
The first challenger

After following the teacher of the Elite Class, the other students were ushered into the school arena, where the teacher stepped upward before looking at the three students who had decided to challenge the chosen members of the Elite Class.

"The rules are simple: Everyone can choose an opponent for a 1 VS 1 fight. Killing the opponent or causing serious injury is not allowed."

After announcing the simple rules, the teacher simply came down from the arena and looked at the challengers. Her body expression making it clear she would let them go up and choose who they would fight with.

Moments later, a dark-haired boy with a steady expression took the stage in slow steps. His eyes wandered over the members of the elite class before stop at on Freya.

"My name is Daniel Salvatore, I would like to challenge Freya Fenrir for a fight, please teach me!"

After announcing his challenge and bowing politely to Freya, a silver spear appeared in the boy's hand as he waited for the answer to his challenge.

While for those who knew nothing, guns appearing out of nowhere were surprising, most cultivators knew that the spear was previously guarded in what they called an "item box" a technology learned from one of the books dropped by monsters and which has become quite popular in today's world.

Although possessing one of these would not be extremely rare, the larger the space and the amount of items an item box could hold, the greater the rarity and obviously its selling price. And an item box large enough to hold that spear was not cheap at all.What only served to show the boy's family wealth.

"I accept the challenge"

After a few seconds of silence, Freya answered in a calm voice was loaded with indifference, before taking the stage with a simple jump, standing before the boy in the arena with a distance of a few meters between them.

"Be careful!"

Seeing that Freya did not seem willing to make the first move, Daniel gave her an educated warning before pointing her spear toward the seemingly unprotected young woman and the next moment he kicked the floor, taking advantage of the thrust for reduce the distance between them and to appear before Freya in the following instant.

The moment he appeared in front of the girl, Daniel did not hesitate to attack, the spear point approaching quickly of the girl's belly without any stop sign.

But as soon as the spear tip brushed Freya's shirt, she simply took a half spin for right with frightening speed and let the spear continue forward without doing any damage.

Although surprised by how Freya had dealt with his attack, Daniel was not influenced by the loss of the blow and then moved the spear in a horizontal cut, aiming to attack Freya's waist with the wooden part of the spear.

But again Freya surprised everyone with his way of dealing with the attack. The brunette simply dropped to her knees and leaned back, letting the lance pass harmlessly over her.

This time disconcerted by the almost artistic form with which Freya had dealt with his attack, Daniel could not react in time to to the kick that Freya gave in his heel, making him lose balance and fall of butt to the ground, leaving the spear to fall to its side while it looked stupefied for the girl in front of you.

Giving a small, discreet smile, Freya stood up and extended her hand to Daniel, helping him to stand up before commenting, again using a cold expression.

"You lost"

Hearing that statement, Daniel nodded with a still stunned expression and left the stage with slow steps, still going over Freya's movements in his head.

Meanwhile, the students who watched the match could not help shaking their heads in disappointment. Although the fight had been short, Freya's movements had almost been a work of art to all who watched, but to those who knew about the Fenrir Clan, the fight had not served to demonstrate even the surface of the brunette's abilities.

There were two important points about the descendants of the wolf devouring gods that most people knew:

First, they were born with an innate ability that transformed anything they ate into energy.

Second, they used this energy to improve their bodies, making them several times stronger than ordinary growers of the same level.

Which meant that although the fight was beautiful and even interesting, Freya at no time used her Clan's specialty: Brute Force.

Opinions about the fight and my description of it would be very welcome ... In fact any comments would be welcome ;-;

_DreamWalker_creators' thoughts