
Legends Of Blood Star, Arkine (The Bloody Tale Of Arcane )

A Young Man find himself in a world filled with supernatural and mystery, confused about who he was? or where he was, the youth then horrified to find himself to be the the target of few groups of mysterious people. The grand city of Ceptron was one of the larget independent city in the entire Arkine, but being chased by various group of extraordinary people he found himself in the unfavorable situation. His instincts tells him to survive on this ruthless world on his own was near impossible unless he have the extraordinary strength or means to back him up and need certain level of influence to roam free. But can he achieve all of this, by the way who was he? a refugee? or an orphan? an experiment product of these nasty scientist or the cultist, what exactly are they trying to do, why are they relentlessly chasing him. To find out what's going on follow the path of this senseless youth in the mysterious world of Arkine.

raven_lord017 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Crimson World, Elders Council, Euphoria

The beautiful world was covered in dim red light In the late night that day. The crimson moon shining so high in the sky of the grand city sprawled across as far as bathed in the  night of silence.

A magnificent fortress is built up at the center of the city, like residents of some powerful and wealthy Emperor but there is something unusual about the whole situation.

The city was devoid of any presence of peoples as it was hard to catch a glimpse of a single person like the city of the dead , a ghost city with some story.

 Although it gives the impression of a long deserted city from what one can assume that is simply just an assumption but unlike what one expected the area was clean like people living there just yesterday.

It's just that hard to catch the reclusive inhabitants of this city, that is if anyone one capable set foot in this enormous city and unless they had some supernatural means this feat was impossible.

The Castle's corridors, halls and chambers are all empty in a dark dungeon area surprisingly lit up by torches that night leading to a spacious room at the center of this said spacious room thirteen old style ornamental chairs placed around a long black shiny table adorned with gems.

No one currently present at the room door remained open; only the crackling of fire could be heard. The subtle footsteps of a single person could have been impossible to locate if not for a steady clanking of a cane echoed in the corridor a black hooded figure entered the room at leisure and took a seat.

Nothing could be seen about this person, their figure was somewhat on the thin side wearing pitch black cloak, hoodie and a silver cane there was a certain air of confidence woosed from them.

Not long after that swishing sounds, clothes clearly heard in the room for the next five minutes eleven seats out of thirteen filled up the first one didn't bother to wait any longer tapped the table to get everyone's attention.

" Girls, how are you doing? It seems everyone received the missive I sent out yesterday and I'm glad you all came here for today's meeting. It's nice to meet you all at one place."

A crisp female voice sounded from the hoodie. The remaining ten paid a certain amount of attention to her. All of them wore similar types of cloaks and hoodies up being secretive and the important part is all of them were certainly women of unknown age.

The voice of the first one was very pleasant and mature and made one wonder how old this person is. On the other hand, the remaining ten did not seem any younger from the way they held themselves, making it hard to guess the age of anyone here.

" First, I assume you have some serious matters to discuss, since you demand the presence of Everyone tonight so don't drag it down tell us already!?" 

" Second, be patient will you? First ....Did you also feel the same kind of uneasiness yesterday? What do you think we should-" she hesitated "Should we?"

" I don't think such an extreme means necessary.... and you are correct, " the hooded figure grimaced. " I don't know what could possibly make us feel this way... but I- I " she trailed off like that as if she was struggling to say something.

" Can anyone tell me why such a thing happened in the first place ?" an irritated voice came from a few seats away. " It's not like with our strength we should felt this way, not to mention we never had this uneasiness ever"

" Fifth is right?....First, this is very unusual, something from the outside world could alarm us. This simple point itself couldn't be overlooked, this most likely implying something concerning going to happen to us? "Someone from the other side of the table talked, not fully sure whether her conjecture was correct.

" Well why don't we send someone out to check what's going on in the outside world lately? " another one suggested out of the blue.

" What are these little kids going to do in the outside world... No, I think it would be better if someone from us personally stepped out of our holy world and looked for what made us uneasy, what do you girls think of it?"

All of them fell silent, some turned to look at one another and a few talked quietly with each other   when someone first agreed with the proposal.

" I agree!"

" I also agree! "

"Me too"


" Yes, this way things could end real quick for us don't you guys think? I'm sure we could easily track down whatever it was giving us this feeling and isolate that thing." a tall woman spoke.

"Alright, I also agree!" The woman named First also nodded her head in agreement.

All of them are a little apprehensive about such freaky feelings, eager to know just what exactly causes such a feeling to someone of their level.

They never felt this way in their entire life, at least not in their holy world, so it came as a huge shock that something out there caused such a reaction in their lazy lifestyle.

They are after all kind of important people for their entire race. If it made them serious then either it was closely related to them or it was a threat, a high level one the kind capable of putting the existence of their entire race in jeopardy.

