

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the breeze blowing and a massive headache falls on me. Wait. How did I even get to bed? I grab my phone from the nightstand in an attempt to message Aiden but when I check my messages, I see his name on the top of the list.

Aiden : You're probably wondering how you got back to bed after you clearly passed out drunk on my lap last night. Well, to answer your question, I carried you. Hardest ten minutes of my life. If I had not been careful, we both would have fallen to our deaths. Also, I think I forgot to close your window. Anyway, good morning Peaches. I'm coming over to pick you up so get ready.

I smile at his cheekiness and I slowly get ready for school. I open my closet and take out a black pair of jeans, a white top and an army green jacket along with my black slip-ons and a silver diamond necklace Emily gave me for Christmas.

I walk downstairs and I only see mom and dad in the kitchen. Mom sees me first and informs my father that I'm coming and he turns around to see me. "Lorelai, sit down. We need to talk." He says.

"No, please. Let me. I feel awful about what I said last night. I could have handled things better but I didn't. it was wrong for me to say such things to you when all you've done is try to make me happy. I'm so sorry."

"No Lorelai, you were right. You have grown up. You're not a child anymore. We see that now. It's selfish and foolish of us to keep you all to ourselves. You deserve to explore the real world and live how you want to, but that doesn't mean we'll let you come home drunk every single night or get tattoos and such, but we will let you have fun and do things normal teenagers do. We're sorry about last night," says dad.

I walk over to them and I hug my father whilst pulling my mother as well. "I cannot express how much of a blessing you guys are." They wrap their arms around me and hug me even tighter. "As are you."

Suddenly, we hear stomping and Caleb shouts out, "And the family is back together!" Alex comes up from behind him and slaps his head. "Stop shouting early in the morning," he says. "Alright kids, let's have breakfast," says my mom. We pass the food to one another and we enjoy a family breakfast before we all go our separate ways. Right after I gulp down my orange juice, my phone receives a call from Aiden. I pick up and he immediately says, "I'm outside," and cuts the call. I stand up, grab my plate and glass and keep it in the sink. "I'm going to go now." I inform. "Is Emily already outside?" Mom asks. "No, Aiden is picking me up today."

"Do tell him that I hate him for not visiting anymore and that I am furious with him." I laugh. "Alright sure." I walk out and close the door behind me and Aiden honks his horn. Hurry up you snail!"

"Order me again and I'll walk slower on purpose." He groans and laughs. I run to his car and I open the door and get in. "I feel as if ever since I made Eddie sit behind, you've been picking me up first."

"Because you and Eddie will just fight over the front seat and I'd rather listen to your pathetic stories than hear him talk about all the girls he made out with." I burst out in laughter. "I shall take that as a compliment. Also, mom wanted me to tell you that she officially hates you for never coming over to visit her."

"My my, Lorelai's mother hates me. Whatever shall I do?" he teases and smirks. I laugh and swat his arm. "Let's go pick up Emily and Eddie already."

Aiden drives us over to Eddie's place and we see them already standing outside. On getting in, Eddie points out, "Is it just me or has Aiden purposely been picking up Lorelai first and making her sit in the front seat? I mean, whose sorcery is this?" Aiden and I laugh hysterically. "Surely not mine," I comment. "Neither is it mine," Aiden's comment follows. "You guys are weird," comments Emily.

Aiden drives us to school and like always, parks his car far away from school. We all get out and Aiden walks up next to me. "I have always wondered, why is it that you always park your car outside of school campus?" I ask curiously. "So I can leave easily without getting caught whenever I'm tired," he answers. I shake my head. Emily hooks her arm around mine and pulls me to school. On arriving, Rebecca and her clique show up in front of us, blocking our way. I roll my eyes and she scoffs. Aiden quickly stands behind me. I could feel his body tense up and him breathing heavily. I turn around and I see his expression was stone cold. I look back in front and I see Rebecca smirking at Aiden. Am I missing something here? "So Lorelai, are you planning on going to the masquerade ball?" She asks. "I don't see how it's any of your business," I snap. "It kind of is because this year, it will be held in my house."

