
Level Up Heroes

A simple world much like our own, or at least it was, until a fox like creature makes an appearance and begins to talk to a man who should be nearing death’s door. Just as the man was reaching his final breath the creature asked him a question, the question the creature asked was a simple one, and yet, it changed the entire world. Once the question was answered the man closed his eyes, only to open them and find himself in a small room, much younger then he was before as he glanced at the door and seen the creature standing there smiling as he said “Don’t just sit there, you’re gonna be late for your first day of class.”

Stardew · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 The First Day Of Class

While walking to class Leo excitedly said "I can't wait to meet the teacher, I was so excited I could hardly sleep!" Anna stared at him as if she was pitying him as she said "I don't think it should be something you fuss over so much." Leo stared at her as he asked "Why's that?" As they entered the classroom Anna said "That's because we all have the same teacher no matter what class we're in." Once in the room Thomas who was standing in front of the class glanced at them and said, "Take a seat wherever you like, we probably won't be in here too often anyway." Leo stared at him for a moment in shock and then pointed at him as he shouted "What are you doing here?" Thomas stared at him in silence as he asked "What the hell are you talking about? I'm the teacher." Leo stood there in silence for another moment and then mumbled "Wait… she said we all have the same teacher, what does that mean?" Leo stared at him for another moment before he asked "Do you have a clone superpower?" Thomas nodded as he said, "Yeah something like that." Leo got closer to him as he asked "What other abilities do you have?" Thomas opened his menu and pushed it towards him as he said "Take a look yourself." As he shown him all the other students got extremely excited and began to scroll through a very long list of powers. While scrolling one of the students asked "Just how many powers do you have?" Thomas closed the box icon as he said "Most heroes keep that secret." As the class fell silent Thomas smiled as he said "But I don't really care if you know or not so I'll tell you anyway." Thomas's smile grew wider as he said "I have all currently known powers."

The class all stared in disbelief as one of the tall blonde male students said "We know you have a lot of powers, but all of them?" Thomas flinched as he shouted, "I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth!" Anna glared at the kid as she shouted "He is telling the truth, I can guarantee that he's the strongest person you've ever met!" The boy laughed as he said, "Yeah right, as if I'd believe that after I met Galactic Warlord!" Anna continued to glare at him as she mumbled "I bet if you saw him in action your attitude would change." Thomas cleared his throat as he said "Well whatever… not like you believing me will change anything anyway." Thomas walked over behind the desk as he said "Just take your seat, there should be about seven of you in this class." Thomas glanced at the boy as he said "There's normally more but this class is where the students with the least promise are put." As they all went to their seats the boy muttered "Least promising my ass, I got more potential than anyone at this stupid school." Thomas glanced over at the class and then sat down as he said "Let's see… within the introductions I've managed to see that Leo is excited to become a hero… Anna has a somewhat proud attitude." Thomas glanced at the boy and said "Your Luke right? Kinda snarky and arrogant." Luke glared at him as he shouted "I'm not arrogant! I'll prove it and become the best hero you've ever seen." Thomas ignored him as he glanced at a girl towards the back of the room with long black hair that mostly hid her eyes and said "Sophie… the quiet timid type… you were born with a pretty powerful ability… the only reason you're in this class is due to your lack of confidence."

Sophie lowered her head to the desk and put her hands on top of her head as she whispered "I'll work hard." Thomas nodded as he said, "I'm sure you will… but figuring out how to boost your confidence might be a bit tricky." Thomas glanced at another girl who was staring intensely at him in anticipation and silence. Thomas stared back at her for a moment and then said "Alice your ability is called observation right? I bet you're waiting for an icon to pop up in front of you with all of my abilities." As he said this she flinched and nervously said "O-of course not, I would never do that without your permission." Thomas grabbed a paper off of a nearby desk and said "It says here that you actually worked hard to get your ability to that stage ever since you were young." Thomas set the paper down as he said "Your only a stage away from upgrading it into insight." The class seemed amazed by this as Alice said "Y-yeah well, I need to work hard if I wanna make it big as a hero." Thomas nodded as he said, "Yeah, I suppose so, it's a good thing that I have a student like you who's eager to both learn and put in the work." Thomas glanced at a boy and girl as he said "Next up is… you two, the boy's name is Evan, he's a pretty rambunctious person if my memory recalls." As Thomas said this Evan stood up on his desk and said "Yeah that sounds about right." Thomas threw chalk at his head knocking him off the desk and onto the floor as he said "Don't stand on the desks, this isn't the opening ceremony so stay seated and quiet." As Evan got back into his seat Thomas glanced at the last student and said "Now then you are… Mia, an outgoing social butterfly."

Thomas glanced at Alice as he said "I know you're interested in my abilities so if you stop staring at me like that I'll give you access to my menu icon once we finish, so please stop staring." Alice flinched as she was noticed and then said "W-wait really?" Thomas nodded as he said, "Of course, after all leveling up your ability requires one to be curious, your ability started off as improved memory, so you had to learn lots of things and memorize them in order to upgrade that ability, now if you want to level it up again you have to observe all sorts of things and memorize them, or pay points to upgrade it, and as a teacher, I'm supposed to help you all improve." Alice excitedly sat there as she said "Alright then I'm looking forward to it!" Thomas turned around to the whiteboard and began to draw on it as he said "Overall your abilities could definitely use some work, and if it's not your abilities then it's your personality." As Thomas took a step back from the board he said "The best course of action for today would be to help people with minor things." Thomas stood there for a moment and then continued to write on the board as he said "I guarantee that some of you have gained a very few points through helping someone help with things they need, for example, finding someone's cat or even helping someone clean." Thomas circled something on the board and then stepped back saying "I think it's best if we hang around a quiet neighborhood and help with minor tasks such as these, it should give you a chance to slightly raise your points and give you all a bit of experience towards being a hero."

