
Legions of the Unseen Forces

VAMPIRES ! Werewolves, Dragons, Ghouls, Centaurs, Ogres, you name it. The mythological and Greek creatures from the legends, typhoon, echidna, Gorgon and all sorts of other atrocities.  Though, it hasn’t been recorded for a fact if these creatures really actually existed, the stories of each of them still make us curious to how it would be like if these creatures really existed.  Well, what if they did ? Not in our reality but a shadow reality, a world where all creatures of legends live and breath, love and hate, lust and disgust ? Just like how humans exist ?. Welcome to the world of the Unseen Forces where the unexplainable occur. Join my protagonist....A shape shifter of unknown history as he conquers these creatures and becomes their Lord.  And of course, with some bit of xxx every now and then.

Tofi_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 4


Snow fluttered around the air as a cool wind blew in the direction of a castle with a familiar structure to the Corvin castle but different. It was the Bran Castle.

Often known as Vlad's castle. It is the home of the vampires. Those that feel a hierarchy power is needed created this castle for the sake of letting their strongest take control of their kinds. 

It was originally meant to be Dracula's castle, being the oldest and strongest. His wisdom and strength in wars was most satisfactory. But his taste for wisdom made him abandon the seat to his youngest brother Vlad Tepez. 

Although younger and weaker. He was in no way comparable to the rest of his peers. He was truly a genius amongst geniuses. 

Dracula moved unto the flying castle. A castle that doesn't remain in one location while Vlad Tepez took over and led the vampires as their king. 

The throne moved over to his son who has been long forgotten in history and then to his grand daughter Cosmina. Her abilities were comparable to even her uncle's and her wisdom was simply unfathomable. She was the first queen of the Vampires and they're loyalty towards her did not falter  even though she was a woman. 

They respected absolute power more than anything and Cosmina at the time, was the pinnacle of power. Her daughter, the present Queen of the Unseen Forces was known as a strategist even amongst the vampires. Her unparalleled brains gave her the upper hand in dethroning her mother and taking it for herself. Ruling it together with the present seven kings of the Unseen Forces. 

The royal throne room was strictly adorned. From its high ceilings to its red royal carpets that hid the glass floor and water below the glass floor. It felt simply impeccably beautiful.

On A large podium at the end of the room were two thrones, both made out of mithril and orichalcum. One standing above the other.

The King sat on the higher throne while the Queen on the lower. Before them where they're loyal subjects. The council of the Vamps. 

Guiding the younger generations as well as other species of the night. The Council was made up of the oldest creatures on the planet. Led by the god of vampires himself, Absalom. They were made of eleven members. Each a representative of the Unseen Forces. Vampires, werewolves, demons, ghouls, elves, fairies, dragons, mermaids, giants, dwarfs and undead   

All who have decided to serve the commands of Ruthven the great and his generations. They were all gathered together for an important occasion. An heir had been born. The Queen of the Unseen Forces gave birth to a child and they were to celebrate. 

"Hail the mighty dark Lord !" A vampire in silver armor announced as he walked into the throne room. A spear in the shape of an antenna on his right hand and his left hand fisted tightly on his chest. 

The members of the council as well as the subjects who had gathered turned towards the door as they watched the man walk towards the throne. 

"I greet thee on this fine night, that your babe be healthy and strong as your might ''. He bowed.

"Count Druig, it is an honor to meet your presence" the king responded as he waved his hands up. Count Druig, the man stood straight and laughed out. "you flatter me so, My Lord. I am your humble steed to which your command I shall humbly follow" 

The Queen nodded. She had the same complexion and beauty as her mother. Although she wasn't as busty and she wore glasses. Her gown was a royal white sapphire Victorian styled dress and she held a child that seemed at least 7 months old. "it is wondrous to know that such loyalty still exist in our people" 

"Indeed, my Queen. Your people shall not fail you" The man bowed yet again. 

"it seems like this old Count came for more than just pleasantries".

The king and Queen as well as the count turned towards the direction, to their right where the Council performed their work. 

"Is there no meaning to what I've said ?" King Lycaon, the oldest wolf asked with a snarl on his face. He wore a full animal coat and a golden crown tilted to its left on his head. His best feature would be his hairy skin but he would be in no way inferior in terms of beauty.  