"Well then, we'll just have to see when the time comes."

"What's wrong Lorelai? Parents can't afford an expensive dress? Is that why you're so hesitant?" Abigail, Rebecca's right hand speaks up. I was moments away from hitting her when Aiden grabs my hand to stop me. "Dawson, you and I still have shit to settle," Sean mentions. "Ready when you are," Aiden fires back. "Alright, how about now?" Sean pushes through everyone to walk up to Aiden and he does the same. I grab his hand and I look up to him. "Now it's my turn to stop you. He's not worth it Aiden." He looks at me and his eyes soften as he lets out a sigh. "What's wrong Dawson? Are you seriously letting your side piece dictate you? What happened to your manhood?" Sean aggravates him and succeeds. He pushes me aside and his fits comes in contact with Sean's face, causing him to fall down. Aiden gets on top of him and punches him till his face starts bleeding. Eddie and I grab Aiden and pull him away. Aiden resists at first but the moment he sees the both of us, he stops and lets go freely. Sean gets up with a smirk on his face as he wipes away the blood from his nose. I walk up to Rebecca with anger raging through me. "Look, I don't know what your problem is with me and I don't care enough to find out, but if you want to behave like a child, do it with someone else. If you want to keep up this petty behaviour, go back to kindergarten. I'm sure the kids there will all welcome you into their arms because frankly, none of us have time for your pathetic drama. So disrespectfully, take your bullshit somewhere else. Oh and, do tell your friends to stay away from mine as well because if they don't, the sun won't be shining on your life any longer."

The entire court goes silent. Rebecca looks at me with a shocked face. I grab Emily's hand and I pull her away. "Remind me never to piss you off again," she comments. I laugh and I turn around to hug her. "My head hurts now." She pats my head and pushes me away. "How about you go home?"

I shake my head. "I'll be missing classes."

"Your health matter more than your education."

"Smart people would prove otherwise." I smile and she shakes her head. "I'll be alright. If I can't make it through the first period, I'll tell Aiden to drop me."

"Why what's wrong?" Aiden asks as he comes walks up behind Emily. "Lory said her head hurts," Emily fills him in. "I'm perfectly fi-"

"You're still having a hangover?" Aiden cuts me off. "No I-"

"Hangover? You drank last night?" Emily asks me, cutting me off as well. "Ye-"

"Yeah, we both did. I went over to her place. She was so drunk I could not stop laughing."

"I swear, if you don't let me finish my sentence, I will seriously rip out both of your vocal cords," I threaten. My head suddenly hurts again. I let out a small groan as I squint my eyes. Aiden grabs my hand to give me support. "Whoa, easy there Peaches. Emily is right. I should get you home."

"But what am I going to tell my parents?"

"I'll handle them." Aiden leads me to the car with one of his hand around my waist and the other holding my hand. "You know this is all your fault right?"

"Didn't seem that way last night when you kept telling me how you're so lucky to have me and how grateful you are to have me as your best friend."

"Ew, I said that?"

"Yeah, even I was shocked." He opens the front seat and helps me get in and closes the door and he gets in the car and drives me home. "Did I puke on you last night?" I ask.

"No. I managed to get you to the bathroom in time."

"Oh, okay. Was it bad?"

"I've dealt with worse."

"With who?"

"No one."

"Aiden, tell me." He lets out a sigh and stays silent. "Rebecca," he finally lets out. My eyes grow wide. "What?"

He opens the car door and helps me get in and closes the door and gets inside as well where he sat silent for a few seconds, took a deep breath and finally answers.

"We dated a year ago. She'd always want to go to parties and I always wanted to make her happy. She would get drunk and I would always have to carry her to the bathroom so she can get the alcohol out of her system and she'd pass out right after."

"But Corbyn said that you're not one to be in a committed relationship." He lets out a nervous laugh. "I'm not. But it was different with Rebecca. It didn't feel like I had to commit to her, yet I knew I belonged only to her."

"Does that mean you loved her?" His face grows cold instantly. "I don't know. I don't really know what love is so I can't say."

