
Legions of the Unseen Forces

VAMPIRES ! Werewolves, Dragons, Ghouls, Centaurs, Ogres, you name it. The mythological and Greek creatures from the legends, typhoon, echidna, Gorgon and all sorts of other atrocities.  Though, it hasn’t been recorded for a fact if these creatures really actually existed, the stories of each of them still make us curious to how it would be like if these creatures really existed.  Well, what if they did ? Not in our reality but a shadow reality, a world where all creatures of legends live and breath, love and hate, lust and disgust ? Just like how humans exist ?. Welcome to the world of the Unseen Forces where the unexplainable occur. Join my protagonist....A shape shifter of unknown history as he conquers these creatures and becomes their Lord.  And of course, with some bit of xxx every now and then.

Tofi_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 3

Cosmina stared at him silently. 

"Hebrew ?" 

"indeed. Hebrew" Akher sighed as he stood up from the bed. "get me clothes befitting of my status" 

He walked towards the large door and stopped. "I hope you know who your new master is ?" 

"Indeed I do. Your power swept through me like a tsunami. I am most grateful for this experience" Cosmina muttered. She remained calmly laid down on her bed. The rigorous exercise had really taken a toll on her. It felt like it was her first time and it did seem like such. Since it had been more than tens of centuries before she slept with a man. 

"..." Akher smiled at her in satisfaction. "you shall find me in the throne chamber. I hope you have male clothes present for me ?" 

"many men have come to the Corvin castle. I shall assemble my minions and together we shall find clothings most suitable for my new master" 

'master' Akher smiled at the thought of having the most powerful female force in the Unseen Forces under his control. Not only was she powerful but she would continue to grow stronger through physical touch. He could only anticipate the next time he could have the chance to sleep with his new found.....partner. 


"...yes master ?" she asked as she slowly got up from her ruffled up bed. She felt sore and her legs shaky. 'just how big was it ?' she thought. She didn't get the chance to have a look at it after all. 

"when we step outside this castle, you shall refer to me as 'my love' "

Cosmina's chick flushed a bright pink and she stared at him in shock. "....y..yes...master" 

"....." Akher stared into space for a while then said "you know what, that should be what you call me from now on" 

"ma...But...master ?" 

"Cosmina !" Akher sighed.  He walked past the door and closed it carefully. 

Cosmina could hear soft footsteps fade into the darkness. She remained fixed in her position as she felt the quick hastening of her heart beat. 'what is this ?...' She thought clenching her left breast. 

She sighed as she walked to her closet to get a new set of clothes for herself and her new found love. 

Akher walked quietly in the halls of the castle. His bare foot steps were the only sound resonating in the halls. He could have counted at least a 100 rooms while he climbed up from the dungeons but he hadn't noticed  what stood before him. 

"....." Akher stared at what looked like a human but with no legs. He was wearing a butler's top and was...walking towards him. 

"....who are you ?" the man spoke. His elderly tone sounded classy and toned befitting of the manner he carried himself. 

"....you must be Renfield..." Akher walked past him and continued walking. "I am the new master of this castle. Come lead me to the throne room so I may take my place" 

The man stood silently as he watched the movements of this unknown man before him. "Excuse me" . He snapped his fingers and Akher's movements were brought to a halt. "Would you explain to me what you mean by that, human ?" 

Akher stared at him silently. His impulses told him to launch at him and get this over with but he was long past that. Ever since he had gotten bitten by the Queen. He had felt his sealed powers raging forth. 

"I do not have time to squander on a mere butler. Did you not need my word when I pronounced myself as the new master of this castle ?" 

"...I may be old young human, but I am not senile. The master of this castle, is the Queen of the Unseen Forces, Cosmina Tepez La Dracula" 

"hm....they say in the face of supreme powers, the people yield. Would you believe me if I kill you and resurrect you ?" 

"....such absurd threats by a human will not be yielded" The butler flipped his fingers again...but nothing happened. He did it again and then again, realization slowly creeping on him. "....very well....I shall yield your threats human" 

"..." Akher turned around and snapped his fingers. "the next time you call me human, I shall take you to Satan the son of Devil himself" 

The butler suddenly felt a scar on his chest. He slowly looked down at it confused. He was an undead that had been summoned since the times of the primordial vampires. The Tepez brothers. Death was a mere threat to him and danger was just a flimsy pygmy. 

