
Lemuria: Mission Logs

After a world wide incident known as the "Flash" specific areas the globe started distorting, bending reality. Forming what is now known as "Zones". Lemuria Technologies (formerly a space travel research company) was tasked to contain the largest and most dangerous Zone. Inside each zone there are artifacts, of incalculable value. Mega corporations buy these artifacts from Lemuria, which are extracted by Hunters, people who lived enough inside the zone to make a living of it or idiots looking for "fools gold". "Either way, the Zone will mess you up". - Edgar "Void walker" Simmons, Hunter Manager.

Alphonse101 · Horror
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Welcome to Lemuria Technologies

Please choose an option.

"Artifact Hunt" has been selected, sending request, please wait


Your artifact request has been processed and accepted.

Artifact requested:

-Name: Red Gum

-Zone Region: Outskirts

-Rarity: Common

-Risk: Low

Request approved.

A Tracker will be dispatched shortly triangulate the artifacts possible location.

Silver package was selected for this extraction.

The Silver Package includes:

Hunter aids: Weapons, rations, medicine.

20% discount on Strike Force Extraction in case of Hunters not meeting expectations. If the artifact is further into the zone than initially expected, extra fees will be added for the Strike Force Extraction.

These are the Hunters assigned for extraction:

Assigned Team: "Rat Boys"


-Lucas "Atlas" Natale

Age: 44

Missions: 112

Success chance: 100%

-John "Nail" Ivanoff

Age: 28

Missions: 12

Success chance: 12%

-Damian "Dave" Armstrong

Age: 34

Missions: 47

Success chance: 33%

Expected Extraction time: 2 Days

Thank You for choosing Lemuria Technologies, please wait until extraction in case additional fees are added.

Happy Hunting.