
Let our worlds collide

Can the introverted Kim manage to break the rude and suspicious school Kings' walls? Although it'll be hard but their chemistry is worth melting for :)

Tesora · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 Panic attack

"Hmph! Third lesson and it feels like I've been here for ages" Chon yawned while stretching after their professor left the lecture hall

"It's still the first Chon. Get a grip lazy ass!" Mei said concentrating on the notes she was still taking.

*These friends are really something* Kim sitting at the far edge thought while packing his bag.

"Oh, what class do you have next Kim?" Mei asked noticing the quiet Kim

"I'm going to look for a club to join. It seems clubs are compulsory as I've read in the school brochure" He replied getting up ready to leave

"Yeah it is. Good luck finding one. I have to get to my next class." She said waving him goodbye.

"Hey! Wake that sleepyhead up and come with me!" She ordered irritated by seeing Ivy drool. Chon screamed at Ivy ears to wake her and she suddenly jerked up screaming beauty pills.

"Pfft, as if you're actually pretty" Chon said walking to meet up with Ivy

"What happened? Class is over already." Ivy asked herself not recalling when she fell asleep

"Hey wait up!" She called out.

"Baking club? Mmmhn I could learn to bake cookies but hope it's not crowded" Kim asked himself checking out the club forms he had collected.

"Hey there handsome. Wow I almost took you for a girl. Want to join the fresh-man contest?" A beautiful and decent looking female senior asked after seeing Kim's handsome face

"Uhmm....." Kim wanted to talk but he started getting anxious and was really scared when her friends came over to appreciate his looks

"No" He said feeling suffocated

"Why? You're so handsome have you seen your face? Come on you'll get a lot of friends too" Another senior tried to persuade. He started hyperventilating with sweat forming on his temple. He was stuck and couldn't speak, he remembered when he was in the orphanage and older orphan boys would tease him calling him a girl. They would form a circle around him and call him a weirdo.

A warm tall body called him to reality. The masked guy stood in front of him blocking the girls off

"Senior Soren!" The first girl called out startled

"He said no didn't you hear?" He asked them coldly

"We're short on guys would you fill in? You're so ugly to show your face how can you butt in. I really hate guys full of themselves" The leader of the girls fired back. For some reason she seemed to hate Soren.

"Then I'd sign up for the contest. I'm ugly so it's ok to lose. You just need to round the figures up for the dean right?' Soren asked unshaken.

"Whatever. Don't be a sore loser then and the contest is soon so get ready" She said leaving with her group of girls.

Soren peeked at Kim with the corner of eyes and saw that he was still shocked by the girls.

"You're such a softie. Even girls bully you" Soren said trying to break the silence but Kim just kept looking down and tears started to roll out from his eyes.

*Why is he crying? Is he that hurt?* Soren asked himself unsure of how to console Kim. Slowly Kim got dizzy from the flashbacks and tears and his legs lost balance making him fall on Soren's chest. His eyes widened up from shock and he just looked at Kim's head on his chest. He raised his hand and pat his back gently allowing Kim to let out his tears.

"Thank you" Kim said in a low tone embarrassed by what he did.

"Sorry can't get me out of the contest. I really hate you!" Soren replied storming off angrily with his heart thumping. He didn't like how Kim made him feel, he didn't even know his name yet but his heart skipped a beat when he fell on his chest. He hated that feeling.

*I really made him angry. What do I do?* Kim asked blaming himself for getting Soren involved with him.

Well... I guess the club sign up is for another day. Kim headed back to the church where he lived to pack his bags, he was moving into the dorm.


*Wow the school dorm is really beautiful* Kim thought arranging his things in the room while his unknown roommate was still out.

*He must be into music* He thought admiring the guitar in the room. He looked around the disarranged room. His roommate sure was really messy good thing he's a finally year senior.

"But can I really stay around a person?" He asked himself bothered by the fact that he had to share his personal space with someone. He went into the bathroom to freshen up when he was tired of waiting for his roommate. He took of his shirt them he remembered he left his soap in his bag. He went out to get it and almost immediately the door flung open revealing a masked tall guy

"Senior Soren..." Kim called startled with his heart thumping

Soren grabbed his hand and pinned him to the wall

"Ow!" Kim exclaimed squinting his eyes in pain. Soren realized his grip was too tight and saw that his wrist was getting red. He was flushed seeing Kim's bare chest and even got madder at Kim

"What are you doing in here!?" He fired at Kim

"I'm.....I'm your new roommate" Kim replied scared trying to pull himself together.

*Oh yeah... I was notified that a fresh man would share the dorm with me* Soren recalled averting Kim's eyes which gave him butterflies.

"Get out! Find another place!" He fired again releasing his wrist and pointing to the door..

"But... Senior Soren it's late now. The gate is probably locked and we're both students so I have all the rights to this room too." Kim answered gathering a little courage although still scared.

"You're trouble. Since you won't leave then I'd leave" Soren replied even angrier turning to leave.

"Why do you all hate me!?" Kim shouted at Soren. He didn't understand why Soren was so mean to him or even why the orphan boys were mean too.

*I hate that you make me feel this way* Soren answered in his head startled by Kim's emotional outburst.

"You're trouble" He answered as he left the room.

Kim broke down in tears hearing the door bang.

"I hate you too!" He shouted amidst his tears. He showered and went to lay the other bed in the room.

*Why did he have to leave this late? Does he loathe me that much?* Kim asked himself hugging his teddy

*And why is he always wearing his mask?* He thought again as he drifted into slumber.....