" Do you think this has something to do with....say plan of one of those annoying organizations? "The topic shifted further, a little gossipy, when their agitation calmed down a little after the quick agreement.

" I say this was very much possible, let me think I'd say it could be a plot from Tower of Supremacy " one of them speculated.

A snort came from her side " Seventh, Don't you think it was kind of ridiculous.... for claiming such a laughable one ?" the woman laughed as she shook her head at this idea.

"They are too much of a coward and they are very materialistic and also cautious there is no way they dare to have any design for us so don't worry your little head about them hehehe!" She commented.

" Nonsense, have you girls become stupid as centuries pass by? This is exactly the problem here, don't you see? " The atmosphere got a little tense from her outbursts " You are not seeing the point here! They are too greedy; they would go to any extent to get what they want " the seventh tersely insisted.

" Just admit that you don't want to bow your prideful head, was it that hard to admit you said something stupid haha!" hearing the other party still mocking her become incensed she let out a growl.

" You!! Why you- "

" Ninth be quiet, do you have to provoke seventh every now and then, can't you realize there might be a possibility in her theory" Second scolded ninth in annoyance.

First who was responsible for meeting nodded her head in affirmation, " Of course, there is a possibility we, should think this through carefully, what else you all think could be other reason"

" Well, I think seventh might close to the truth here although I don't believe the old mages from that stupid tower could any threat to us alone it mightn't impossible if they have one or two organizations join there ship"

" Oh! why do you think they could band against us all of sudden?" First, curiously she didn't refute such unbelievable claims.

" No, what I thought in this was more likely only if the rabid dogs join them as well but I don't think they ever would succeed in such a ridiculous plot right?" another one asked.

"Hmm" few people immediately agreed with such a reasoning they left the speculations for now as it doesn't come to any conclusions.

" Alright let's put such an idea into careful deliberation for another day let's vote who's going out for the task?" First said as she looked at second to proceed.

" I vote for myself" she coldly uttered as she looked at the next person.

"I also vote for myself " She looked at the second who was looking at her unhappily " Sorry, Hehehe! "


"I vote for myself as well"

"I vote for fourth" there was a shift in the room 

"I vote for second " sixth helplessly voted when she felt a second eye on her.

"I vote for second as well " seventh followed 

"Myself "

" I voted for fourth" there was annoyance in her voice.

" I vote for fourth as well "

" Me too, Fourth you owe me one " the last one spoke up. 

" Alright this settled this then, with that over-" she fell silent a strange aura came out of her body black shadow seemed to creep out from ground as if they covered her entire body.


The other ten fell silent, their stimulants stood up from their seat looking wide. At first the room thrummed with heavy pressure soft whispers echoed through the whole room then everything returned to normal.

" First? "

"Everyone, there were no schemes against us and this anomaly doesn't represent danger. We will end the meeting here " First for the first time since the start of the meeting said in an authority tone. 

"Agreed!" Everyone's fourth voice sounded a little sad. None of them disagreed nor did they ask anything else.

"Fourth send someone capable from your family to A Small independent city called Ceptron for brief checking for me will you?....Hmm, better let him discreetly stay there for now inform us if he finds anything out of norm " First commanded



Smoke and debris surrounded the alleyway. The crimson moon sign further dulled the already dark area of Surrey; a blurry silhouette stood there holding something in their hand.

It was the nameless youth who went rampage earlier holding a woman by the back of her head like a doll and sinking his fang on her neck the woman's body shriveled at visible speed to naked eyes. 

Whoever laid there eyes on this site probably creeped out of their mind, both of them seemed to fight a fierce fight from going by the damage lay waste.

Both of them were injured to certain degree from the blood on each other's body, the woman's suit torn in many places and there was a large knife stabbed in the ground. 

The youth threw the woman away. He was somewhat unsteady; this wasn't possible when he freshly fed himself just now, not only that there are other signs showing something wrong with him.

He was still bleeding with his enhanced healing. It was very surprising even though his bleeding hadn't stopped yet.

He stumbled as he tried to walk away. He doesn't understand why he suddenly felt this weak all of sudden the exhilaration and rush of power whenever he feeded pushed him to an edge.

Its true hunting these people made him powerful he felt she was powerful she was supposed to feel more powerful why does he feel this way?

At first everything went fine, the amount of power went to his mind so euphoric, he seemed lost in his heightened state, he never felt this intense expression even after he finished with his feed, his mind felt numb but in a different kind of sense.

He stumbled away, his eyes once again flickering from red to blue like that time he also felt quite exhausted; he couldn't even access his psychic powers that clearly.

His heightened instincts told him to find a safe place to hide 'Safe place, sa-safe pl' his mind went blank his instincts took over his body blurred to some dark area.