
Let's Not Divorce

I was a horrible husband, and a scumbag father. Having amnesia wasn’t an excuse. Even so, because of that, I lost my family instantly. In order to save Nero– my son and heir– I killed my daughter Neoma. And then I had to witness Mona, my neglected wife, die in front of me. Why did I have to regain all my memories at that exact moment? I wanted to die with Mona and Neoma. And, just when I thought I could finally be reunited with them, I opened my eyes and realized I turned back time. I returned at the exact moment Mona and I were in the middle of discussing divorce. Divorce? No way in hell would Nikolai divorce Mona this time!

sola_cola · Urban
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179 Chs


"PRESIDENT, before you go, please take a look at this."

Nikolai, who was looking around after getting out of the car, stopped and turned to Glenn. "What is it?"

Instead of answering him verbally, Glenn just handed him his phone.

Nikolai thought he would see another article about Mona and Gavin. But, much to his surprise, it was an article about him and Juliet Hwang.

[Huh? How did this happen…?]

"Have you seen the new articles?" Juliet Hwang, who also got out of the car, asked in disbelief. "I thought my plan was perfect. So, how did the pictures of us getting inside the same car get leaked immediately?'

Yes, that was what the new articles were about.

Eyepatch released another article.

Worse, it was an article with a photo of Nikolai and Juliet coming out of the hotel together and getting inside the same car.

And, yes again, it was exactly what happened just a few minutes ago.

[This only means one thing…]

"There's a mole among our people," Nikolai said sternly while handing back the phone to Glenn. "Someone is watching me closely and releasing information about my current whereabouts. It must be a mole that my parents planted."

Glenn, who understood what Nikolai was trying to say, immediately nodded. "I'll look for the mole, President."

"The mole might also be from my side," Juliet said worriedly. "I'll ask my people to investigate this. For now, I'll use my power to stop Eyepatch from releasing more nonsense."

That seemed to be a better option, since Nikolai's mother would surely get in his way.

"Alright. That sounds like a plan," Nikolai said indifferently. "I'll leave it to you then, Juliet Hwang."



<"APPA, it's not true, is it?">

Nikolai smiled after hearing Nero call him 'appa' instead of 'abeoji.'

He ended up going to a convenience store that he stumbled upon while roaming around the area while thinking. Then he suddenly craved some beer. That was how he ended up in the drinks section of the convenience store.

"Of course, the rumors about me and Juliet Hwang aren't true, son," Nikolai assured Nero. "I'm not marrying her."

<"Then… what about the dating scandal between Eomma and Gavin Kim?">

He stopped reaching for the beer when he heard his son's question.

<"I don't want to believe the news, but woman in picture really looks like Eomma. Plus, was taken front of Eomma's café.">

He couldn't say anything because even he wasn't sure of what was going on.

<"I tried to call Neoma and ask her if Eomma is really dating Gavin Kim, but she didn't pick up. But I'll try calling again.">

"What will you do if your mother is really dating that actor, Nero?"

<"Appa, it's easy to destroy a celebrity's life these days.">

Nikolai chuckled.

But he knew that he shouldn't encourage his son's cruel side.

He was about to scold Nero when, suddenly, a child bumped into him. Since the little girl only reached his waist, he didn't notice her until she hit him lightly. He was about to ask if she was okay, but she suddenly ran to the door.

[Why is a child alone at this hour?]

"Be careful of cars, Papa Boss."


Nikolai turned around, but he only saw the child's retreating back. But there was something strange that he noticed about her.

[Is her hair white…?]


NOTE: Hi! I'll be busy this weekend. If I fail to update tomorrow, then please expect the next update to be posted on Monday. Thank you. <3< p>


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