
Letters To My Ex

I always had the words stuck in my throat, choking me and begging me to let them loose but I never did. I've finally gained the courage to let them out and so here I am, pen and paper in hand with my whole heart to write out.

Jini_thewriter · Teen
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4 Chs


Monday 19th July, 2020,

Dear Liam,

It's so funny, how you always felt entitled to everything. You even felt back then that you were the one entitled to the right to end our relationship.

You didn't even end it in an easy manner. I still remember that day like it was just seconds ago. You walked into our room after your usual morning workout and headed straight to your side of the wardrobe and began pulling out all your clothes and stuffing them in your suitcase.

I still remember how I begged you, I even went on my knees and you didn't even bat an eyelash. The only time you acknowledged me was when you reached the door and tossed over your shoulder the word "goodbye".

Those actions you took really scared me a lot and being the emotional person I am, it took me a long time to get over the fact that you didn't need me anymore, and that I needed to begin living for myself and no one else, since it was quite obvious that I was living for you.

I was told that one of the new characters I picked up was rubbing things in peoples faces, it's probably one of the many reasons why I have been writing to you. I guess it just gives me a sense of accomplishment to know that you're reading this and realizing that you messed up big time.

Yours Sincerely,
