
Legends Of Blood Star, Arkine (The Bloody Tale Of Arcane )

A Young Man find himself in a world filled with supernatural and mystery, confused about who he was? or where he was, the youth then horrified to find himself to be the the target of few groups of mysterious people. The grand city of Ceptron was one of the larget independent city in the entire Arkine, but being chased by various group of extraordinary people he found himself in the unfavorable situation. His instincts tells him to survive on this ruthless world on his own was near impossible unless he have the extraordinary strength or means to back him up and need certain level of influence to roam free. But can he achieve all of this, by the way who was he? a refugee? or an orphan? an experiment product of these nasty scientist or the cultist, what exactly are they trying to do, why are they relentlessly chasing him. To find out what's going on follow the path of this senseless youth in the mysterious world of Arkine.

raven_lord017 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Dashing Out Of The Hell Hole and The Savage Duo (Part 1)

*Tip, tap* trnch* tap tip, tap* 

" How do I look? Not too conspicuous am I? " a cheerful voice sounded in a dark stinky alleyway of Surrey one eventful night.

"Kevin, you should give me a better explanation when the night is over or else..." an irritated voice threatened Kevin but seemed a little muffled by something clearly hearing his voice.

*Tip tap tap tap tip tap *

Two pairs of footsteps echoing in the alleyway one tall athletic looking person with grease like thing smeared on his face while a tall skinny handsome blond with goatee in tatters who covers his nose and mouth with expensive looking hanky.

" Oh Come on don't be a spoilsport Sam, was there still need to act all this gloomy with me, I know you were just shy to show how much you were enjoying our little adventure" Kevin jested in bright tone lightly tapped the blonde on his back.

The skinny man almost fell face planted on the damp filthy ground, and turned to look at his companion incredulously he pointed to himself " Enjoy....Do I look like one, Are you really talking about me?"

" Of course, who else could that be? " Kevin chuckled as he tapped the blonde's back playfully, who tried his best to avoid it but still ended up thumped as he staggered a little and his anger could be clearly seen.

" Kevin you are too much of a nuisance....why did you force me to wear this smelly clothes? " he awkwardly lifted the dull, black scrap up garment on him.

" Brother Sam I told you don't pretend to be angry like this in front of me, I know you are a dedicated and nice person and  just afraid that I might praise you and flatter you like everyone isn't it?"  Kevin patted his chest " Don't worry, I know you are selfless and someone noble, don't worry I won't inconvenience you in any way trust me" his tone was firm.

Kevin said everything with a serious and righteous voice, the kind of voice compels anyone to believe him and have faith in what he said.  Had it not been for Sam's years of cooperation with him and his dark nature, he would have brought up this act and got tricked by him but then again he was often tricked by this cunning fella.

At the moment Sam tried his best to not get affected by rage or try to suppress his anger in outright murder him, there was a tick in his clenched jaw one hand slightly pulling his stylish goatee in frustration.

" Kevin, don't talk nonsense anymore. I clearly asked why it was me, the only one wearing this nasty thing.... you wore some decent clothes, my assistants obviously allow you to use camouflage technique to follow us can't I do the same? come on it's uncomfortable" He couldn't understand the purpose of doing this he can easily do the same but got dragged into this by his eccentric partner beside him.

Not only that he hasn't had his lunch and dinner after entering this crappy place. It's not that he doesn't bring anything but his appetite is long gone and he can't stand it.

"I have yet to hear anything about this mission, don't you think you are going a bit far?" he only heard this mission about some freshly summoned demon spawn nothing else if it was not for his image Sam would have been screaming at Kevin face hours ago.

He glanced back leisurely, his eye spell helping him find three of his assistants who trailing behind them about ten meters away then spitefully at Kevin whom he never liked and almost ended up with in his team unbelievably.

" Ah! I really forgot to explain the nature of this mission, sorry about that!" Kevin awkwardly apologized pressing his hat on his head in embarrassment.

Sam finally sighed but nodded composedly nonetheless, he didn't want to spend a single second more if it wasn't necessary not to mention he could get away from this annoying fellow as well.

The funny thing was they were searching for this strange demon for almost fourteen hours straight or so, they had to further enquire about this case as well endure his partner's childish taunts and pranks. This was one of the reasons why he avoided working with Kevin.