"Would you go back to her?" my voice croaks. Why the hell am I asking such personal questions? He notices and he quickly looks to me to check my eyes. Luckily, tears did not come out. He shifts his eyes back to the road. "No. If I'm being honest, I didn't like who I was with her. She made me happy, but the package that came along with it was not worth it."

"What were you like?"

"My dad. I would get drunk every single night, break people's hearts. Make out with girls when Rebecca wasn't there. I know it's contradictory because I just said that I felt like I belonged to her, but Rebecca never really cared who I made out with, as long as I don't catch feelings and I went back to her at the end of the day. Eddie and Emily hated me for it. I got kicked out of the soccer team because of it. I made my mom cry every night. She wouldn't even look at me anymore. They didn't talk to me for a long time, except one day. Emily asked me how I would feel if you had come home and seen me like that. Like him." We both knew who he was talking about. "It was enough to open my eyes. I shouted at her saying that you'd never come back but let's face it, I'll always have a soft spot for you. The next day, I broke up with Rebecca and I apologised to them for being a huge asshole and the coach took me back in."

"And Stephanie?" his eyes grow wide this time. "Who told y-"


"He really needs to keep his mouth shut."

"It's not his fault. I asked him when I saw her being all over you the other day. He told me she was just a fling and that you cut things off on the first day of school."

"You know you could've just asked me directly, right?"

"It wasn't any of my business to pry about your love life."

"But you still did. And you still are."

I stay silent. Ouch. "Was she after you dated Rebecca?"

"Yes. She was just a rebound. I had a hard time getting over Rebecca. Eddie already threatened me that if I go back to my old ways, he would beat the living shit out of me."

"I know I have no right to ask this, but please promise me that no matter what, don't go back to her. I don't mind who you date really, just not her. Just the way you described your past life, it sounds like she's bad news." He puts his hand on top of mine and looks at me and smiles, "I promise."

Our conversation made me realise that I know nothing of this boy sitting next to me, and that chipped off a piece of my heart because I always thought that out of everyone, I knew him best, but I was entirely wrong. Aiden parks the car outside my house and says, "We're here." He gets outside and opens the door for me. "Okay so, you're going to have to act a lot more worse," he says. "What? Why?"

"If I'm going to have to talk to your parents, they must really buy our acting because telling your parents you're having a hangover will only get both of us in trouble." He slides his arm down my back and the other on my legs and carries me to the front door. "You know mom is going to kill you for carrying me this way, right?" Realisation strikes him and he immediately puts me down but still wrapping his arms around my waist. Mom walks up to me, concerned. "What's wrong?" she asks. Before I could answer, Aiden answers for me. "She almost fainted. We had a mock drill so we all had to stand outside. Can I please take her to her room?"

"Yes yes absolutely. I'll go get her some water." Mother walks to the kitchen whilst Aiden carries me upstairs as we both laugh softly.

He makes me sit down and prepares my bed and helps me get inside. "Get some rest you little monster," he says and kisses my forehead and leaves. Mother makes me drink plenty of water and makes me rest. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

My nose starts tickling and I quickly open my eyes and I see Dean rubbing a feather on my nose. "Get up stupid. We're having guests over." I rub my eyes drowsily. "What guests?" He walks to the door and slowly turns around. "Your best friend along with his mother." The hell? I grab my phone and I unlock it and see two messages, one from Braden and the other from Aiden. I discard Braden's and I open Aiden's message.

Aiden : Change of plans Peaches. Apparently we're not having dinner tomorrow because my mom just told me that your mom called us over for dinner. I will see you soon.

Well, this could either end up as a night to remember or a night to be forgotten in the morning. I open the message from Braden.

Braden : You're absent. Should I be worried?

Me : Sorry. Had a really bad headache.

Braden : Oh, too bad. I was going to take you out today. You still owe me a date after all :)

I laugh.

Me : I know the perfect date idea.

Braden : Oh do pray tell miss.

Me : Are you going to the masquerade ball?

Braden : Maybe. Why?

Me : Take me there.

Braden : I'm going to have to wait an entire month for it.

