
Legendary System In The Multiverse

Classic world-hopping fan-fic where the main character dies and gets some wishes. Also, I am just writing this for fun so don't take it too seriously. The cover is from Wikipedia, I don't own it

KingPanda215 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

(A/N: No Harem!)

Aurelion looked up at the UA school building in a bit of awe. It truly was a massive structure that wasn't like any other building he had seen before. His heart beat a bit faster when walking through the gate. He had accepted that he was in another world, but all those feelings of wonder at being inside of an anime world came back to him.

With Momo at his side, the pair turned many heads. Momo because she was very attractive but next to Aurelion she looked ordinary. His white hair and his purple [Rinnegan] on top of his pale skin and muscular figure were very eye-catching. He had expected this kind of reaction when he had chosen to reincarnate in Viego's body. He could disable his [Rinnegan], but he kept it active at all times in case he was attacked.

They walked inside of the main UA building and were directed to the place where the written exam would take place. "Good luck Aurelion," Momo said before she was directed to her seat. Aurelion smiled and gave a thumbs up to her in return. He didn't have many friends, but over the years Momo had grown on him. He didn't view her in a romantic way at all, he saw her more as a sibling.

Soon the written exam was passed out and everyone began. It was the easiest test he had ever seen in his life. Honestly, he was a bit insulted by how easy it was. When thinking about it he was able to puzzle out the reason why. As long as you weren't a complete dumbass and had a good quirk you'd be able to become a hero.

If the exam was super difficult then UA might accidentally get rid of some people with good quirks. Most people if they were born with a good quirk got complacent and lazy. They never put in too much work once they got arrogant about their quirks. This exam gave people like that a chance. Plus quirks were more important than brains in this world.

The exam phase passed quickly. Next came the obstacle course race. This would be extremely easy due to the fact that Aurelion could teleport, so he expected to get into UA with no problem. Soon his turn to race came up and he was surprised to find out that he was in the same group as wind dude and Todoroki.

He watched the two interact without getting too close. Aurelion knew that Todoroki was an edgy asshole at this point in the series, so he would do his best to avoid him. Not that he was afraid of him, it would just be too annoying to deal with an angry and edgy teen.

Soon the race started and Aurelion immediately teleported to the finish line. He looked around at the shocked spectators as he simply took one more step to cross the finish line. He could see Momo off in the distance give him a thumbs up so he walked over to join her and wait for his competitors.

It didn't take long for his two competitors to come racing towards the finish line. It ended the same as in the anime, with windy dude winning and Todoroki finishing a split second later. "I won!" windy dude cried, pumping his arms into the air. "Actually you came in second place," Present Mic announced, making them turn towards Aurelion.

"I didn't even see him..." Windy guy started. "Move?" Aurelion finished, teleporting right in front of him. Aurelion couldn't resist the urge to be dramatic for a moment there, laughing at the other guy's startled expression. He couldn't blame him though, teleportation quirks were extremely rare.

Soon the exams were over and Aurelion was confident that he had taken first in the exams. It wasn't really even close at all. One good thing about telling people he could teleport was the fact that he could teleport in public. He grabbed Momo's arm and teleported her back to her house before teleporting back to his.

After checking in with his parents Aurelion teleported himself into Kamui and started training. He clapped his hand together and hit the ground with them while muttering [Wood Style: Deep Forest Bloom]. The results were . . . something. Trees DID emerge from the ground, but not many and they weren't very powerful. Next he tried something he was excited about, [Wood Style: Wood Clone Jutsu].

Unfourtunatly since he wasn't a very experience [Wood Release] user he was only able to make one clone. Aurelion would have to make due with only one clone now. He had around a month until classes started and he wanted to be able to create dozens of clones by that point. For now he would have this clone train [Wood Release] 24/7 so that he would be able to summon more clones soon.

Both Aurelion and the clone trained together for the next few hours. At the end of the training session he dismissed the clone and instantly gathered all the information the clone had. Since the clone had only trained [Wood Release] that was the only information he got from the clone. That was what the point of the clone was, gathering its experience with [Wood Release] and adding it to his own knowledge.

Now when Aurelion tried creating more wood clones he was able to create three. He set them two of them to grind [Wood Release] while he used the thrid clone to train [Observation Haki]. He blindfolded himself and had the clone attack him from different angles. At first it was a lot of the clone beating him up, but after a little while he started to get the hand of [Observation Haki]. He was still nowhere near mastering it, but he was improving gradually.

Now that he had the clones he could use them to grind his abilities 24/7.