
Lemuria: Mission Logs

After a world wide incident known as the "Flash" specific areas the globe started distorting, bending reality. Forming what is now known as "Zones". Lemuria Technologies (formerly a space travel research company) was tasked to contain the largest and most dangerous Zone. Inside each zone there are artifacts, of incalculable value. Mega corporations buy these artifacts from Lemuria, which are extracted by Hunters, people who lived enough inside the zone to make a living of it or idiots looking for "fools gold". "Either way, the Zone will mess you up". - Edgar "Void walker" Simmons, Hunter Manager.

Alphonse101 · Horror
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3 Chs

Happy Hunting

Our team was assigned to hunt down a common artifact known as "Red Gum". Basically a more efficient version of rubber but much more dangerous to get. Good thing we have Atlas, a true veteran, a man of few words but his actions speak for his, he knows the Zone like the back of his hand. Shit, I seriously don't understand why he still hasn't retired. I guess after so much time inside it's hard to live outside. 

Then there's Dave, even though he wasn't there at the time of the "Flash", he decided to come in to make a name for himself and somehow he made it. Dave was a Marine for the US Army for a while, but was discharged for misconduct (and I can see why). The word patience does not exist in his lexicon, we are always arguing, occasionally with fists, but he has momentary respect for Atlas. "Don't argue with someone who killed Jormungandr alone." Maybe that's what he thinks or at least what I like to think.

Finally there is me, I earned the nickname "Nail" forever the last to extract in all the missions I was on, "the final nail in the coffin". I had a somewhat troubled childhood and not many chances for my education, so I worked various jobs all my life to support my mother. 

I remember I was on security duty at a night club when Lemuria accepted my application, I was so happy that I quit on the spot. "Finally easy money" I thought, eventually the euphoria ended after my first extraction, the other two hunters on my team were basically shredded by a goblin. But thanks to that hunt, Atlas himself assigned me to his team.

The client only bought the silver package, which consists of basic assault rifles plus a secondary weapon, in this case a pistol-car and a reasonable amount of ammunition, apart from that the basics, medicines, food rations for two days and nothing else. no camping tents, much less armor. We're basically at a disadvantage, but that's (unfortunately) our team's specialty."Ok ladies, have you checked your equipment?" Atlas asked wryly as we approached the access point.

"Yes, sir" I replied without thinking.

"Do you even know how to inspect the rifle?" Dave added with his classic subtlety."

Dave, don't start another moment with the boy. Then when we're drunk as all hell you can punch each other" said Atlas.

Dave grumbled and a short time later we were ushered in front of the access point, a heavily reinforced metal gate, guarded by elite guards with weapons that make not rifles look like mere toy weapons. Armor based on found artifacts, making them look like some kind of Robocop but mass produced. It is not so secure for nothing, nor does God know of all the horrors that exist behind the monolithic walls erected by Lemuria Tech so many years ago.

"All green, Rat Boys" blared over the speaker.

"Opening protocol initiated".

"Happy Hunting gentlemen".

As soon as the doors fully opened, before stepping into the truck, Atlas reminded us something.

"Even a Low risk extraction like this one can fuck you up, this isn't Kansas anymore Dorothy, this is the Zone".

"Yes, sir". We both responded quickly.

Even after that terrible Wizard of Oz quote, Atlas was right. That Risk meter is only for the client. The Zone has its own rules and you need to obey them.

If you want to survive, of course.