
Legendary Ancient Saiyan System

Mike dies and reincarnates into the Dragonball World with a strange system. How will Mike use this system to an advantage? Btw I should just tell you this, I am very unreliable so DO NOT, DO NOT, give me stones, not like my book is worth them anyway.

purple_kidneys · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Ultra Divine Water

*Instant Transmission*

"Hey Kami! How's it going, it seems I've returned to earth again!" Said Garlo to the confused and shocked Kami.

"o-o OH Garlo! What brings you here young one?" Asked Kami

"I've come here for the dragon balls, and the ultra divine water." Replied Garlo.

"Oh okay but the dragon balls can be used but?" said the confused Kami.

"I know, I plan to stay at earth during that time in my spaceship for a couple of months, maybe 2, and train, until I'm ready for my wish." Replied Garlo yet again.

"Alright well the Ultra Divine Water is at korin tower, go talk to him." Said Kami.

At Korin Tower..

"Hey Korin how's it goin' mind if I borrow the Ultra Divine Water for a moment?" said Garlo while scaring Korin at the same time.

"Woah woah, uhh you do know that 13 people tried to drink the water and died right?" Korin said.

"Don't worry Korin! I have pretty good pain resistence since I'm strong!" Exclaimed Garlo.

"Well alright, don't blame me if you die." said Korin.

"Hey Korin, If I am able to drink this water and survive.. How about giving me those senzu beans?" Asked Garlo.

"Yeah whatever they're pretty useless for me aswell, they just satisfy hunger, but sure alright, I'll give them all" replied Korin while Garlo started grinning from ear to ear.

Then Garlo approached the Ultra Divine Water and Drank it.

[Ding! System has detected host has been poisoned, due to immunity, poison will be disposed.]

"Khhgh." Grunted Garlo.

"It hurts, but I must survive, this will rise my strength to the next limit!" Said the grunting Garlo.

Suddenly the whole earth started shaking, galaxies shaked, Multiple, galaxies. Once the shaking was done, Garlo just stood there, not making a single move, except for one thought.


[Name: Garlo

Height: 123 cm

Race: Legendary Ancient Saiyan (Mixed Bloodline)

Age: Year 5 Month 1

Transformations: None

Skills: Ki Control (B-), Spirit Control (D++), KaioKen(B), Spirit Bomb (B)

Ki: Legendary Ancient Ki

Power Level: (10 000 Suppressed) 750 000 000]

Garlo was satisfied with this change, as soon as he saw his status, he went to his spaceship, materialized some weights under gravity, and started training for 2 months.

2 Months later...

Garlo came out of his spaceship, and as soon as he did, he used his ki senses to locate them and immediately made them come to him.

"Shenron, grant me my wish!" Garlo requsted.

Soon after the skies darkened and Shenron came out of the balls.

"I am Shenron, state 3 wishes as long as they aren't beyond my power."

"Hello again Shenron, for my first wish, I wish to have Control over ALL of my future saiyan forms, including Oozaru." Garlo stated.

"That is beyond my power, I can only help you with 1 form per wish." Shenron replied.

"Alright, I wish to be able to control the oozaru form to the maximum and have COMPLETE control." Garlo stated.

"State your second wish."

"I wish to have complete control over my future Legendary Super Saiyan form."

"And for my third wish, I wish to know the knowledge of how to achieve Super Saiyan 4 if it is possible." Asked Garlo

"All your wishes have been granted, to achieve super saiyan 4, one must have complete control over the oozaru form and compress that explosive energy into your normal humanoid body, which will result in a huge boost of power." Shenron said as he disappeared and all the dragon balls flew away.

"I see so it is possible, since my PL is so high I will destroy this planet. I will go ahead and state another one of my wishes to Porunga now." said Garlo as he used Instant Transmission and Teleported to Elder Guru in an Instant.

"Oh hello again Garlo, what brings you here?" Asked Elder Guru.

"Hello Elder Guru, if you do not mind, is it possible to get the dragon balls again?" asked Garlo.

"Sure thing, but you better repay us in the future!" Joked Guru.

10 Minutes Later..

"Here you go young one! state your wish!" said Elder Guru.

"Porunga! Come and grant my wish!" said Garlo

The skies turned black and thunder struck. and out of the balls, a massive muscular humanoid dragon came out.

"I am Porunga, state your 3 wishes." Said Porunga

"Alright, my first wish is to have a technique where I am able to clone myself! My second wish is to understand any and all language including divine! and my last wish is to be teleported to a planet with no life but its still habitable, but also quite close." Said Garlo

"All your wishes have been granted."

At some random planet

Alright, It's time to focus and try to unlock super saiyan 4, which is just a compressed version of the Oozaru form.