
Letters To My Ex

I always had the words stuck in my throat, choking me and begging me to let them loose but I never did. I've finally gained the courage to let them out and so here I am, pen and paper in hand with my whole heart to write out.

Jini_thewriter · Teen
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4 Chs


Tuesday 20th July, 2020,

Dear Liam,

This is the last letter I am going to write to you. It's really short so you can rest assured that my gloating is minimal.

I guess when I think about it, I cant thank you enough for leaving me. Make no mistake, my blood boils when I think of the way you dumped me, but the aftermath of you leaving me is what I am thankful for.

If you had not decided to give in to your bipolar disorder and come to the conclusion that you didn't need me again then I guess I would still be the same shy girl who's world revolved around you and for that I am honestly grateful.

As I said earlier, this letter is going to be short so this is where I end it all. It was fun in a way writing to you and letting you know what's been going on with me.

I guess I should have done this earlier, maybe then, you would have read it before you took your own life and I wouldnt have been feeling as miserable as I am right now.

I hope wherever you are, that you are doing better than when you were alive, and I hope that you now smile more. Though it doesnt matter, I still attached a picture of when we first met.

This is our final goodbye Liam Reeve, and I guess I should feel entitled because I, Devinne Williams, was the last woman in your heart.

Yours Sincerely,


This is where Letters To My Ex comes to an end.

Its really short cause it was created for a short story contest, which I won by the way.

To those who kept on reading, it means a lot. I guess this is goodbye

Tee out!!

Jini_thewritercreators' thoughts