As Thomas walked towards the students they all appeared in a small peaceful-looking neighborhood with trees that lined the road and green grass in front of every house. The students began to look around in amazement as one of them excitedly said "It's that teleportation power they used in the entrance exams." Thomas glanced around the neighborhood briefly as he said "This place should work." Thomas glanced towards the students as he said "Alright, go do whatever you can, it should reward you somewhat but I don't think anything here will reward you with a full point on its own so work hard to become stronger." As most of the students began to walk off Luke shouted "I came here to be a superhero, not a house cleaner!" Thomas stared at him with an annoyed look as he asked "Does it look like I care what you want?" Luke glared at him and began to walk off as he said "I thought this was supposed to be the best superhero school!" As Luke passes Sophie she whispered, "I-it does have the lowest mortality count." Luke glared at her as he shouted "What did you say about me!" Sophie panicked as she nervously said, "I-I didn't say anything about you!" As Leo watched them he said, "It's hard to believe that guy wants to be a hero." As Leo continued to walk around he seen that Sophie was standing outside of one of the houses by the door patiently waiting. Leo stared at her for a moment as he asked "What's she doing?" After waiting a few moments Sophie finally raised her hand and knocked on the door.

As the door opened Sophie quickly and quietly said "I-I'm part of the Level Up Heroes school and was wondering if you have anything you need help with!" The man standing at the door stared at her for a moment in confusion and then asked "Did you need something?" Sophie began to panic as she tried talking and ended up saying "I-I'm… Level Up Heroes, I go to Sophie and would like to help you!" The man stood there for a moment and stared at Sophie who now had a bright red face and then said "So your name is Sophie?" After a few moments, Sophie nodded and whispered "Y-yes." The man thought for a moment and then said "I don't really need help with anything, but I'm pretty sure my neighbor needed a hand with lawn work." Sophie nodded as she whispered, "Thank you." As the man closed the door he said "No problem, but next time try to get your introduction right." As Sophie walked past Thomas to the next house he grabbed her shoulder and said "I've had a student or two like you before." Thomas reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper that read "I'm Sophie! A hero in training at Level Up Heroes! Is there anything I can help you with?" Sophie grabbed the card with both hands as she whispered "T-thank you, sir." As Sophie walked to the next house Thomas mumbled "If I had to guess she's probably saving up for the bravery power." As Sophie knocked on the next door she whispered to herself "Just relax… all you have to do is show them this card." After standing there for a moment the door began to open. Once the door was open and an old woman was visible Sophie bowed while holding the card out in front of herself.

The old woman took the card for a moment and then handed it back to her as she said "I could use some help with yard work, it's quite hard to do things like mowing the lawn with this old body." Sophie nodded and then whispered, "I-I'll take care of it for you." As Sophie walked over to Thomas nervously he asked "Do you need something?" Sophie nodded and then whispered, "I need something to cut grass with." Thomas held his hand out beside him as he said "I'll get you a lawnmower." As a lawnmower appeared beside them Thomas said "Be sure to bring it back to me once you're done." Sophie began to push it towards the old lady's house as she nodded and whispered "Thank you." As Thomas stood there Leo approached him and said "Some people have apparently gone missing recently." Thomas glanced at him for a moment and then said "So?" Leo stared at him as he shouted "What do you mean so?" Thomas stared at him as he said "So what are you gonna do about it? Stand around and tell me or start searching?" Leo flinched for a moment and then said "R-right, I thought you were saying that it wasn't important." As Leo ran off he said, "Finding some missing people is gonna be a bit tough." While walking Leo spotted Alice who was strolling up and down a sidewalk muttering to herself. As Leo approached her he said, "Hey Alice, you have a power that can help find people right?" Alice glanced at him as she said "I suppose it could do that." Leo stared at her excitedly as he said "There are rumors in the neighborhood that some people have gone missing, can you use your power to help me find them!"

Alice thought for a moment and then said "I suppose if I was able to inspect the last place they were seen I might be able to get some information about it." Leo paused for a moment and then said "That would be their house right?" Alice stared at him as she said "If it looks like it's been ransacked I can probably figure it out, but if it just looks like a normal house I don't think I'd be able to get anything from it." As they stood there thinking Mia approached them and smiled while she asked "What are you two talking about?" Leo and Alice both turned and stared at her as Leo said "We're trying to figure out how to track down some kidnapped residents." Mia thought for a moment and then said "If that's all you need then I can track them down." Leo stared at her excitedly and then asked "Does that mean you have a really good ability?" Mia shrugged as she said, "I have an ability to track people down, but I'll need something that smells like that person." Leo stood there for a moment and then said "You need what?" Mia smiled as she said, "I have the super smell power, if I smell something with their smell on it I can use it to track the missing people down… so long as their scent is still around." Leo thought for a moment and then said "I suppose that's better than nothing… though it's a very odd power." Mia stared at him as she said "It's not weird! It's very useful, though I have to agree I feel as if I wasted a lot of points on that power." Leo stared at her excitedly as he said "You mean that's not your original power!" Mia nodded as she said, "Yup I'm keeping my real power a secret."

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