
Legendary Ancient Saiyan System

Mike dies and reincarnates into the Dragonball World with a strange system. How will Mike use this system to an advantage? Btw I should just tell you this, I am very unreliable so DO NOT, DO NOT, give me stones, not like my book is worth them anyway.

purple_kidneys · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

"What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?"

[Name: Garlo

Height: 115 cm

Race: Legendary Ancient Saiyan (Mixed Bloodline)

Age: Year 4 Month 9

Transformations: None

Skills: Ki Control (C++), Spirit Control (D+)

Ki: Legendary Ancient Ki

Power Level: (5 000 Suppressed) 125 000 0000]

'...This is just.. 0.01% of my potential? I CAN ALMOST BEAT FRIEZA AS I AM NOW, I JUST NEED TO GO OOZARU AND HES DEAD! WHAT CAN HE DO AGAINTS SOMEONE WITH A POWER LEVEL OF 1 250 000 000?!' Garlo thought at the possibilities if he could learn Super Saiyan, or at least Ikari.

"Thank you Elder Guru, much appreciated!" Exclaimed Garlo.

"Y-yeah alright little one, HMph mph, anyways for your second wish, I shall tell all the namekians to gather them here.

After Gathering The Dragon Balls..

"What will you wish for young one?" Asked Guru.

"Youll see, just wait." Replied Garlo.

"Dragon Porunga Grant me my wish!" Yelled Garlo as a massive buff dragon emerged from the balls.

"State your wish, you have 3 wishes." Said Porunga.

"My first wish is for The Best Healing Factor you can grant."

The Namekians were suprised for his first wish but they kept listening.

"My second wish is to be Immune to all Poison/Viruses!" 'I'm not sure if Goku got the heartvirus from Planet Yardrat or the Divine Water, but now that that's secured, I can go ahead and drink the divine water back on earth.

[Ding! Host is Immune to all Viruses/Poisons]

"My last and third wish is to be teleported to King Kai!"

"All your wishes have been granted" Said Porunga as his eyes grew red and the dragon balls flew away.

"Thank you elder Guru, I'll see you if fate gives." Said Garlo before a void transported him to the other world.

On King Kai Planet

'Oh boy, if this isn't the best day ever, I don't have to do anything, I can drive my car the whole day know, hehehe.' Thought King Kai to himself.

"BOO!" Garlo Jumpscared King Kai.

"Oh lord who ar- wait, you're one of those evil saiyans! But I don't sense any malicious intent, what business do you have here?" Asked King Kai.

"Calm down old man, I'm not evil, I just came here to be your disciple, to learn some techniques like your "perfect" Kaio Ken and the Spirit Bomb." replied Garlo calmly.

"Hmph, well first, before we begin, tell me a joke.." said King Kai.

"What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?" Garlo asked King Kai.

"Hmm I don't know, you tell me?" Replied King Kai Back.

"Supplies!" Said Garlo.

"AHAahahahahaha, phew, that was pretty funny, alright, I'll teach ya, what do you want to learn first? The KaioKen or the Spirit Bomb?" Asked King Kai.

"If Possible I'd like to learn the KaioKen first. And also give me the heaviest weights you have, I'm going to train here for a couple months." Said Garlo

"Well alright, so you want to learn the KaioKen technique? it's pretty simple, by controlling all of the energy [Ki] within your body, you can momentarily amplify it. If you do it right, your speed, power, destructive and defensive forces all increase many times over." King Kai Explained.

"Alright K-King Kai, Lets start this!" Garlo quite excited stuttered.

On Some random upside down purple pyramid planet.

"Ohohoho, theres someone powerful who may give you a good fight once he matures Beerus-sama." Said a blue skinned, white haired man who was currently looking at his staff.

"Yeah yeah, we'll see about that, anyways arrange my meeting with frieza, I want him to kill those race called Saiyans." said a purple cat, now known to us as Beerus.

"Ohohoho I cannot wait till he matures, Beerus sama, you may have a competitor."

Back on King Kai

"HUF, PUF HUGH, KHH" Garlo was panting, he was quite exhausted as he had finally managed to learn the KaioKen technique after 3 Months. Garlo was now 5 Years old with a height of 120 cm, he is still growing, though his hair did stop growing at around Goku's hair size, his hair looked like a mix of Vegeta and Broly.

"Good job Garlo, now it's time for you to learn the Spirit Bomb Technique!" King Kai Exclaimed.

"To make this technique work, you obviously have to fight somewhere where there's life. This technique absorbs all living things, but worry not, It won't absorb your friends energy unless they consent. Anyways just make sure there's anything living willing to give its energy for the Spirit Bomb, the more and more purer energy, the stronger." King Kai Explained.

1 Month Later..

"AAAGHH!" Garlo was currently practicing on King Kais planet with 2 Tons of weight on each of his hand while using KaioKen.

"Good job Garlo!" King Kai Praised Garlo on his efforts.

Over the past month Garlo Learned and Mastered the Spirit Bomb. Currently Garlo can only use 5x Kaioken and is still practicing, Because of Garlo's system, he can learn quicker.

"Huff, I think I'm done King Kai, Thank you for your guidance." Said Garlo as he took of the weights and threw them to the ground causing a massive crater.

"Oops I'm sorry King Kai." Apologized Garlo.

"Grrr, you damned Brat!" Yelled King Kai as he prepared and using magic materialization on his planet and fixed the crater.

'System copy that skill' thought Garlo.

[Ding! System succesfully copied skill.]

"Alright King Kai, I'm going to earth for a little bit now, I might return, might not, but cya!" waved Garlo as he looked back and Instant Transmissioned to Kami, whose signature he remembered.

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