
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · Others
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Chapter 4: Weiss and Team Rwby's dilemma

Hey guys Novaflame6_Badal here again. Hopefully you guys enjoyed the last chapter, had to get creative in order to be more detailed. I'm not exactly the most detailed person or writer lol. I figured it'd be a change of pace to have Nova's parents around more often. Anyways... Ruby is probably going to be ooc compared to the cannon story and some other rwby fan stories, but for the purpose of this story I'll need her hand maybe some other rwby characters to be like that.

Eventually they'll develop into closer to what their actual characters are like. Anyways, enjoy the story!

I don't own Dbz/Db kai/ DBS or Rwby and their characters, those belong to Akira Toriyama and Rooster Teeth/Monty Oum respectively. Nova only owns the main oc's and has permission to use two OC's for his stories.

Nova and his team were on their way to class when they were stopped by one of the instructors. It was professor Peach. The members of team NDTS all looked towards her with somewhat curious looks on their faces.

"Can we help you, professor?," Nova asked.

Peach nodded and motioned for them to follow her. The teens all looked to each other and shrugged. They figured that it wouldn't hurt to see what she wanted. The teens followed her into the hall where another student was nervously hiding behind a school locker.

"I apologize for taking up your time on your way to class, but there was a slight mistake in the team rosters of your class., "peach explained.

All of the teens raised a curious eyebrow at this. That was the first they'd heard of something like this.

The scientist continued to explain.

"There were an odd number of students in the class next door to yours, one of their students was transferred over to yours. But she doesn't have a team in which she belongs to.," Peach explained.

Scarlett's eyes narrowed as she caught a glimpse of a furry red... wolf's tail? She sighed. Turned out that Scarlett knew exactly who the student was. That's when she called out the student from behind the locker.

"You don't have to keep hiding. Come on out, Aiko.," Scarlett said walking to the front of the group.

The other three eyed Scarlett curiously, she knew this girl?

Realizing that she was found out, the girl walked out from behind the locker and stood beside the professor. The girl was darker skinned with long red shoulder length hair, matching wolf ears atop her head, as well as blue eyes. Her outfit consisted of a sky blue jacket with silver and green mixed into it near the bottom, a gray shirt underneath, beige pants, black shoes, brown fingerless gloves, and her dust weapon, a poleaxe, strapped to her back.

Scarlett waved her over, the girl, known as Aiko followed.

"Everyone, this is my younger sister, Aiko. She's a little nervous at times, but she's generally a good kid.," Scarlett said smiling.

Aiko nervously bowed to them, not really knowing what to do.

"H-hi. L-like s-sister said my name is Aiko... Aiko Reinhardt. I hope I c-can be of help to you all.," Aiko nervoqusly said. Turuk came over and shook her hand with a smile on his face.

"It's nice to meet you, Aiko. You can relax, none of us will give you a hard time., " Turuk said . "My name is Turuk Belladonna, this is Daikon Koizumi.," Turuk said before continuing.

"Yo.," Daikon said signaling with his hand.

"And then this is my brother and our team leader, Nova Belladonna.," Turuk said introducing everyone.

Aiko smiled as she was now just a little more comfortable than she was a few minutes ago. She thanked everyone for accepting her into their team. "Welcome aboard, Aiko.," Nova said.

Peach smiled, she was glad Aiko had found a team already. Part of her felt bad for the girl, but it seemed as if she wouldn't have to now.

"Thank you for being so willing to take miss Aiko into your team mister Belladonna.," Peach said thanking him.

Nova nodded. "It's no problem, professor. We were glad to take her aboard our team., " Nova replied.

Daikon pulled out his scroll and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw what time it was.

"Ahem! Not to be "That Person" but it's 8:50.," Daikon said.

The teens just about jumped out of their skin at this, they hurriedly turned tail and made a bee line towards class. "Sorry about this, but we gotta run professor!," Turuk said bowing his head apologetically.

"Don't worry about it, you kids hurry along to class. We can chat another time.," Peach said.

Turuk nodded and followed his teammates as they rushed to get to class on time.

Meanwhile with team Rwby

The four girls were talking amongst themselves, trying to decide how to arrange their room, each with differing opinions. This went on until a solution was finally reached for bunk beds. They quickly arranged the room so all 4 of their beds were stacked, 2 on each side of the room.

It wasn't the safest looking arrangement, but it would work... probably? Weiss widened her eyes when she noticed the time. "Um... is that time right?," Yang said.

As they were going over schedules they noticed that it was 5 minutes until their first class started. It was 8:55! The girls quickly gathered their materials for class and zipped out of the room. They weren't the only team late for their first class though, team jnpr was late too. They rushed out of their dorms much like team rwby did.

