
Legendary (a legacies fanfiction)

"WE" RE LOSING HIM! GET THE DIFBULATOR READY! STAY WITH US KID" A paramedic desperately tried to help a heavily injured boy on the brink of death after a bad car crash. He had stopped most the bleeding and his partner was rushing on his way over.

"(Where am I?...what's going on?…What happened…)"

"CLEAR!" The boy felt a shock in his chest. "WE GOT A PULSE!"

"(Someone's trying to save me? Why? Please just stop…even if I live, I have nothing to go back to…Let me go in peace…"

"HIS PULSE IS GOING OUT AGAIN! CLEAR!" The boy felt another shock.

"(I have no family that loves me, no real friends, and not an ounce if worth to my name…why bring me back to this shitty life. Maybe I'll reincarnate as a snake…that would be better than this…) those were his last thoughts as he flatlined.

"(where am I now is this the afterlife?)" says the boy as he lays in a unknown forest like place he sees a pavilion atop the hill and heads there. When he arrives there he sees a man playing chess alone but the strange thing was the man's face stayed the same but his skin color kept changing like a kaleidoscope.

"Come young one, sit we have much to discuss." The boy named Gil went sat in front of what he knew was a god now and watched as the god played chess alone and at some point he just picked up the silver pieces and began to play against the god. The god showed a baffled look at first but then they ended up playing for days, both just enjoying each other's company sharing their stories.

"Young one like me you have lived a lonely life but today fate shifts your way, you should already know the drill you get to pick a world to reincarnate into and a few wishes and abilities what do you want?"

" Can you come with me ? even its just like a clone or just a incarnation,?"

" HAHAHAHA I appreciate you worrying about me young one but I am the god of loneliness and solitude, I find my comfort in it, but you're the first being who's presence did not bother me so ill give you a gift in this next life, I will turn my back on you never will you know this feeling again so pick your new life in a new world.

"Ummmmmm( I really did love that show Legacies, and I did have that crush on Hope…)"

"Would you like to go to world of Legacies as a student?"


"Can I have extra powers also?"

"Sure. From a couple of those anime's you liked so much if you want."

"Oh really? Can I have a sharingan!?"

"Yes of course, and since I like you so much how about I give you a bit of divinity too."

"I'll be a-"

"No, no just a demigod I can't make you that powerful."

"…hmmm can I have Gilgamesh's powers, like in Fate? Ooh and if it's not to much to ask Mori jin's powers too? I don't mind if they're sealed away at first so I'm not too strong."

"Gilgamesh Uchiha, great sage equal to the heavens! Hahaha! What an interesting combination! However, you should consider you may end up facing your old curse again if you pick a weak world to hold your power. Even if you like the cast, too much strength is a form of loneliness too."

"You're right…" Gil began to ponder "I've got a much better idea! Can I give up most of my power to have a strong friend and rival?"

"One so generous and lonely he'd weaken himself to have a friend?" I'll do you one better. I'll send a friend as strong as you, but I'll take your memories of Legacies and your past life in turn. I'll also make the world a bit more interesting by bringing in some more 'guests' to the party. It's up to how you prepare for whatever comes your way spread ninjutsu or use noble phantasms it's up to you, I will just make more opportunities for power in the world. Friendship, conquest, I'll let you decided how to get them ready."

"Mysterious. I like that idea."

"I knew you would." The god chuckled. "Be careful and have fun in your new life." After sending Gil off he returned to his game of chess. "Since your story is going to be a bit different from the original I'll give you tie your red string of fate with Hopes." The lonely god laughed to himself. "I'm sure Love will sell me a favor, last time she refused no one fell in love for years. "

Scene change 16 years later. (will show Gils childhood as flashbacks and stories and such).

"Gillllll Gil Gil wake up for the 90th time already we got the first day of class." Yelled Lizzie Saltzman from the other side of the bedroom door.

"Sis-sis just give me another hour you know your my favorite right?" said Gil as he layed sloppily across his giant bed draped in ornate gold.

