

John has a certain degree of respect for someone in his shoes, someone just trying to make a living.

With Johns new home he felt lonely but most of all unsettled and on edge.

"Hey Jay, you still in touch with Walter? I may need to call him."

Jay was in the middle of his lunch break eating his routine BLT sandwich with fries but immediately stopped and was worried.

"Walter? Yeah I still got his phone number. He took over his dads security company just under a year ago. What's going on? Does it involve your meeting with Zoa evergreen in my diner?"

John too just finished eating his own lunch of spaghetti and meatballs while he cleaned up the dishes.

"Send me the number and you and Walter can come by so I can tell you both. I'll text the address."

John then hung up as he door rang again only for John to see Zoa with several suited men behind him with a few dozen shipping containers hovering over the yard.

"Mr.Greyhound here are some of my men to assist in handing over the necessary supplies for your work."

John smiled as he handed Zoa a little note while he walked past to inspect the merchandise.

Zoa was about to open the note before John stopped him as he opened each container.

"Mr.Evergreen, I must insist you do not open the note until you have absolute privacy. In the future I will inform you of new recipes for potions and other such items that I will sell."

Zoa's curiosity took the better of him before he opened the note to see a poop emoji.

John held up another folded note and laughed.

"One more thing is that I never lie so for the memory of this special occasion I'll tell you that I have two new Elixirs in the works."

Zoa crumpled up the note before taking Johns note and started reading which put a smile on his face.

"I'll need a sample of each to verify its worth so what do you need?"

John smiled and kept Zoa's question unanswered while he entered his house followed by Zoa's men carrying the ingredients.

John and Zoa were in the kitchen watching the men load the ingredients into a storage machine called the I.S.M, international Storage Machine.

With such a machine it could save a tremendous amount of space.

"Oh one last thing Zoa from now on no one is to make any requests from the M.D.C on the weekends"

Zoa looked at John puzzled while John took out bottle of water.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

John opened his laptop for Zoa to see Johns chat with Steven Macave which had him at surprise.

"I don't just plan to supply just the M.D.C with what I offer but certain people who… pay well enough? Never mind all the little details but just know that I Intend to hold up my side of the deal so I hope you hold up yours."

Zoa felt like John knocked the wind out of him as he had hoped that by appealing to Johns deal would supply the M.D.C with complete and total distribution over everything John sold.

But now it was available to the public? Zoa was furious until he realized Johns motive.

'He really is a man controlled by his greed. M.D.C will have better resources to offer but why would an alchemist need access a dungeon raid? Does he have some combat skills?'

Many questions began circulating in Zoa's mind while John saw a message from jay on his laptop.

|{Jay Fako}|- I'm visiting Walter right now so text me your address then we can meet at your place for an explanation.-

John noticed Zoa staring before closing the laptop.

"I will inform you if there are any problems or when I complete my work."

Zoa signaled for he and his men to leave but before John closed the door he handed John a pass with a list.

"Here's the list of level 3 and below dungeon raids and your hunter pass."

John saw the list was at least 6 pages and smiled.

"Thank you Mr.Evergreen, expect to hear from me soon."

After Zoa left John immediately looked at the list with a highlighter and only marked specific dungeons.

'Once Steven's and the M.D.C's orders are done I'll go raid these dungeons. Let's get to work'

The next day Zoa was surprised to hear from John so soon and naturally thought there was a problem.

But infact it wasn't as Zoa was stood in Johns living room infront of dozens of cases filled with the elixirs they requested.

John finished making a smoothie to see Zoa's face in shock.

"I finished earlier than expected but I doubt I could be faster then those top of the line alchemists the M.D.C hires. But I find pride in completing this task within 4 and a half hours, Smoothie?"

Zoa was lost for word but accepted the smoothie and found it to be absolutely delicious before Zoa and his men left with the elixirs in tow.

But while they left Zoa made a call to the chairmen, James Void.

"Sir, we need to meet urgently about our agreement with Mr.Greyhound."

Later at the M.D.C headquarters downtown James and Zoa stood side by side as they saw the truck unload the elixirs, all 10,000 of them.

"Zoa please enlighten me on how fast our alchemists could do a single case of minor healing elixirs?"

"Each case holds a hundred or so elixirs but even if all of them worked together they would have a single case done in 12 or so hours."

James smiled as he took a single strength elixir and tasted it to confirm its legitimacy.

"They're very tasty but John was able to do in hours what our alchemists could do in days? Weeks even?"

Zoa then held up the note for James to see and open.

"He also gave us the next new potions he'll make but didn't ask for any ingredients for them."

James laughed with joy while looking at the note.

"This guy intentionally let you take this information to stir the pot and get us on the edge of our seats. This guys good at playing cat and mouse while he dangles cheese in front of our noses."

Zoa left James to watch the last case leave the truck before making a call.

"Evan I need you to contact some guards to a house and it's owner, his name is John Greyhound."

Evan was in silence for a moment.

"What's wrong with the kid? My son just assigned some men to his place just a few minutes ago."

James was shocked before hanging up.

'Is he secretly an oracle for him to all ready get a step ahead? Seems I'll need to keep a closer eye on John.'

Just then it dawned on him of what Evan said.

'Wait did he just call him Kid? Do they have a relationship? I'll need to investigate this.'