

Having your life flash before your eyes can cause a chain reaction. This was happening to John even though he looked calm and relaxed.

'Oh my god that was close! I nearly died. But it was worth it to get a monster core.'

John opened his palm to reveal a small gem half the size of an apple.

[Tier 1 (Goblin)Monster core has been added to your inventory.]

John was quick to harvest the core while the goblin was on him but even with this low tier item it was still a long way till John could use it to make a mud golem.

John needed a way to get more monster cores but that meant enlisting with M.D.C, Monster Damage centre.

Any and all awakened people must register with the M.D.C in order to operate in monster zones and in rift gateways.

The next day John took a cab downtown to do just that.

"Hello and welcome to the M.D.C, how may I help you?"

John was nervous but held some confidence in himself after planing what to say all night to serve his best interests to keep himself hidden.

"Hi I would like to register as a hunter after my awakening that took place yesterday."

The woman at the desk smiled before handing John some registration papers.

"Fill out this form and await an examiner to review your application"

John bowed politely and left after fill out the necessary paperwork. But the lady was confused as she reviewed the paperwork, mainly Johns class.

"Umm sir? Is this true? You have a class called a Alchemist Warrior?"

John nodded before noticing everyone was looking at him in confusion and started gossiping.

"Is he an alchemist or a warrior?"

"Maybe it's a mix of them both? But what would it's class rank be? Is it another legendary class?"

"If he's a legendary class holder then I'm surprised he hasn't gotten famous yet"

John ignored the gossip and kept letting them speculate on his class while he followed the lady behind the counter to an examination room.

"The examination will start now and I wish you luck."

John nodded and braced himself as he saw a training dummy to his right with a weapon rack and a small table with monster ingredients.

Ogre Liver, Moonhawk talons, lizard man scales and many more. Everything need to make some potions.

John smiled as he grabbed the ingredients needed to craft both the health Elixer and Strength Elixer while the examiner was watching.

'So he's an alchemist. But why did this one right an Alchemist Warrior as his class? That doesn't make any sense. Oh well I doubt he has the skills to make a single potions'

"I'm done making a Healing and Strength Elixer if you would like to inspect them."

The examiner was shocked as not even a minute had passed since John grabbed the ingredients.

"Please make those two potions again please."

John was a little confused but did so anyway while the examiner watched closely this time and was stunned.

'What is that speed?! It's like he's a veteran Alchemist.'

The potions were done again in just under 30 seconds which was faster then before.

[(God of Alchemy)LV.1(8%)has gained some experience due to the successful creation of a (Minor)Healing Elixer]

[(God of Alchemy)LV.1(8%)has gained some experience due to the successful creation of a (Minor)Strength Elixer]

John felt proud with making his potions successfully for the first time before the examiner inspected the potions.

The results were shocking to the man.

'This increases pain tolerance and this one increases strength permanently?! There's never been something like it!'

John stood silently while inspecting each of the various monster ingredients that fed his (Alchemy Knowledge).

[(Alchemy Knowledge) has reached Level 2]

John was happy that his skill leveled up but he felt no change while the examiner was making a phone call.

John then remembered that he was still in the examination before he picked up a sword and used his combat skill.

"(Separating Slash)"

Johns body seemed possessed by something else as it made the movements to deliver a devastating blow to the dummy but while the examiner saw the dummy intact he was unimpressed. But then the dummy fell to pieces or rather the materials need to make the dummy fell into individual piles.

[(Separating Slash) has dealt 18 damage to the target and has deconstructed the target]

[(Separating Slash)LV.1(3%)has gained some experience.]

"Sir what happened?"

John too was stunned as he didn't think it would be possible to break the dummy.

"That was my Combat Skill, I do have others but they don't seem to be useful at the moment and their cooldown timers are long."

The examiner wrote down a few more things before leaving the room.

"The exam is over and we will send your results to you through the mail, good day to you sir."

John had never seen a man run so fast before but felt saddened.

"Did I fail?"

But the next day as John went for his morning run he was approached by a crowd of people.

All of them were guild members, each with their own guild sigil's on their suits.

One by one they all gave John temping offers but John wasn't been given room to breathe, literally.

After John passed out everyone backed away before playing a free for all tug a war with John in the middle.

"The white knight guild is taking him!"

No! Our sea Hunters guild are having him join us!"

John however woke back up and screamed before they dropped him back onto the ground but this time John was furious.

"What the hell is wrong with you all?! I'm not a dam Prize to fight over! I'm a human being!"

John felt like all of his limbs were about to be torn off before he drank one of the healing potions he made during the examination.

After his limbs started feeling better John ran back into his apartment and looked out of his small window to see even more hunters crowding around the building before John fired up his laptop to see why people were crowding the building.

|Breaking news! A new rising star Alchemist as made a stunning entrance with his elixirs to increase pain tolerance and strength stat points permanently!|