"to what do I owe this disrespect. I am here to pay tribute to my lord, for the birth of their first child. Is there no meaning to my actions ?" The count stated. His words strong and firm. 

The council were known to have no respect towards the younger generations and allowed them to do as they pleased because they had nothing else to do. Presently out of the 11 members of the council. Only four were present. 

"Enough with the Games Council, what is it that you have come to tell the King ?" Cirdan stated. He was the  Elder of the Elves and he knew that something was amidst. 

The King watched carefully at the present members of the Council seated calmly on their chairs. They held more power than even the king and Queen but they would heed to a greater power. He knew he was nowhere there, but he was sure to get rid of them. 

"Your highness !" the Count called out.

"you may speak, Druig" 

"a member of my household. The girl to which I told you off, has foreseen the future". 

".....and why should this be of concern to me ?" 

"Because your highness, her foresight showed the downfall of our kingdom and the Resurrection of the Unseen Forces with a new ruler stronger and mightier than it was before ''. 

"....is this a threat, Druig ?" the Queen asked. Her tone high pitched as she gripped the seat of her throne. "what is to become of us then ? Druig?" 

"I am nothing but a humble servant, my Queen. For what reason would I decide to betray my masters ?" 

The King remained silent. 'downfall ?..impossible. No one is strong enough to take me or my brothers ? So who would dare ?'. 

"do you have confidence in the foresight of your slave ?" 

"indeed I do, she has saved me on countless mishaps" 

"...and you hide such gifts away from your king ?" the Queen asked. Her right brow raised as she coolly stroked her baby. "you do know we are here to receive pleasantries for the birth of my son and not fruitless warnings, Druig" 

"I give you my word" Count Druig laid on his knees and bowed. 

"....the rise of the Unseen Forces ?" King Lycaon repeated. 

"to which being do we have to rise up against ?" Desmond Lockheart stated with a cackle. The King of Ghouls. 

"she must have made a mistake, young count" Winifred. The Oldest Dwarf said. Her tiresome expressions contrasted with her muscular yet short build. This was truly a tiresome gathering. 

"I give you my word". The Count repeated. 

The King stared down at his Count. This man had no reason to lie to him and he had no reason to believe his words as well and out of pride he stated. "your king is mighty and powerful, Druig. Let nothing falter your faith in me". 

"Is that so ?". 

An unknown voice echoed in the room followed by rumors spreading across the audience. The Council were on high alert and vampire soldiers had rushed into the room from all sides protecting the King and Queen. They all traced the sound of the voice to the large metal door similar to that in the Corvin castle. It required two giants to open the doors and it took at least a minute to be fully open.

But surprisingly in their presence, it was blown open by an unparalleled force. A man and a familiar woman worked in with elegance. Their presence had caught them by surprise and their emotions were scurried as they tried to figure out what was about to take place. 

Sadly there was nothing they could come up with other than to watch for themselves.

The King had a grotesque expression. He found this highly disrespectful and he was this close in getting their heads off. He was about to stand up from his throne when his queen and wife held his arm. 

"isn't that you, Mother ?" her words came out as piercing talons. He could feel the pressure she exuded and sat back down quietly. 

Most people of the Unseen Forces would think the King was in charge but what they didn't know could have well been their salvation. 

"Adelina, it truly brings me joy as your mother to see how well you have been faring" The woman, Cosmina and her husband and Master, the man Akher stood before the King and the Queen with an expression more prideful than the word pride. 

The exchange of names was more than enough reason for the people gathered in the throne room to panic. Some were already bolting for the door while some just stood. This surely was an unprecedented event. 

Having two Queens stand in the presence of each other, it was very likely a war could brew but who would listen to the former Queen. 

"What is the meaning of this ?" The King asked. His patience getting thinner. 

The council on the other hand sat quietly and patiently. Their gaze was not on the two queens but on the man that stood next to the former Queen. 

"Who are you ?" King Lycaon asked his attention fixed on Akher. 

"....is that a request or a command, Silver Wolf of the Blade ?" 

King Lycaon's expression squeezed. He was confused and pissed but mostly confused. 'No one had dared to call me that since the year 1904. Who is this man and why does he know of a name that has been lost to history ?' His thoughts spread wide and far but all he could do was wait and listen. 