But at this moment. He began to feel something swell in him and in a moments of seconds his body blew up and fell down as white tiny miniscule particles. 

Akher smiled. My current strength should be at least 40%. I truly am a threat to the gods'. He snapped his fingers again and the tiny particles gathered up forming the butler's body.

The butler gasped for air and tears dripped down his eyes. Foams of saliva gathered around his mouth and his hands tightly clenched his chest. He was in pain but he shouldn't feel pain. How could he feel pain? 

"..you.....what are you ?" the man glared at Akher with murderous intent sipping out of his body. 'impossible....I....I truly saw hell. How can an undead like me be tortured by mere demons'

"I'm sorry.....did I show you too much ?" Akher smirked at him. 

'Who is he ? No, what is he ? A general sent from hell.....or a Prince? Why is there a naked man in the halls and Why does he claim to be the master of this castle ?' The butler was left speechless and motionless. He knew full well how much inferior he was to this man that stood before him. 

"Renfield !" hearing the voice of his master, the butler turned around ignoring the man completely. He placed his right arm across his chest and replied with full attention. "Ma'am" 

"..what are you doing ?" Cosmina walked blissfully towards him. Her Victorian purple dress exuded royalty and her black netted hand gloves matched her place black top hat. 

"your highness.....this...impudent human dares to spew outrageous comments worthy of beheading. I ask that I take care of this matter !" 

Cosmina stared at him, startled and back at Akher. His gaze filled with lust, she quickly turned away timidly. She sighed. "Renfield, this man.....is my lover and the new master of the castle" 

"..." Renfield felt speechless. The worst had come to pass. He was well aware of this woman. Though he may be a millennium older than her, he was nothing compared to her raw power. He knew of the horror that was the Queen of the Unseen Forces and what he saw right now was nothing like the woman he had trained and nurtured. 

"if you insist....my lady" he bowed. 'If she, the Queen of the Unseen Forces fully acknowledges this man....' he slowly turned his gaze at Aker who watched quietly. '.....then he must be more than what meets the eye.....not to mention'. A recap of how he found himself in hell came to mind. 

"Now that you're done, can you take me to the throne room  ?" Akher snapped his finger bringing their attention towards him.

"of course my love" Cosmina replied as she walked towards him ignoring Renfields obscure expression. "I have found the right clothing that would befit your nature..." 

Renfield stared silently as he watched his Queen being snatched away by a naked.. human. He sighed as he floated after them. "I can be of  assistance". 


Some few hours later Akher stood in front of a large golden door and beside him on his right was Cosmina and at his left Renfield. He wore a black and white gothic styled suite. Clothing truly befitting of his nature. 

"this shall.be my first still in taking control of the Unseen Forces". He took in a deep breath and with a little heave a wild wind blew the large golden doors open. "Come with me Cosmina, together we shall rebuild this world". 

Cosmina stared at him in admiration. Her once hateful heart had softened to absolute power. What else could take a wild woman. She took his hand and stepped into the throne room. 

'This room hasn't been opened for over centuries since she stepped down from her position as the Queen for he unseen forces.....what does this man mean by taking over the Unseen Forces ?' 

"do you wonder how ? Renfield ?" Akher turned around his moon blue eyes glistening in the hollow room. The only source of light  came from an open window from  the sides of the room. It was covered with dust and cobwebs. Creepy creatures of the night crept around the room and in the midst of that stood a single throne on a large podium. It was surrounded by a red carpet and on the roof of the throne was a glass myriad of the first creature of the night. Ruthven Tepez. 

Akher felt merry as he turned around and continued walking. Each step he took transformed the room from a sorry mess it was to a golden beauty of luxury. 

He finally got to the podium and climbed softly and then stood in front of the 7 foot large  throne. Its hands had skulls of humans and its head was a flaming fire. A fire that could never time out. Countless numbers of spikes crept at the back of the throne. 

