
Femme Fatale

While Kan was fighting the Iwa shinobi, there were other battles going on.

One of the battles was between a woman that was famous all throughout the elemental nation, holding many titles and an Iwa shinobi.

"Hoho; To think such a beautiful and famous woman is my opponent, I am going to enjoy tasting you"

"Sigh... It's just my luck to match with a pathetically weak guy like you. Hey, can I change you with someone strong", She said disappointed

The Iwa ninja grinned, "I will make sure to properly violet that crooked mouth of yours first"

"You disgusting creature, learn your place", She said with disdain, looking down at him

Otoshi, the Iwa shinobi reached under his armor and drew his katana, "You're cocky" he started, his grin giving off a creepy feeling, "You should not use such shrewd words. They do not serve a beauty like you"

Mikoto reached under her dress and drew her Kunai, "What can I say?", She started, her Sharingan giving off a fierce glow, "I am always like this"

"There are always consequences of your actions", Otoshi said as he vanished out of sight, quickly reappearing behind Mikoto's back while making a slight move to send the tip of his blade straight towards Mikoto's back.

Mikoto caught his movement with her Sharingan and whirled around, catching his blade with her Kunai and shoving it away, "There may be some consequences, but you are not strong enough to show me those consequences", she chimed as she formed a Dog hand seal, "Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere!" she cried, firing dozens of razor-sharp balls of wind at the man.

Otoshi of Iwa quickly used some complex steps to carry himself out of the attack's path, Making a few hand seals, He yelled, "Earth Release: Mud Dragon Jutsu"

Mikoto's Sharingan caught the attack before Iwa shinobi could even complete it, "Fire Release: Running Fire!", She shouted, firing off a stream of fire to cancel out the attacking jutsu

"Clever. Your attack can appear out of nowhere. Anyone without a proper set of reflexes or my eyes would've been hit by that", she analyzed, "You have to be more cunning with me. I saw trickier techniques when I was a kid"

"I admit your skills with the Sharingan are great. But I am trained by Onoki-sama himself to use the power of the earth", he said, now getting serious, "And you should increase your attack speed if you wish to catch me. Power won't do you any good if your attacks can't catch the opponent - I don't think I need to say more, do I?"

Mikoto smirked a bit, "Very well. I'll speed things up; Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere!", she declared, firing a large, speedy ball of razor-sharp wind directly at the man and crouched down to prepare for the next move.

Faster than the eye could see, Otoshi reacted, "Earth Release: Destroyed earth", he announced, swinging his katana, destroying the path in front of him as well as the wind jutsu.

Mikoto's eyes swiveled as she dodges the attack with ease, "Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire!" she shouted, spewing flame balls in every direction

"Low-level techniques such as that are useless at this point of the battle, Uchiha", said Otoshi, his voice turning even darker than before.

"Earth Release: Stone armor"

His body became enveloped in a strong and tight armor made entirely of stones that dissolved all the fireballs that hit him, "Even with the Sharingan you are still a human... but I am beyond human"

Mikoto gave the man a critical look, "There was once a man that I thought was invincible, someone beyond human awhile back. Yet he too fell to the limits of the human body" she explained

Having her eyes swivel she tied her hair back, "He taught me jutsu aren't used based on skill level, they are used on necessity", she added, pointing to the ground, where her previous Fire jutsu had ignited.


The fire is still burning high, circling around them, isolating them from the rest. Burning those inside it.

"How did you--

"No matter what one is called, they all die in the end. I learned this when that person died, His name was Kagami Uchiha. He was the mighty general of Konohagakure... He was my father"

"He was just a foolish human trying to grasp the stars from the sky... but I am above of that level like stars are above the dirt"

"Earth Release: Golem's Hand"

He raised his hand and the earth itself covered Otoshi's hand, creating an enormous hand reaching great heights.

Creating a fist, he swings his hand down, pointing it at the tiny Mikoto. Ready to turn him into mincemeat.

"There is no god among humans", She made hand signs in a blur, "Fire Fist"

Her hand engulfs in very hot flames. The flames surrounding them cause the flames of the fist to blaze even hotter.

Mikoto took a step forward and punched right at the enormous hand.


The big explosion took place, followed by a big shockwave causing the Iwa ninja and Mikoto to slide right into the flaming ring.

"Even the strongest of humans die in the end"

She came out of the flaming ring without so much as a scratch, While the Iwa ninja covered himself in the Earth armor, as his hands were burned black. He was huffing hard while trying not to wobble.

"You whore", Otoshi the Iwa shinobi stare fiercely at her, growling his teeth at her.

Quicker than the human eye could normally perceive, Otoshi curled his hand to punch Mikoto with his right arm covered in stone. The punch carried enough force to bust the hardest of metals.

"A last and a desperate effort to take down your opponent that is much stronger than you; How foolish"

Mikoto, with precise speed, blocked the punch using her chakra-covered hand. She didn't even flinch.

He grits his teeth and made the mistake of directly looking into her eyes.

"Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes...", She muttered

This genjutsu was specific to the Sharingan. It trapped the user in a world where spikes were driven into the opponent's limbs, taking away their body's freedom of movement, effectively paralyzing the opponent.

In the real world seeing her opponent in the illusion, she sighed and let go.

But to her surprise, Otoshi continued his move, his hand went straight ahead towards Mikoto's face.

He continued by forcing her head against the floor, making a small crater on it by the impact it had caused.

But, Otoshi's hand strangely cut open by wires, and then his entire arm that was holding Mikoto's face on the ground suddenly detached from his body.


Otoshi cried as blood flows from his one arm

It was a clone made of wires, Soon out of nowhere, the wires wrapped in shurikens, curled around Otoshi's limbs.

"Any trick is worthless before my eyes", Mikoto voice came from behind him

He couldn't even look back before he was separated from limbs to limbs.

Blood flowed from his dissected body.

She looked at the side, where Kan was finishing his own battle with relative ease, and nodded

'This guy is definitely holding back a lot. Kan Korimachi, the unknown Genin fodder that any clan can use and throw at their will... What bullshit, this guy is so damn strong even while holding back this much', She grumbled, and her figure blurred

Ah whatever; Here's another chapter, just don't expect anymore, i will go 1 chap per day from tomorrow.


DaoistFnrD3ncreators' thoughts