if humans imagination can create a Universe it cannot be maintained for a long time because the power of 'One Above All' is dissipated in our universe so we select an individual with the conditions I said earlier so that we send him/her to the fictional world and make a connection with our main universe and removing it from the fictional world to real world.]

"So if I go there and meet people will they be fiction or real people and will it continue to follow the plot ?"

[As I earlier said the moment host gets born in that world it will no longer be under fictional but real world. And if you ask me will it continue to follow the plot it may have changes as you are in that world. And host every thing in this universe move according to karma and destiny so it's not plot that makes them do it's their destiny same was for your and all other lives in the main universe.]

"So what is destiny and how is it related to karma"

[I cannot Fully explain it to you as it may take hundreds or even thousands of years and universe is also learning something each and every second and goes on upgrading itself just like human beings do.]

"Okay I understand, so do I get some perks or something as said in those transmigration novels"

[Yes you get 2 of the following things

1. Dark Dark fruit

2. Tremor Tremor Fruit

3. Gravity Gravity Fruit

4. Breathing Techniques

5. Six eyes

7. Limitless

8. Haki and Navy Six Styles

9. Demon Slayer Ice

10. Anti-Magic(Chakra) Sword ]

[Should I start the Lottery]


"Yes Please" said Saiki with sparkling eyes

[Congratulations to host for getting Haki and Navy Six Styles]

[Congratulations to host for getting Gravity Gravity Fruit]

"So how do I really get them?" asked Saiki

[For the information of host you get the Gravity Fruit as your kekkei genaki and Haki and Navy styles as Ninja techniques further information will be given after your birth]

[So are you ready host]

"Yes I am ready"

[Here you go Host, Best of luck for your new life. I hope you find your true family here]

"Thank you for everything"with that said Saiki vanished from there.

Somewhere in Konoha a pregnant woman is wailing in pain.