
let me love you more

Lily brown was a hardworking and ambitious girl. who always dream about having a good job, big house, handsome husband, and two lovely kids. All she wants is someone who love her unconditionally. But can she get it all? Being a poor made her scarifice so much. can she sacrifice everything for her family? Edward rich is a handsome man, who never lack of money. when he saw lily he decided she was the one. He can give her all she wants. But will she agree his love? will she give him a chance? welcome to the Lily and Edward's love story. it is a simple love story where two meet from different worlds. This is my first novel and i need all your blessings and support.

dreamer7 · Teen
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When they saw a box of her favourite chocolates in that box, literally lily just stunned. Her two friends also bit shocked and asked lily "who sent you this? What about roses..?" lily nodded her head in a way that she also did not know who sent this.

Lily did not tell anything about the school incident to her both friends. She said goodbye to her friends and left. While she was on the way her home, number of thoughts running on her head. She never had any serious relationships before even if she doubted some of her Exes sent this. Who could be..? How did they know that she was eating in that restaurant? Is someone following me..? She turned her head and see beside , still there is no one with suspected faces.

She reached the home almost late than usual time . As soon as she stepped in to the home ,something with white fur pulling her skirt. She looked down and seen her innocent eyes of her dog "tiger" . She smiled and took in to her hands and kissed him. Is there someone cared about her at home..? this is the only one. She thought herself and hugged tightly.

Even though she was the biological daughter to her mother still, she gave more importance to her younger brother, joe. She still did not understand why her mother always strict with her.

When her mother saw, she immediately put the tiger down and went to her room to fresh up. Once, she was in her room she immediately put her bag down and went for a bath. Seriously, day was very exhausting and she never had so many surprises on one day. When hot water running down on her body she felt so relaxed, all the tiredness gone. She felt very refreshed once bath has done. She wore a printed pyjamas and went to the living room with chocolate box in her hand.

She saw her mother and brother, eating and talking about something. When her brother saw her sister, he greeted her with smile. They both have neither good nor bad relationship. But lily always look after her little brother who is younger than five years.

She handed over the chocolate box to her brother and sat beside him. Her brother felt happy when he saw box of chocolates.

" Thank you, sister" joe said happily while putting the chocolate in his mouth. Lily just smiled and served the food on her plate.

"who gave you this?" her mother asked lily, when she saw chocolates definitely they are not cheap.

"My friend gave it to me" simply lied to her mother.

Like this dinner finished and she said goodnight to her mother and brother and then returned to her room.

She closed the door and laid on her bed ,Putting her right hand on her forehead and another on bed and watching the ceiling the above the bed, thinking about the series of events that happened today. Whoever and whatever the reason they'd have , she should not deviate her mind. She had to prepare for her college entrance. She cleared her mind and prayed the god , do not let this happen again. And she opened her books started preparing for exams.

She did not know when she fell asleep but loud ringing of her cell phone woke her up. She saw the time on wall clock , showing 2 am. She took her phone and saw, it was a call from unknown number. She put the phone on her ear and said "hello".

There was no sound from other side , she thought someone mistakenly called her and ended the call. Put an alarm to avoid waking up late. She closed her books and went to her bed and slept peacefully.

She woke with the sound of her mother shouting at someone. She wondered what happened. She immediately opened the door and went to her mother's room. When she raised her hand to knock, she heard her father voice that stopped her hand in midway.