Fortunately, they were able to make it to class just in the nick of time before professor Portman strolled into the classroom. The teens noticed that Nova's team was already there before them. The aforementioned teen raised a curious eyebrow, Ruby and her team were just now getting in? What were they doing before this? He shook his head, that wasn't important.

Professor Portman then began a very long winded story about his days as a young huntsman. As he continued several of the teens were seen either trying to stay awake, doodling like Ruby was and snickering about it, or in the case of Daikon and Scarlett were sharpening their swords. The professor finally came to a point in his lecture where he asked for volunteers.

"Now then, who among you thinks they exemplify what being a huntsman is all about?," Portman asked.

Weiss's hand shot up immediately. She had to prove a point, her team leader had done nothing to even exemplify a leader up to that point. She wanted to prove to herself that she was right in thinking that ozpin chose poorly.

"I do sir!," Weiss said immediately.

"Oh, seems we have a volunteer!," Portman said.

Weiss then stepped to the floor and brought out her rapier. Daikon just rolled his eyes, he knew where this was going.

Portman then opened a cage and a grim that looked like a boar rolled out of the cage. Weiss readied herself as the boar grim charged at her. She blocked it with mytenastr while pushing back against it. The shnee then rolled away from it while trying to jab at it.

" You can do it Weiss! Represent team Rwby!," Ruby shouted.

" Shut up Ruby, I'm trying to focus!, " the shnee said bitterly.

Ruby sank down in her seat at this, she was just trying to cheer on her teammate. Nova scowled at this, that wasn't very nice of Weiss. For some reason, it was like the shnee had an issue with Ruby as the team's leader.

The boar knocked away the rapier after knocking Weiss back. It then ran back and rolled into a ball before launching itself forward. Weiss stood to her feet and used a glyph to hold back the grim and knocked it flat onto its back. She grabbed myrtenastr on the way over to the grim and stabbed it in the stomach. The creature disappeared and Weiss was breathing slightly labored.

"Well ladies and gentlemen it seems we're in the presence of a true huntress!," Portman said.

Just then the bell signaling the end of class rang, and the professor had to dismiss class.

"Congrats Weiss you really-," Ruby started before Weiss interrupted her.

"Quit acting like a child. You're no better than one, I'm disappointed in you Ruby.," Weiss said.

Ruby went to say something else before Daikon decided to say something. He purposely stood in the shnee's way as he glared at her.

"Alright, we get it. You're more equipped to be a leader, that sound about right? Well guess what? I don't see a leader before me, I see a brat who needs to check her own attitude.," Daikon berated her.

Weiss didn't take that very well and started to argue with him before he spoke again.

"Grow up. And do us all a favor and get off your high horse, shnee. Nobody cares about a self righteous brat who can't even get along with her own teammates!," Daikon said before leaving.

"Hey!Get back here, you can't just say that! Listen to me when I'm talking to you!,"Weiss said trying to get Daikon's attention.

Nova passed her and gave a disappointed look .

He put a hand on Weiss's shoulder as he passed her on the way out.

"That's enough, Weiss. I... think you've said enough for now. I honestly thought better of you, guess I was wrong to think you were different.," Nova said disappointed.

His words had an effect on the heiress as she couldn't even respond to that.

Ruby who looked on sadly, was escorted by Nova and the rest of his team as they walked away from Weiss. Yang and Blake said nothing in response and walked out with the others. Aiko bowed her head briefly before catching up to the others.


Weiss wandered the halls of the school, still thinking on what Daikon and Nova had said to her about her earlier outburst towards Ruby. Nova kind of had a point, but that other boy... whenever she thought of what he said she became angry. That said, maybe he was right. Maybe she did go a bit overboard. That was when she spotted professor Portman, she walked over to him. Perhaps talking to the professor would make things clear.

"Professor.," Weiss called.

He noticed the young heiress and turned to her. "Ah miss Shnee, what can I do for you?," Portman asked.

"I really enjoyed your lecture.," she said obviously lying. Something portman never picked up on.

They began to chat about his lecture, but he could tell that something was bothering Weiss. "What seems to be bothering you, miss shnee?," He asked.

She was a little surprised he was able to pick up on that. She sighed.

"I think professor ozpin made the wrong choice. I should have been team Rwby's leader. Ruby is .. well.. not a leader.," Weiss said conflicted.

"I think I understand. But ozpin has never steered us wrong before. This isn't so much about who's more qualified as a leader, wasn't the whole point to work as a team?," he said. Portman continued. " instead of being the right leader, become the best teammate that you can be while supporting your leader.," He finished.

Weiss was silent, she realized that Portman, Nova, and.... even... that boy.. daikon were all right. She was just being selfish because Ruby wasn't what she expected in a leader. She'd forced her own expectations onto Ruby when clearly Ruby was a different kind of person than she expected. That wasn't fair to Ruby, and she realized that.

