
Let's Not Divorce

I was a horrible husband, and a scumbag father. Having amnesia wasn’t an excuse. Even so, because of that, I lost my family instantly. In order to save Nero– my son and heir– I killed my daughter Neoma. And then I had to witness Mona, my neglected wife, die in front of me. Why did I have to regain all my memories at that exact moment? I wanted to die with Mona and Neoma. And, just when I thought I could finally be reunited with them, I opened my eyes and realized I turned back time. I returned at the exact moment Mona and I were in the middle of discussing divorce. Divorce? No way in hell would Nikolai divorce Mona this time!

sola_cola · Urban
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179 Chs


"DO WE really have to share a car?" Nikolai asked Juliet Hwang, who was sitting next to him in the backseat, with furrowed brows. "If the paparazzi see us–"

"I asked my secretary to drive my car to serve as a decoy," Juliet Hwang said while fiddling with her phone. "Since when were you afraid of the paparazzi, Nikolai-ssi?"

"Since I lost my wife?"

"Aigoo. I didn't know you were such a softie, Nikolai-ssi."

"Only for my wife."

Juliet Hwang smiled a little. "I can tell."


Nikolai almost had a heart attack when Glenn, seated in the passenger seat, called him in a voice full of panic. "What happened?"

"Eyepatch released a dating scandal, President," Glenn said, handing Nikolai his phone. "It's about Gavin Kim and his non-showbiz girlfriend…"

'Eyepatch' was a news portal dedicated to stalking celebrities.

Nikolai immediately snatched Glenn's phone to check the news.

Then, much to his shock, the first thing that she saw was a picture of Gavin Kim…

… kissing Mona on the lips.

Nikolai knitted his eyebrows. "Is this… Mona?"

The picture was pretty dark because it was taken during the night. But in the up-close shot of the woman's face, he could make out Mona's feature.

"It looks like Mona-ssi to me, President."

Well, he could see that, too.

[But something still feels wrong to me…]

"Are you not convinced, Nikolai-ssi?" Juliet Hwang asked. "I met Mona Yeon a few times before your accident. In my eyes, the woman in the picture looks like her."

"Moreover, one of the pictures taken was in front of Mona-ssi's café, President," Glenn added hesitantly. "There's a high possibility that the woman in the photos is Mona-ssi."

Then was it really just his imagination?

Was he just trying to deny reality so hard that he wasn't 100% convinced that the woman in the photo was Mona?

[I'm going crazy…]

"But Gavin Kim is a top actor," Glenn said curiously. "I can't believe his agency let Eyepatch release his dating scandal. According to my investigation, Gavin Kim still has a few years left in his exclusive contract with Raon Entertainment. I don't think his agency would throw him under the bus yet."

"I have a feeling that this is my family's doing," Juliet Hwang confessed. "Since my divorce has been turned into a circus show, my father probably bribed Eyepatch to release Gavin Kim's dating scandal to divert the public's attention away from us."

"Ah, classic," Glenn said, nodding. "The government and the chaebols would use celebrity scandals if they want to cover up an issue, and it works every time."

Juliet Hwang sighed. "Koreans are too obsessed with celebrities' dating lives, after all."

Nikolai heard Glenn and Juliet Hwang's conversation.

But he was too absorbed in his own emotions to care.

"Stop the car," Nikolai said in a cold voice. "I need to breathe some fresh air before I decide what to do next."


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