
Legendary System In The Multiverse

Classic world-hopping fan-fic where the main character dies and gets some wishes. Also, I am just writing this for fun so don't take it too seriously. The cover is from Wikipedia, I don't own it

KingPanda215 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

Aurelion stood in the Kamui dimension on the morning of his 15th birthday. He had been grinding extremely hard the past 5 years and it showed. The number of points he had was staggering. He also had to start venturing outside of Japan to do his killings just to be safe. He now had a grand total of 11,176,500 points.

He felt rich, but Aurelion also knew that he was still just a frog in a well. There were abilities in the shop that cost hundreds of billions of points just to buy. That wasn't even taking the future upgrades into account. There were abilities that could wipe out dimensions with ease in the shop.

Aurelion wasn't even at a level where he could destroy countries yet. His abilities paled in comparison to the real big boy powers the system offered. He was still content with his growth so far and excitedly opened up the shop to spend his points. He immediately upgraded his [EMS] first.

[Madara's Rinnegan: Grants the ability Limbo on top of the other Rinnegan powers. {Cost High} {Damage Massive} No more upgrades available.]

[Sasuke's Rinnegan: Grants the ability to swap places with objects or people on top of the other Rinnegan powers. {Cost High} {Damage Massive} No more upgrades available.]

[Unique Rinnegan: Grants the ability ??? on top of the other Rinnegan powers. {Cost High} {Damage Massive} No more upgrades available.]

Aurelion was tempted to get the [Unique Rinnegan], but he decided against it. Limbo was too busted an ability to pass up. He quickly picked [Madera's Rinnegan] and waited for the evolution to happen. It only took a second before he felt the change occur in his eyes. He didn't feel any pain this time around, just a massive boost in power.

Aurelion was also concerned that he would lose the ability to use Kamui when he gained the Rinnegan, but it seemed like that wasn't the case. Now he turned his eyes to the other things he wanted to buy. He quickly bought [Wood Release], [Disaster], and The luck stat system upgrade. The upgrade to the [Rinnegan] had cost 5 million points and the three abilities he just bought cost the same, leaving him with a little over a million points.

[Wood Release] was one of the most powerful abilities in Naruto when used in the hands of a master, so Aurelion bought it to boost his combat power. [Disaster] was another ability that would be extremely useful in battle. It gave the user the ability to just completely fuck over their opponent. With [Disaster] a scratch would become a severe wound, mild poisons would become lethal, and a small tumor would rapidly grow and spread throughout the body.

While luck was just luck. Aurelion had read stories in the past where the MC pumped stats into luck and it was like the world itself worked for them and against their enemies. It was a completely overpowered stat. Finally, with his last 1 million points, he turned his eyes to [Storm Control] and upgraded it.

[Storm God: Gain a massive amount of control over electricity as well as high control over wind and mediocre control over water. Able to summon storms whenever the user desires. {Cost Medium} {Damage Massive} No more upgrades available.]

[Wind Lightning Fusion (A/N: I couldn't come up with a good name.): Wind and electricity have fused into one. Whenever attacking with electricity the wind in the attack alters the air pressure rapidly, creating massive explosions wherever the attack hits. {Cost Medium} {Damage Massive+} No upgrades available]

Aurelion looked at the final two options. He had really come a long way since the days that he could only shoot some sparks from his hands. Now he would become a bonafide storm god. The choice was obvious for him as he choose [Storm God]. He liked the abilities that [Wind Lightning Fusion] offered, but he like the ability to control more elements.

Aurelion sighed because he knew he couldn't just rock up to UA with powers that were completely different than what he had registered when he was 4. His mom was going to surprise him today by telling him that she had gotten him a recommendation for UA, just like Momo's parents did for her. Though to be honest he didn't really want to attend UA, but it was alright.

Aurelion had grown tired of having to redo school again, but his parents wouldn't let him just drop out. He supposed the hero school would be more interesting than regular highschool. Deciding that he had put it off long enough he got up and teleported back to his room.

He was surprised to find his parents in his room, but unsuprised to find that they were absolutely freaking out. Luckily they hadn't called the police yet, so he had time to explain the situation. He told them that his quirks had gotten stronger and that his eye quirk gave him the ability to teleport. He told them that he was just experimenting because he had only unlocked the ability recently.

He managed to convince them and got his dad to drive him back to the government building where you register quirks. Aurelion then had to explain that his eyes gave him the ability to teleport and that he could now manipulate electricity,air, and water. He didn't really mind telling them all this because it was less than half of what his powers could do.

His parents were more excited for him attending UA then he was. They constantly told me that I would be a great hero and that having a famous hero in the family would be so cool. Aurelion had the feeling that they were projecting their childhood fantasy of becoming a hero onto him, but he didn't really mind.

Soon enough the UA recommendation entrance exams came and Aurelion set off along with Momo to see if they had the power to become future heros.