"Thank you,professor. I understand what I have to do now.," Weiss said.

"Well then miss Shnee, I'm glad that I could help.," Portman said.

Weiss than walked away, intent on making it up to Ruby somehow... no she needed to.

Team Rwby's dorm room

Weiss came back to a sleeping Ruby, her books were strewn all over her bed. It looked like she'd been studying for a long time. The silver eyed girl heard Weiss come in and woke with a start.

"I'm sorry Weiss, I swear I was studying!," Ruby said before Weiss shushed her.

"How do you like your coffee Ruby?," Weiss asked.

Ruby gained a confused expression before Weiss repeated the question.

"2 creams and 4 sugars!," Ruby replied.

Weiss made the coffee exactly as Ruby had requested, bringing it back up to her afterwards.

"I'm going to be the best teammate you've ever had from now on. And... I'm sorry that I yelled at you earlier, I was... out of line and it was selfish of me to do so., "Weiss said apologetically.

Ruby smiled and spoke up again.

"It's okay Weiss, i know you didn't mean anything by it. But.. you did make me realize that maybe i haven't been acting as a leader should.,"Ruby said.

Weiss shook her head.

"No Ruby, the fault was mine. You just stay you. Don't change a thing.," Weiss said.

"Thanks, Weiss.," Ruby replied.

The two didn't see it,but Yang and Blake who both kept an ear on their conversation smirked. Almost like they knew how it'd play out. They went back to sleep soon afterwards.

The next day

Team Rwby had been lead by Weiss as the heiress had told them she needed to take care of an issue that'd been plaguing her mind since yesterday. Ruby, Yang, and Blake followed at a distance as Weiss walked up to team NDTSA . She gained their attention by waving at them.

The teens were curious so they decided to see what the shnee heiress wanted.

"Can i... talk to you, Nova, and... you, for a minute?,"The shnee asked.

Nova looked towards his partner, who shrugged and signaled for him to accept the invitation. They figured that it couldn't hurt, right?

"Uh... sure?," Nova said confused.

Nova and Daikon both followed Weiss, the rest of their team following close behind them. Team Rwby also followed just to see what Weiss was up to.

The next thing both teams saw was Weiss bowing her head towards Nova and Daikon. They noticed both teens seemed taken a bit off guard at this as it wasn't something they expected from the shnee heiress.

"I'm sorry. I.. was out of line yesterday and it was rude of me to say such things.," Weiss said apologetically.

Nova smiled at her, he knew she'd come around eventually. He never really held such a thing against Weiss because he knew she was a kind person beneath that exterior of hers.

"Apology accepted, Weiss. I knew you'd come around so I had already forgiven you for what you said yesterday.," Nova said.

This made Weiss feel alot better, it was like a weight had been lifted off of her chest and she could finally breathe again. The question was Daikon though.

His face was slightly red because having a shnee apologize to him just made him realize how wrong he was to jump to conclusions that Weiss was just like the rest of her family.

"Look, Weiss... was it?," He said a little nervous and embarrassed before he continued. " I was... out of line too. I wrongly thought you were just like the rest if your family, clearly I was wrong about that. You're... not like them at all. It's refreshing to see how different you are. As such I must apologize as well for jumping to premature conclusions and judging you prematurely.," Daikon said.

Weiss was shocked, she never expected Daikon of all people to apologize to her. She smirked.

"Alright, I'll forgive you... Daikon, on one condition.," Weiss said.

He raised an eyebrow at this. What could her condition possibly be?

"Sure. Name it.," Daikon said.

"While I understand you calling me by my surname, that simply won't do. You call your friends by their first names, I'll forgive you if you start calling me by my first name. Can you do that?," Weiss said.

That was all she wanted him to do? He was expecting something more, but he'd already promised to follow through with it.

"Sure I can do that shne- I mean W- wei- Weiss.," Daikon said.

"Well then, i suppose this makes is even then. Truce?," Weiss said extending a hand in friendship.

Daikon sighed and then smirked at the irony of it all. He shook her hand in agreement.

"Truce. And you've got a deal, Weiss.," Daikon said shaking hands with the heiress.

The other teens smiled, it was over finally. Finally, they could move on from this. Since the issue was solved the teens could go on about their day in peace. Weiss rejoined her team and the teens waved goodbye to each other for the day. Ruby smiled, she was glad Weiss made up with Daikon and Nova. They were nice people, Nova's whole team was. She was curious about the faunus she saw with the wolf ears though, she figured she'd get to meet her soon enough though. For now, team Rwby returned to their dorm room to work on their assignments from class.

Hey guys Novaflame6_Badal here. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know this was more of a filler chapter, but just wanted to set things up between the two main teams. Anyways, that's all for now! I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Next time: Chapter 5- Jaunedice & Forever Fall.