
Let our worlds collide

Can the introverted Kim manage to break the rude and suspicious school Kings' walls? Although it'll be hard but their chemistry is worth melting for :)

Tesora · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 Rule making

*Why does it have to be him?* Soren asked himself watching the stars in the middle of the sky. He went straight to the school basketball field because the gates were already locked, like Kim said. The night got chilly and Soren was forced to go back to the dorm if not the cold and mosquito won't let him survive. He snuck in through the window after seeing that Kim was sound asleep.

"He looks so innocent but he's really something" He said to himself standing above Kim. He went to his bed and curled up and kept thinking about how living with someone, especially Kim would feel.

Yawning out of bed, he noticed that the other bed was scruffy

*He came back to sleep* He thought getting up searching for his toothbrush.

He reached the bathroom door when it suddenly flung open. Soren caught his hand immediately to stop him from falling.

"Early in the morning you're starting a problem again huh?" Soren asked through his mask staring at Kim's eyes

Kim couldn't speak he was flushed by seeing Soren's athletic bare chest. He couldn't understand why Soren always wore a mask, he was still so cautious to put the mask on his face in the bathroom. Still with his mask on, his body was really amazing. His firm biceps and his shoulder was broad unlike Kim's slim stature.

"Are you done staring? You're burning red you know." He added seeing that Kim was only checking his body out

"No!" Kim shouted unconsciously.

"Oh so you want to see more?" Soren asked. His expressions were difficult to read through the mask but his eyes were really stunning. Kim blushed and was embarrassed by his reply he wanted to look away but that body was stuck in his mind.

"So...sorry, I didn't mean to" Kim finally answered lowering his head while shaking in fear

*He gets scared easily* Soren thought releasing him.

"If you're going to share a dorm with me I have some ground rules. Breaking them will result to a heavy punishment." Soren started walking off to his side of the room drying his hair with a towel.

"Rules?" Kim asked confused.

"Yes rules. One, never touch my stuff. Two, never speak to me in public like you know me. Three, I hate visitors so do not bring anyone here and lastly never pry into my personal business, like asking me to take my mask off." He stated applying lotion on his skin. Kim was speechless, he had an hard time understanding everything Soren had said.

"Don't worry, I'll write it down when I'm back." He said wearing his shirt

"I....I can add mine too right?" Kim started in a low tone.

"What?" Soren asked surprised.

"I mean since I also own the room I can add mine too." He replied gaining more confidence.

"And what's that?"

"We're not allowed to hate each other and must help each other in case of emergencies." He stated boldly.

"Emergencies?" Soren asked confused

"Yes. Like last time a had a panic attack." He replied still keeping his head down.

*So he has panic attack. Well it's not as severe as mine.* Soren thought for a while after hearing Kim's condition.

"That's two you dummy. Whatever, we'll go over this once I'm done with class." He said finally leaving the room. Kim took a deep breath after Soren had left. He was so scared he couldn't breathe properly. He took a shower and thought of the rules Soren had made.

*Can I really live here?*


"You're late Soren, what's up?" Aldo, Soren's friend started immediately he sat around the bench three handsome guys sat.

"Yeah no kidding. The top student finally goes soft." James added absorbed in the video game he was playing.

"I'm contesting for the School guy of the year or whatever it's called" Soren announced ignoring their questions.

"What! Isn't that stuff for like fresh men?" Jack the last one of the boys asked.

"Not really. Just that a lot of fresh men contest and the winner is a freshman so they started calling it that." Aldo corrected.

"Whatever. How can you contest? You can't even remove your mask and what made you sign up in the first place?" Jack asked again.

"You're so nosy. Whatever let's get to class" Soren said standing up to leave while the three other boys just followed him.

"Yeah. What about the new roommate?" James asked still playing his game.

"A fresher. I hate him!" Soren replied sharply.

"Woah! Easy there. Whoever he his he must be something to get you all worked up." Aldo teased laughing with James.

**How do I manage with him tonight?** Soren asked himself on their way to class


"How are your new dorms?" Ivy asked after Mei, Kim and Chon sat beside her.

"Yeah. I don't understand why we must live with a final year student." Chon replied

"My senior is always so clean. I think he has a disease. He even said I shouldn't spill water! Is it heaven or what?" Chon added

"Pig! He's just teaching you how to be clean like a human. I bet he has a hard time because of you." Ivy nagged immediately he finished talking.

"I stay alone. My senior stays with her boyfriend but her things are still there." Mei replied after taking a sip from her coffee.

"Mine is a scout actress. She says she'll stay out often." Ivy said applying lipstick her lips.

"What about you Kim? Who's your roommate?" Chon asked tapping the silent Kim who had buried his head in a book.

"Oh.... Senior Soren." He replied inaudibly.

"The senior Soren?!" Ivy and Mei screamed.

"Why?" Kim asked shocked by their expression.

"Yeah, why? You almost screamed my ears out!" Chon fired

"Senior Soren is the most respected in t he school" Ivy started making a cute face. She seemed to have a crush oh Soren.

"Yeah more like feared" Mei corrected she didn't really like Soren.

"Has a beautiful voice, is really rich good at every sports and top student of the whole Faculty of science. Great guitarist too. People say he wears his mask to hide his really handsome face" Ivy defended adoring Soren's image in her head.

"I think he's so ugly and thinks he's a hotshot." Mei said disgusted by Ivy's presentation.

"Yeah what kind of person is he?" Chon asked hating the description Ivy made

*He does have a good body* Kim thought making his face turn red.

"Hey! You're having a nosebleed!" Ivy said noticing Kim's nose. The unconscious Kim jerked back to reality from the thought of Soren's body and quickly blocked his nose.

"No! I don't want to see it!" He shouted as he ran off to the bathroom.

"What's with him?" Chon asked on seeing Kim's weird behavior.


"Stop thinking about it." Kim calmed himself facing the bathroom mirror after brushing his teeth. Kim had prepared to do his assignments after taking a shower. His roommate was nowhere to be found and it was already so late.

"Why does he always come late?" He asked himself taking down notes from a textbook. The room was quiet and Kim finished his assignments in peace. He decided to go to bed after he drank milk trying to wait up for Soren.


"How'd you manage to get drunk using a straw between your mask?" Aldo asked Soren who he was trying to keep under control.

"We better get him home." Jack suggested drunkenly

"What about James?" Aldo asked pointing to the dead asleep James.

"I'll take him." Jack answered getting up to move James.

It was really difficult for Aldo to sneak Soren to the back of his window but he managed to control him. He threw stones at his room window which woke Kim.

"What?" Kim asked scared pointing a torch down.

"Take your roommate up. I'll die if I'm caught" Aldo replied leaving Soren to rush back. Kim didn't want to go out that late but he couldn't manage but leave Soren out in the cold. He managed to drag Soren on his tiny weak body to the room.

"I'm hot!" Soren shouted unbuttoning his shirt.

"Shower and go to bed Senior Soren" Kim suggested to the half awake Soren.

"Isn't the air con on?" Soren asked again ignoring what Kim had said.

"Ye...Yes it is" Kim stammered seeing Soren bare chested. Soren went closer to Kim and sniffed his hair"

"Why does your hair smell so good?" He asked the flustered Kim.

"Wh....what?" Kim stammered again as Soren slowly sniffed his shoulder to neck.

"Senior Soren?" Kim called out when Soren didn't answer.

"You smell so good.... I want it" Soren whispered into Kim's ear after taking off his mask.

"Wh...what?" Kim asked stammering slowly being pinned to the wall with Soren's really enchanting face close to him.