
The Child Prodigy


Kakashi was punched and threw some blood as he was slammed onto the big stone creating a big crack.

"Remember the name who will kill you; I am called Waia"

"...", Kakashi wobbled and stands up, he could barely stand at this point, as he creates five shadow clones and a Chidori.

The harsh chirping of thousand birds sounded on the hand of the real Kakashi.

Out of nowhere an army of Kakashi came and attacked the Iwa shinobi Waia, who dodged and make the hand signs.

"Earth Release: Earth Spike"

As the Iwa shinobi slammed the hand on the ground, Several large spikes came out, and with a poof of smoke, the clones disappeared.



The shocked Iwa shinobi looked up as the descending Kakashi with the lightning came directly at him.

Waia raised his hand to block the incoming missile


It was a direct hit, creating a dust cloud.

"Alright, a direct hit--

Despite Kakashi's declare of a direct hit, the fact remains that he was far from the truth.

When the dust cloud settled, Waia was standing with his hand raised, blocking the Chidori with the stone fist.

"Earth Release: Giant Gauntlet Technique", The Iwa shinobi muttered staring at the kid.

Kakashi was shocked only for a mere second because Waia, the Iwa shinobi grabbed Kakashi's hand with the stone gauntlet, and punched Kakashi's face with the other fist.


Kakashi flew back again while throwing a lot of blood

But somehow Kakashi twisted in mid-air and grabbed his short sword and letting it slash the ground. Stabilizing his posture.

"Shadow clone technique"

He created 6 shadow clones, "Leaf Style: Cresent Moon Dance!" The shadow clones all spun around Waia, in a crescent moon pattern.

Waia saw the attack with a smirk, He kicked at a clone, and dodged a combination strike from two others, but ended in the path of another.

But that didn't stop Waia as he gave a spinning kick to the last clone, making it disappear with a poof of white smoke.

But this gave Kakashi to gather enough stamina and chakra, as he threw his short sword upwards, doing hand signs, and caught it. He yelled, "Fire Style: Sizzling Sword!" His sword burned ablaze.

Waia performed hand seals, shot out razor-sharp spikes made entirely of stones at Kakashi, "Earth Release: Spike Razor!"

Kakashi raised his sword, upside down. The Stone spike screeched against his short sword and cut Kakashi's sleeve.

Kakashi had to jump away. But the cuts on his elbow and hand hurts so badly that he had to drop his sword.

Waia performed several seals, then cried, "Earth release: Spike armor"

From every pore of his stone-covered body, a small spike came out. He ran to meet Kakashi.

As Waia ran at him, Kakashi jumped down, rolled to his side, and grabbed his leg.

Kakashi grit his teeth as the spikes painfully pierces through his hand. He put the explosive seal on Waia's leg.

Before Waia could move though, Kakashi put the bloody palms flat on the ground, bending his legs backward kicking Waia the Iwa shinobi back while gaining the necessary momentum to leap back onto his feet.


"Well, it seems you are more versatile than I thought", came the voice from the black smoke

Kakashi glared fiercely as Iwa shinobi walk out of that black smoke.

"You are quite talented Kid, and you have experience in combat, but you've never faced a life and death battle on your own. did you?"


"You have a lot to learn"

Iwa shinobi said while walking towards Kakashi without even putting up a defense.

Kakashi jumped up, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Kakashi launched a fireball at Waia.

Waia just laughed as he dodged the incoming fireball that crashed into the ground not far from him.

"That's a good stable jutsu, but I have seen this Jutsu far too many times already", Suddenly, Waia increased his speed revealing himself directly in front of Kakashi's face.

Kakashi was already aware of this because of his dynamic vision, as he attacked with the lightning hand.


Pity, Waia avoided Kakashi's Chidori by some skillful mid-air movement, and he punched almost at the same time.

This terrifying punch directly hit Kakashi's chest!

The sound of cracked bones could be heard, Kakashi directly flew out with blood, and then fell to the ground fiercely, his chest was sunken in and seemed to be dying..!! But he still struggles to get up.


All of a sudden, hands grabbed Waia and pulled him into the ground.

Waia was surprised, "A shadow clone!? When?"

"Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu!", The hands that had him buried, disappeared with a poof of smoke.

Kakashi got up while being hurt badly, "I made a clone a while ago while you were distracted and had it hide under the earth as a trap... A ninja must see through deception", Kakashi struggles to even stand at this point.

"With your Sharingan, that must be easy. But, the rest of us must improvise. Ninja Art: Acid Spray"

Using the chakra, Waia spits out the acidic spray from his mouth.

Kakashi jumped back to dodge the attack.

"Behind you." Waia's voice came as he appeared behind Kakashi with a kunai in hand, having used the distraction to unbury himself.

Already exhausted Kakashi couldn't dodge anymore.

Kakashi made no expression, not even of pain's when he was stabbed from behind, he just stood still with his head down, and blood coming out from his back.

"It's over", The Iwa shinobi said

"I... win", Kakashi's hoarse voice came out


Waia looked down to see the kunai in Kakashi's hand was able to barely scrape his abdomen.

He chuckled, "Hoh? You managed to put a single scratch on me, Great job. Congratulation"

Suddenly he stumbled back and his eyes blurred

"What the hell?", Waia muttered as he puked blood, "Damn kid, he poisoned me. I let my guard down"

Waia couldn't hold anymore as he fell on his knees watching Kakashi who was stumbling and walking away from him. Waia glares fiercely at Kakashi's bloody back before he closed his eyes.

Kakashi was not able to hold any longer either as he closed his eyes and fall forward, only to fall onto someone's chest.

"Kan... san", Kakashi fell unconscious

"Great Job kid, Great job", Kan whispered in Kakashi's ear and put him on his back as he watches Iwa's army surrounding them

Mikoto and Rin came towards him as well, watching Iwa army coming to bury them

"One problem solved; another came right through", Kan muttered