After all it is a secret duty of the Council to prevent themselves from getting into conflict with the younger generations. 

"it seems like my mother has brought something...." The Queen stared at Akher trying to see through him as well "...quite interesting" 

"...Adelina ! You may not know but this man is my master and husband and you shall not dare show such disrespect in his presence" 

'What !!!'. The members of the council and the royal family as well as the count were left speechless. The question brewed more in their brains. 'who is this man and what is he to be able to tame the Former Queen of the Unseen Forces'

"Hah !" Adenila, the Queen cackled. "it seems my mother has become quite useless since leaving her throne". She called one of her maids and handed her baby over to her and sent her off. 

"I do not know why you would come out after being in closed doors for 372 years but I will not let such impudence pass me by". She stood up from her throne and strictly said while glaring at them. 


"Yes, My love" Cosmina bowed to him, surprising the people in their presence yet again. 

"I will take it from here" Akher sighed as he folded his hands. 

"Yes, My love". 

"Firstly...." Akher stared at the King nonchalantly.  "you're weak".

The King suddenly collapsed to his knees surprising everyone yet again. The King could feel his body being compressed from the inside out. He tried resisting but his body didn't listen to him. 'did....did...that one sentence make me fall to my knees ?'

"Stop this immediately !" The Queen uses the same technique Akher used. The Royal Tongue. When used, everyone and everything in their presence heeds to their desire. 

The King still trembled on his knees. Though its strength varies in terms of power. 

'Impossible ! This man's royal tongue is stronger than mine! Impossible !' Adenila glared at her mother as if asking for help. If her king were to be humiliated in the presence of their subjects. They would lose face. 

"what.....what is it that you want ?" Adenila asked after getting no response from her mother. 

"why else would a godly presence such as myself travel all the way from the Corvin castle" Akher responded.

"...I do not know what you speak of" 

"...it seems the Queen is quite dumb". And with that the Queen fell to her knees. His presence truly exuded power. 'Just where could a man like this come from  ?'she thought. 'but....but even so....they are more than one king !'

Suddenly in the midst of the chaos two men in a black and blue shadow armor as large as a van jumped up into the air from the crowd of people. 

They crashed on the ground beside Akher, one holding a chain with a dagger at the end and the other holding a large sword swinging it down, aiming for his head. 

A smirk crept ok Akher's face as he bent his body backwards dodging the assault. 

"Tch!" They cried out as they swung their weapons in mid air down aiming for his chest. 

Akher held the Blade with his right hand and the man was left motionless while he punched the other with his left, sending him off to the end of the castle walls. 

The one with the chain slammed into the walls until he was out of the castle and unto the snowy plains unconscious. 

Akher stood back up straight and slammed the man on his shoulders. The sound of bones snapping echoed in the room as Akher followed it up with an uppercut sending him into the castle ceilings. 

"It seems like you didn't get my point.....your highness" Akher muttered, dusting the dirt of his clothes. He sighed as he walked up the podium ignoring the trembling guards and squatted face to face with the Queen. "you truly are a replica of your mother..." He stared at her face and held up her chin. "though not as eye appealing....." 

He sighed again as he turned left towards the King. "I intend to destroy your word and build it up from scratch into something spectacular. If you intend on getting on my way, I give you a week to come up with your strongest warriors and charge into the Corvin castle. I give you my word that if you succeed you will have my head". 

He got back up and walked down the podium, standing next to Cosmina he took her hand and turned back. "but if you want to live and forever flourish in my new Utopia then I urge that you give me the seat because in a week I will banish you if you are unable to take my head". 

He pulled her to himself as he walked some few steps, stopped and turned towards the council. "I bid the council farewell and I hope you serve me well when the time comes". 

He turned towards the count as well. "I do not have a space for you in my utopia but if you give me your maid, Caramel the one who sees visions, then I will go out of my way to find the best spot for you.....if not I will take her by force". 

"With that I bid a fair night to the Unseen Forces of Darkness. May Ruthven's blessings dwell on you all"

He walked out of the throne room hand in hand with his wife with a smile of satisfaction plastered on his face while his wife blushed from ear to ear as she kept staring at their hands.