
Freya Fenrir

After the dramatic end of Arthur Woods's speech, the 2,000 students who were present for the opening of a new school year were a little lost on what to do at that time, after all the only person who could guide them was the director , but he had just turned into sparks before his very eyes.

Fortunately, before they could voice their doubts aloud. A black-haired man who appeared to be no more than 30 years old came up to occupy where Arthur was before, signaling everyone to remain silent before speaking.

"My name is Manuel, I am the Deputy Director, I am happy that you are coming to our school and I hope that you become the best possible version of yourselves.Now teachers will call a list of names, make a row in front of these teachers and then follow him to his classrooms, that's all. "

After an extremely short speech that seemed to be nothing more than an excuse to show off to the new students, the man simply walked away and let several teachers appear, each carrying a tablet in his hands and beginning to call the names of their students the next moment, causing everyone to divide into different queues.

In the "One Step" school, all students were divided into six classes from A to F, depending on their level of cultivation, with the weakest being in class F and the strongest in class A. But this classification was not something absolute, every month there would be a test for all classifications and the one with the highest score of your class could go up to the top rank while the one with the lowest score would fall to the bottom rank.

Of course, there were two exceptions to these rules, better known as Class A and Class F. While Class F members were not expelled from school even if they were in the lower rank of the class, Class A members were not promoted if he stayed on top of his respective class.

This was not because there was not a class above Class A, but because the Elite Class (As was named) did not accept a Class A member just for its grades, actually being at the top of Class A only allowed the challenge the weakest member of the Elite Class and only when that student won the Elite Class member in 2 of 3 challenges (one chosen by the challenged, one by the challenging, and one by the Elite class teacher) he could assume the place of the other.

After more than 30 minutes with multiple names being called, a total of 1,980 students present logos were divided into all 6 classes, having an equal number of members for all classes. This excluded 20 students who were still out of any queue, waiting to be called to either class.

But as soon as only these 20 students remain, the only teacher who had not called by any name took a step forward while watching the students in front of her with a smile.

This teacher had long green hair that cascaded down her back, her green eyes seeming to be a pair of emeralds that shone with a touch of mystery and attraction. All this added to the body full of perfect curves, already made it clear that this would be one of the goddesses of all men and even some women at school.

Unfortunately for all, the teacher acted as if she was already accustomed to the doting looks before she began to speak calmly.

"Hello everyone, my name is Isabelle Jormungand and I will be the Elite Class teacher. Everyone I call, congratulations.You have been chosen to be the elite class of the first year."

With a sweet voice that seemed to delight everyone, the teacher introduced herself simple and quickly before beginning to call several names and each of those who had their names called, were quickly positioned behind the teacher, their heads raised with pride that felt for being chosen for the Elite Class.

"Freya Fenrir" At the time the teacher said that name, there were fewer than five students waiting to be called. And one of those students was a black girl with black hair that cascaded to her waist. Adding to her height of 1.90 and the curves of her body that seemed to belong to an older woman, she had caught the attention of everyone present.

But it was not just the girl's appearance and her beautiful yellow eyes like a wolf that caught the attention of everyone present. In addition to his appearance, Freya's most striking feature was his surname.

As the death of the monsters released energy throughout the universe and made everything change, making even the Earth increase in size to become as large as the sun was previously, it was not the only change that had taken place.

Another major change that occurred in the world was the evolution of all the animals on the planet, which occurred at an extremely slow pace and killed most of the specimens, but gave to those who survived an incomparable power.

In exchange for having extremely low fertility, the animals achieved extremely long lives, having twice the life time as many humans at the same level of cultivation and also were born with their awakened lineage, being able to awaken a secondary lineage or make their lineage even stronger in a second awakening, even having the chance to take human forms when they reach that level.

Meanwhile, in a few clans, the offspring were already born with the ability to take on the human form. And one of these clans was the Fenrir Clan, having inherited the lineage of the giant wolf that devours the gods and is one of the most powerful clan of beasts in the world.

And it was exactly from that Clan that Freya belonged, making her status one of the highest there and adding to her natural beauty, made the girl instantly elected as one of the school queens.


Completely ignoring the agitation caused by her student's name, the teacher simply called her next name before frowning slightly. The fact that he did not have a surname written next to name could only mean that his owner was either an orphan who had chosen his own name or a member of a tribe, which was even rarer.

Unlike the clans, the tribes were a group of people who did not share the same name but lived in the same place and in some cases shared a unique technique that made their tribe famous. And if that boy belonged to one of these tribes, his status would not be much lower than that of Freya herself.

After watching the boy with the black cloak take his place behind Freya as he was followed by the looks of the crowd (In his case, by his small size and suspicious appearance) and give a slight nod to it, the teacher turned to the three students left.

"Unfortunately the Elite Class has a limited number of places and we can not welcome you three." Looking at the students as he spoke, the teacher watched their expressions shifting from anticipation to lament and lack of will.

"But it's not like there's no hope. You have three options from now on." After a moment of silence for the three to absorb the news, she continued.

"The first option is to become a sparring partner for one of the Elite Class students, so you will not only watch the lessons, but also fight and learn from others and you will also earn some points to exchange for techniques and school items The second method is to work as an Elite Class attendant, you will do all the necessary tasks for the class, whether to pack the study material, carry bags, whatever I decide to need. "

Seeing how the expressions of the three students in front of him turned into expressions of those who had swallowed a fly, the teacher can not help but sigh. While the first option sounded as if the student had to become a punch bag and the second option the student had to be a servant to the whole class, it was no wonder that these proud students could not accept.

What they did not know was that the points they would earn and the classes they would receive in those positions would be at least the same as a student at the peak of class A would receive every month and on top of that they could fight and exchange advice among people would really help them in the future.

"There is also a third option, you can now challenge one Elite Class member for a fight and if you win, you can take his place." Knowing that he would not be able to convince those proud students to work for the Elite Class, the teacher the explanation continued in the same quiet voice as ever.

"But if you lose ... You will have to work for the Elite Class for a year, without any reward or payment for your tasks"

Seeing that even with his warning the three students in front of him still had eyes shining like phalluses with the idea of fighting against members of the Elite Class, the teacher gave a helpless smile before taking a step to the side.

"Their expressions already tell me what you decided ... Follow me." Speaking until then, the teacher started to walk in a specific direction and moments later not only did the Elite Class follow her, as even those who had already entered a class had followed her to enjoy the show.