" Well from what I understand the local special agents department were the one who took notice of this strange phenomena timely yesterday and sent their people to investigate the unidentified mana signature but none of them returned along with few batches of police team they have no choice but contact us"

" It's a pity they didn't alert us immediately, sigh, our association would have dealt with it sooner, now I don't even think that thing still has remained in this bleak place." Kevin said as he shook his head "I don't know why this local government or always like this? Tsk tsk troublesome " kicking a stone in frustration.

" Well there is a possibility, the evil demon hiding here somewhere " Sam speculated intrigued by the information while ignoring the scoff  "Your people didn't notice any abnormalities in the surrounding area? If it's a demon then it would have attracted by people outside the street "

" No, I have placed about eight of our best tracking team in checking any strange activities especially murder or missing cases?" Kevin hurriedly said, somewhat agitated and distracted.

" Yeah....Demon tend to hold up in such a dark place and prey upon humans" he also noticed strange mood shift in Kevin " We should probably have to capture one of these scum for quick investigation, I don't think we should going to go anywhere with just the two of us mindlessly wandering around..."

"Let's do this" Kevin also nodded looking serious he also felt uneasy as the time passed. Sam continued to pay some attention to Kevin subtly and noticed there were traces of panic and unease. 

" By the way, how is your boss doing? I didn't get the chance to meet him lately. He is not out of Ceptron is he?" Sam casually asked Kevin with bright eyes.

" My Boss!? Yeah he was doing fine. What's the matter? is it something personal? Were you that close to him?" Kevin replied but Sam was perceptive enough to notice the panicked expression for a few seconds ' So it's like this,  hehehe I'd decided that, I'll be give you my full cooperation today '

Kevin also noticed the subtle smirk on the blonde and frowned guardedly then schooled his features as quickly and conversatialy said " Sam you are right the faster we finish the better we get out of this place" Sam raised his eyebrows.

" I can't bear seeing your noble presence in such uncouth places, not to mention you have to suffer because of this. This is wrong. How could I call myself your friend? " Kevin even sped up his leisure pace.

Sam smiled and had a half smile while gently running his fingers on his goatee with elegance " Sigh! How considerate! You are indeed a thoughtful friend " he cast a glance at Kevin who adjusted his jacket "Very thoughtful one aren't you?"

"Yeah?" *Cough* 

"Hehehe" Sam also sped up while thinking something so he almost missed Kevin's words that made him choked out "WHAT?"

" Er... Oh! I said ' You should ask someone brother Sam what's the matter... Are you alright?"

He couldn't believe what he heard and astounded by this fellow's audacity ' I a noble priest Moon Goddess have to fraternize with these lowly evil scums? Was his brain got burn out from fear and anxiety'

" Kevin, How dare you... don't push me too far, I can walk out this mission this instant I-" Kevin put his hand in front of him with a peace sign.

" Brother Sam don't get angry, how could I dare offend you?" his face is full of innocence " I was saying this for a reason, look at me! don't you see why I'm requesting this? your dress Is more appropriate for this task then mine ahem-they might be get wary held back during out investigation"

Sam felt like not only that they were both on different wavelengths and also speaking different languages ' What rubbish is this.... I don't think there was anything troublesome in this place. I could flatten the bugs easily... All it requires is some appropriate encouragement. These scums even help us capture their dearest friends wasn't this just a criminal lair?'

" Then... can't you change in some rag as well and ask around " he commented there was a haughty edge in it "Listen, I came here to capture that demon. I wouldn't talk to these evil scoundrels. if you wanted information you should obtain them yourself" 

Sam reprimand him immediately not only he couldn't tolerate such a thing besides he felt Kevin was plotting something, it wasn't the first time he was played by the rude fella. 

Kevin had a troubled expression and looked like he was put in a situation seeing that Sam got further irritated. It seems like Kevin is planning to pull some tricks to deceive him again.

No matter what he does as a noble priest, willing to wear this stinky rag is the most tolerating thing he ever does for the sake of mission but he would never compromise with anything ridiculous. 

