

*Gasp* A deep, cool breath filled my lungs. My eyes flew open as I looked hastily checked my surroundings. A large grin split my face from ear to ear, as I realized what just happened was true. A Large room filled my field of view. The walls were clad in expensive looking tapestries, and painting. A large bear skin carpet warmed my feet, protecting me from the cold wooden floors. A blazing fire danced in the hearth, almost as if it was reflecting my joy.

"Ahem!" A man coughed, "Are you even listening Valiant Auxem Larua?!"

"Wha--?" Then it all came rushing back...

========================================================================================================== Flashback =============================================

"Where do you want to go?" The god asked.

"Hyrule!" I responded, with no hesitation at all, " The world from the Legend of Zelda Game Series. "

"Done, any other desires, family, looks, powers, race?" He responded.

"For family give me a wealthy, but not too wealthy family... A small noble family perhaps? Yes, that is what I want. For looks make me handsome, but not overbearingly so." I rattled off my desires, " As for my race give me the bloodline of the Ancient Ones, the creators of Majora's Mask. Finally I want magical powers like those belonging the Ancient Ones like the ability to create transformation, and other magical masks like the ones in the Majora's Mask Game."

"As you wish. Anything else?" Answered the god.

Satisfied, I added, "I want to be born 16 years before Calamity Ganon's attack on Hyrule castle. Oh, and one last thing make the world I go to be a convergence of all the time lines."

"Before you reincarnate, you must know that you will receive your memories of your past life when you become three years old. Your body wouldn't be able to handle all those memories before that age due to your brain not fully being formed yet." Sitting back the god asked, " Is that all right?"

"Yes!" I replied, a little to fast, but can you blame me? My dream is about to come true.

"In the ways of the Ancients, that concludes our deal" intoned the god.

*Snap!* the sound of the gods figures rang out echoing...echoing. My vision faded.

"Interesting, I look forward to his accomplishments." The god smiled, as he picked up the golden knuckle, whispering, "Finally..."

=========================================================================================================== Flashback Over ========================================

I remembered... The man was my father (in this new life at least), " Yes father,"

"Very well then. I will continue the story..." As my father read me the story of the Hero of Time, a wave of mental tiredness hit me like a wave. My eyelids slowly drooped, and I drifted off into a deep sleep, as my father continued to read, "And then the Hero of Time drew the blade that seals the darkness, and...

Do you guys/girls have any questions?

Should I make the chapter longer?

P.S. Our hero's name will be Val.

P.P.S. For those who haven't played the games, or Breath of the Wild would you like a brief overview of the story.

HalfAsleepcreators' thoughts