
Sleepy 2

As the sleepy junior teen god arrived into the 40k universe, a large wave of power swept throughout the universe. Every living being experienced that power, be it mechanical life, orks, humans, or other species of the 40k universe. Everyone got a little bit sleepy as many beings outright fell asleep for a short time. The Imperium of Man got a bit more intense as inquisitors began killing more people for sleeping even though they fell sleep themselves. The space marines all over had a two second sleep before waking up as if they had a nice dream and it fully invigorated them to purge some xenos.

The chaos gods all fell asleep at the exact same time and even more chaos happed in their domains as their chosen are struggled to stay awake. Khorne woke up in around 5 minutes from a battle dream of death and destruction, still believing that he was asleep as he fought his followers to the death. Tzeentch was experiencing a dream where he was in an endless library of books he has never read before, but the god only woke up after 2 weeks when Khorne killed one of his chosen in his desire to experience the dream again. Slaanesh's dream was full of pleasure and debauchery which lasted a couple of days when her power of some of the eldar became disrupted by the new god's domain. Nurgle never woke up.

The necrons all went back to sleep but some nosy mechanicus priests woke them up from their dreams of being flesh and blood. The necrons went to cause swaths of damage to various mechanicus factions before waving off when another pulse of SLEEP swept through them all.

The orks created a new WAAAAAGH to battle sleep which consisted of drinking massive amounts of Grog super Cranka energy drinks from their new warboss Snuffa. Coincidentally Snuffa was a very sleepy ork that had a very sleepy schedule and hated going to sleep.

The tyranids had trouble with sleep because they never have experienced it before making a vote to have some sleep days off from eating everything around them because they have a democratic system.

Meanwhile the sleepy teen just snored a little bit harder as he lay on a comfortable bed his power gave him.