"Brother Sam this is... can't you do me just this simple favor-"

" Hehehe, You actually had some gall to talk about favor with me now are we? Not only did you almost pushed me closer to death in our last 'adventure' You freaking lost my holy sword you damn thief" * pant pant* " Don't you dare talk about any favor with me and that wasn't even the first time you forget to return my things "

Kevin was wide eyed as he stared at the priest, he couldn't help but shift from side to side as he felt the guilt his face fell a little pale with droopy eyes he looked pitiful.

Sam takes one look at him and with a sneer walk ahead not waiting whether he would come or not Kevin was a little surprised but he didn't expect Sam to walk away he hurriedly caught up to Sam.

" Brother Sam I don't know you have this much of resentment on me " Kevin tone was remorseful.

" I only took that sword in belief of our close friendship and I never expected it to fall Into Dimensional crack of all things.... how would I know there would be a crack appear out of blue but don't worry I will return a similar treasure... no few more better treasure as a compensation if you want, you have my word"


*Cough* " Ahem, since something like that comes between as I will try my best to prove the Purity of my friendship I'll make you certainly understand the height of my respect for you "  he looked at the other party carefully "Umm, brother Sam... Why don't you do this one last favor before that....for your dear friend-"

Kevin smiled when he saw Sam expressionless face broke into a mild smile the next second Kevin face stiffened sweat formed in his nape as he took his step back Sam palms were glowed in light golden gleam Kevin sighed and let go his attempts. 

"Well I understand, brother Sam is still angry with me " he looked up in melancholy " We as well directly look for the demon... I don't think it can hide here forever with its cruel nature."

Sam couldn't help but stop, he looked up at Kevin with searching look as if he understand what going on with Sam's mind he replied in bitter tone " it's just that if I wear this rags and approach them I'm afraid they might be frightened"

Kevin words  seems really made Sam confused as he inquiringly look at the other party which prompt Kevin to explain " Ahem, you see I purposely made you wear that so you don't have hard time blending in'' he put on a bitter expressions " Can you imagine how I look if I wear something like that you yourself often said I had this menacing presence about me remember? we aren't here for trouble but gathering information"

Sam nodded his head but couldn't help thinking ' What in the hell exactly is this nuisance trying to say, could it be he was trying to throw insults like usual? I don't know what to think about this ' nor did he get Kevin point to him. It looks like some half cooked excuses.

"So? What are you trying to say? could it be you are implying I look like a scum? " he bluntly asked ' I don't think so people often praised me of being handsome this fellow was not right in the head'

"I wouldn't dare... wouldn't dare " Kevin waved his hands wildly " Brother Sam don't pull my legs please don't you already know why I have to go out of my way to bring this 'thing' for you to disguise?" Sam silently raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but feel Kevin acting overly humble today.

" What's your expression? You don't take it from some garbage, do you?"

" Of course not? just borrowed it from a beggar "

Sam stopped abruptly and looked at Kevin with blank eyes "What?" he asked " Are you joking with me or something?" Kevin had an innocent expression as he shook his head.

"No no, I don't have time to prepare proper costume so... and I know you have strong sense especially when it come to borrowing something so I asked a beggar on my way for his clothe " he smilingly said " Promised him to return it with some of your blessings, you have to little careful not damage this-"

*Swiish Boooom* *  splatter *

A golden arrow shot towards Kevin faster than bullet Kevin barely able to reflect that as he managed to take out his saber in the last moment the warehouse crumbled swiftly from the seemingly small attack.

*Zwip *Kaboom * 

A small fire ball-like thing was thrown at him immediately which sped away instead of deflecting it like he did just a moment ago as he knew things wouldn't end well if he grazed it with his blade.

"Brother Sam? " staring at the strange fire on the ground with dust filled cloth he called out in a neutral voice, which seemed to irk Sam further. 

"How dare you? " the dress on his body bursts out into bits and pieces " You sadistic, sick b****** do you really believe I would let you go for this, I have learned some ruthless curses I'll gladly test them out on yourself " the area attracts a lot of people already as they hide themself nearby and watch everything happening with interest.


The nameless youth was currently unconscious in his warehouses for about quite sometime completely unaware of the shaking in ground or deafening sounds.

He was less than a mile away from the commotion. Not only that, he didn't have any demonic aura or mana reaction on him thus completely evading the artifact in the priest 's hand and the device on Kevin.