Me : The longer the wait, the greater the date ;)

Braden : XD Alright you win. I'm looking forward to it.

Me : As am I. Anyway, I'll talk to you later. We're having guests over.

Braden : Okay, have fun.

I turn off my phone and open my closet and take out a baby blue summer dress and I put it on along with white sandals. I hear the door bell ring and I quickly run down. On arriving, father has already reached the door before I could and he opens it. Aiden comes up to me. "Look who's all dolled up. Is it for me?" He teases. I laugh and shake my head. "You wish." I walk down to the end of the stairs and I go hug his mother and she hugs me back. "Don't tell mom I stayed over the other day," I whisper in her ear. "I got you baby girl," she whispers back and I smile. "Zelda!" Mother shouts out from the kitchen. "Lea sweetie!" Auntie Zelda shouts back and walks up to her. "Your mother is an overly great person," I compliment. "I know. Reminds me of you really," he looks at me and smiles. I roll my eyes and we both walk up to the kitchen. "Alex, go get the wine from the basement," my father orders my brother. "Let me help," Aiden follows Alex to offer him assistance.

I grab the plates from the cabinets and distribute them all over the table. "Sweetie, can you bring the wine glasses please," my mother requests. I nod and take out three wine glasses and I hand them over to my mom in the living room and I walk back to the kitchen where Alex and Aiden comes out from the basement. Alex walks into the living room and hands over the bottles of wine and he joins Aiden and I who have already lined up near the counter and we all look at our parents. "How many bottles do you think they'll finish tonight?" Aiden asks. "I just handed them two, so I guess four more," Alex answers. "Who do you think is going to pass out drunk first?" I ask. "Definitely your dad," Aiden answers. "Absolutely," Alex agrees. "I'm guessing I'll have to be the one to give them food later?" I ask. "Without a doubt, yes," they both say simultaneously. I shake my head.

Aiden and I walk upstairs as Alex leaves to meet his new girlfriend. "What do you want to do?" I ask as I get in bed. Aiden closes the door and takes out a bottle of wine from his pocket. "Finish the bottle of wine I basically stole from your dad's cabinet." I laugh. "What if they find out?" I ask with a smile on my face. "Kitten, we both know they're getting flat drunk tonight. We can just say that they drank this one too." He smirks and I laugh. I take out a deck of cards from my drawer and we both play on the floor. We hear a knock on the door and Aiden quickly hides the bottle as I get up to open the door, half drunk myself. I open and I see Dean standing outside my room. "I know you have liquor and I want some as well and I am not taking no for an answer," he demands. I laugh and I open the door fully, allowing him to come in. He walks in and sits next to Aiden. "Can I play too?" he asks. "Sure," I answer as I sit down. Halfway in, my head starts getting heavy. I lay down on the floor and I look up to the ceiling. "Lorelai, you good?" Aiden asks. "Spectacularly fine Aiden love," I respond. "'love'?" Dean asks as he looks at Aiden. He shrugs and says, "Don't look at me kid. Your sister is drunk as hell right now."

"Dean, leave us please," I request. "Gladly," he responds and leaves. I get up and crawl over to Aiden. "Lorelai, are you okay?"

"Don't 'Lorelai' me you idiot." He laughs although lightly concerned. "I wasn't honest earlier but I will be now. How dare you date that wretched b-" He quickly puts his hand on my mouth. "Stop before you say something you might regret in the morning." I remove his hand from my mouth. "I don't like that you were close to her. I simply won't allow it!" he laughs. "And why is that?"

"Because when we were five, you promised me you'd be my prince charming and we'd get married in a castle somewhere! And you belong to me and no one else! Got it?" he laughs even more. "Don't laugh!" I raise my hand in an attempt to slap him and he quickly grabs it and pulls me to his chest. He chuckles as he hugs me. "You really are a whole different person when you're drunk," he says. I try to push him away and he hugs me tighter. "Now how will I marry you if you constantly try to run away from my arms?" He teases. "Do you promise to marry me?" I ask. He pats my head and I slowly close my eyes and start to fall asleep. "I would marry no one else but you."