It was truly a throne befitting the feature king of the Unseen Forces. ".....hmm....it's  missing a single touch" Akher smirked as he snapped his finger. The throne transformed into a golden seat of beauty and terror. 

He nodded in satisfaction as he sat down while Cosmina walked to his right side. 

All this while Renfield had simply watched. He's expressions exuding a bit of terror and shock. 'This man?'. His body couldn't move while he stared at the throne. Every atom of his body told him to look away but still he couldn't. "what....what power ?" he muttered. 'and that expression' Renfield finally realized why he couldn't move. It was because the expression of the so-called human he had detested was oozing out a sinister and obnoxious aura. Something he hasn't seen since the time of Ruthven. He felt true terror just from taking a glance at him. 

Instinctively he bowed, his forehead clashing with the ground. "I beseech your forgiveness ! Young master of the Unseen Forces!". He no longer doubted him nor did he feel the urge to despise him. He could finally understand everything. Why would an arrogant and supreme ruler like the Queen of the Unseen Forces would call someone....a human.... 'my love'. He sighed.  'Finally the world makes sense'.

"raise your head Renfield" Akher ordered. He crossed his leg and rested his head on his right arm. "it is time for my first order of business". 

Cosmina smiled at Renfield as she watched him slowly get up. His gaze met hers and an evil glint sparked in their eyes. 'Someone befitting to rule the world....has finally shown up. And he has chosen me as his spouse.  I truly am blessed'.

Akher's gaze was fixed at the door and around the room. "a king needs attendants, Renfield" 

"..but master.....no one would dare step into Corvin castle". 

"..who said anything about vampires attendants. Your species' loyalty is as thin as ice and they only seek power. How can I trust my life to the likes of you ?" Akher glared at him and he immediately bowed once again. "I apologize for my insolence, Master !"

"good.." He sighed. "I want you to get me human servants, Renfield and I want you to make known to them what lies in this castle" 

"...master ?" 

"....I know...humans would never willingly let themselves become slaves of vampires....but they would happily receive the requests if they're given a befitting reward" 

".....master ? Mere humans are not worthy of such benevolence" 

Akher glared at him once again and this time Renfields body was sent flying to the ends of the room on the door. His body made a significantly loud noise that echoed in the shut room.

"you should know by now...who you're speaking to.....". Akher was after all a former human. 

"yes.....yes master" Renfield could feel an unyielding force push him against his will. He was supposed to be an undead that had similar properties to a ghost but his body seemed to have solidified. 'is there no limit to his powers ?'

Akher sighed as he let Renfield go. He fell down limply as he coughed out heavily. "I will repeat myself. I want you to get me at least 50 maids, 10 cooks, 5 drivers, an attendant, 3 gardeners and 3 butlers besides you. I shall make you head of the affairs of this castle, you must be grateful" 

"Yes, master ! But....but what shall be their rewards ? And to whom shall I send this message to ?" 

"to every maid, I offer five hundred and fifty gold coins, to every cook six hundred gold coins, to every driver five hundred and fifty gold coins, to every Gardner five hundred and fifty coins, to my butlers seven hundred gold coins and to my attendant, a thousand golden coins" 

'....this....this...this is absurd !' Renfield gritted his teeth. 

"oh...so you find this absurd ? Renfield ?" 

Renfield looked up at his king in shock. "...you...you can read minds, Master ?" 

".....here..." Akher snapped his finger as he sighed. "this should be enough for at least a millennium" 

Renfield stared at him confused when suddenly heard a clang next to him. Like the sound of metal hitting tiles. 

He looked up, his expressions distorted as golden coins able to fill a whole apartment rained down on him. 

"I will give you a month...if you are unable to do as I say, I will make slaves of your family".

Akher said as he stood up from his throne. He grabbed Cosmina by her waist and pulled her towards him as he smirked at her. 

"...my love...." Cosmina muttered confused as she melted in his embrace.   

"we're going to retrieve your name as the Queen of the Unseen Forces"

"....that means..." Cosmina murmured. 

"indeed. We are going to take a trip to the Bran Castle".