
Let's Not Divorce

I was a horrible husband, and a scumbag father. Having amnesia wasn’t an excuse. Even so, because of that, I lost my family instantly. In order to save Nero– my son and heir– I killed my daughter Neoma. And then I had to witness Mona, my neglected wife, die in front of me. Why did I have to regain all my memories at that exact moment? I wanted to die with Mona and Neoma. And, just when I thought I could finally be reunited with them, I opened my eyes and realized I turned back time. I returned at the exact moment Mona and I were in the middle of discussing divorce. Divorce? No way in hell would Nikolai divorce Mona this time!

sola_cola · Urban
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179 Chs


NIKOLAI was surprised when he saw the state of the Roseheart Café when he arrived there with Glenn.

The police were no longer there, but the entire place was still messy.

[Damn! What happened here?!]

The glass doors and windows were broken, the tables and chairs were destroyed, the coffee beans were scattered on the floor, and all the machines were obviously thrashed.

[Those are expensive coffee makers…]

The young part-timers cleaning up the mess were obviously sad and frightened.

"Nikolai-ssi? Glenn-ssi?"

Nikolai looked up and saw Mona coming down from the second floor of the café with a surprised look on her face. "Yeobo, was it burglary?"

"Nothing was stolen, but the culprits thrashed the entire café," Mona said bitterly while walking towards him. "They broke in early in the morning. The CCTVs caught them entering and breaking into the café, but the culprits were wearing masks. So, the police are still tracking them down."

Nikolai's jaw clenched. "Glenn."

"I understand, President," Glenn said, as if he already knew what Nikolai was about to say. "I'll contact the General right away."

After excusing himself, Glenn went out of the café while talking on his phone.

"You don't have to do this, Nikolai-ssi," Mona said as if she was shy. "The police are already doing their best to track down the culprits."

"Yeobo, we both know that this can't be a simple case of burglary," Nikolai said bitterly. Of course, he was upset with himself. He could never be mad at Mona. "I'm sure my parents are behind this."

The fact that Mona didn't say anything could only mean that she was thinking of the same thing.

"I'm sorry, yeobo."

"What are you apologizing for, Nikolai-ssi? None of this is your fault."

"I provoked my parents."


"I threatened my father that I would send him to prison if they bothered you and Neoma again," Nikolai confessed, clenching his hands tight. "But I see that my parents didn't listen to me." He smirked, his nails dug deep into his skin. Needless to say, he was seething. "It seems like they really want to see me destroy the Moonasterion Group with my own hands."

Mona blinked, as if she was confused. "Nikolai-ssi, did I get it right? You threatened to send your father to prison in order to protect me and Neoma from them?"

He nodded. "I also threatened my mother to expose her scandalous relationships with the male actors she sponsors. But they probably think I couldn't do that to them because I care for the company."

Well, once upon a time, Nikolai's revolved around the Moonasterion Group.

But not anymore.

[My priority will always be my family.]

"Why did you do that?" Mona scolded him, her voice full of worry. "What if your parents disowned you?"

Nikolai scoffed. "I'll disown them first."

"What if they kicked you out of the company?" his wife scolded him again. "You worked so hard for that company, Nikolai-ssi. Are you going to throw all your hard work away that easily?"

"I will if that's what it takes to be with you and Neoma again, yeobo," he said softly. "I care about the company and the thousands of people working for us. But for me, our family is more important than anything else in my life at the moment."

Mona just frowned as if she was having a hard time processing everything.

[Ah, I shouldn't force my feelings on her– especially not when she still needs to take care of the café.]



Both Nikolai and Mona called each other at the same time, and both of them stopped when Mona's phone rang out loud.

"It's Neoma's homeroom teacher," Mona said worriedly. "Let me take this call."

Nikolai nodded, then he looked away from Mona to give her privacy.

Not that much privacy, though. After all, he could still hear her talking on the phone.

"Neoma did what to her classmate, Ma'am?"

He turned to his wife when he heard the panic in her voice.

[And she mentioned Neoma's name, too.]

"Nikolai-ssi, do you want to go with me to Neoma's school?" Mona asked nervously. "Neoma's homeroom teacher called and said our daughter beat up her classmate."

Nikolai's jaw almost dropped to the floor. "Neoma did what…?"


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