"Oh really, Hope did you hear that I'm his favorite" instantly the door was opened only for Gil to see Lizzie with a triumphant smile and Hope nowhere to be seen.

"Don't do that. You know Hope doesn't count, I've lived with you since my grandpa died you and Josie are my sisters, Hope is totally different." Says Gil as he rushes to defend his honor.

"Okay okay we get it you and Hope both have crushes on each other and are scared to act on it, don't worry you and hope met two years ago, after her father died and she came here, but she was never adopted like you but you didn't change your last name why?" Lizzie asks as usual talking too much but it was comforting to Gil.

*FLASHBACKS* Lizzie and Gil share a close sibling bond no different than being blood, as when grandpa Taejin Uchiha passed away and left his grandson to her father, Gil was passed out when he awoke his Mangekyo Sharingan awoke and black and gold flames spread everywhere, he burnt down all the house. He barely managed to control himself, that was 8-year-old Gil, Josie was scared of him but Lizzie was in his face the next day yammering away this went on for two years until Gil went blind, he refused his Grandpa's eyes at first and trained in his weird magic to summon literally everything as Lizzie would talk on. At age 12 the Saltzman family, including Josie, forced him into the surgery which he barely agreed. He tried teaching both Lizzie and Josie his grandpa's famous martial art but they both lost interest fast, Josie began to study magic heavily, and Lizzie is well…Lizzie so she just annoyed Gil as he trained or bothered Josie when she was reading. Then age 14 a new girl showed up and for the first time outside of a fight, Gil's heart danced. Hope moving in came with a new awkward Gil who would always rush off to be alone, and never participated. While Hope was going through the hardest part of her life so she often went for runs as a wolf. This was her and Gil's first true encounter, the red-eyed man and wolf stared each other down until hope started turning human. Gil blushing threw her ancient women's garments from the gates of Babylon. They began these nighttime meet-ups in secret and Gil has taught her Renewal Taekwondo and for some reason, he could not teach or give chakra to Hope and so he gave her a book of ancient spells, magic had degraded with time so he grabbed one casually and gave it to her.

" I have a feeling today's the day I will tell Hope how I feel." Says Gil cooly.

"Don't try to act cool when this the 3rd time you said this you know what you should do just kiss her, if she pushes away you know if she embraces you also know," Lizzie says with bad advice

" No that's weird." Gil shot down instantly.

" Yes if it were random it would be but you've had this awkward tension for a year now so just go for a kiss," Lizzie says making some semblance of sense

"Okay." Says Gil

"What you really agreed why?" asked Lizzie shocked no one ever listens to her.

"Because I trust you duh sis-sis," Gil says and flashes one of his rare smiles at Lizzie

"There it is! There it is! One of the 7 wonders of mystic falls, Gil's smile and why do you wear a face mask, sleeping mask and a hoodie to class everyday looking like the number 1 creep plus you act like a normal human when you could totally destroy the school." Lizzie asked.

"Being to good looking is also a curse my dear sister. Sometimes you can only see one's true nature when you look from under them' Gil says walking away. Let me give you a quick description of him, his hair is black at the roots and fades into gold, no dye it's naturally like golden silk. He has a face similar to Mori jin, but more handsome than Gilgamesh even with his blessing of beauty and he has the eyes of the Uchiha with or without the Sharingan sharp and piercing, he is truly handsome scarily so, so he has to take precautions against the thirsty magical creatures. As they just think he's a rich human son of the Saltzman's. He's always tagging along with Hope who protects him despite knowing his strength, when asked why she did this she said: "I protect all of you, Gil's never needed my protection." But Gil denies saying "I would be dead without my guardian angel Hope." And this is how the school year progressed last year.

"Brnggggggg" the bell rings "let's go to magic class Lizzie and watch my first kiss"! says Gil with excitement instead of his usual bored-of-life attitude. Lizzie is really looking forward to this as he should definitely wait till after class.

I'm just having fun with this because I love live-action supernatural shows, especially Legacies. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

The_11th_Divisioncreators' thoughts
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