
Chapter 2 Sophia's Condition

"I just decided it this morning to kill some time" Paul Andrei smile and he felt little warm in his heart knowing that his sister concerned for his well being.

After the two talk Sophia then bring Paul Andrei to meet someone and didn't take long for Paul Andrei to saw someone.

This person is a man who from the looks is considered old to many people he have long gray beard and his hair is to messy and he look like a beggars if it wasn't for the fact that his clothe is neat and tidy.

His name Kenneth and he was the one who take care of the siblings after their parents went missing. He also Paul Andrei master and Sophia teacher. The reason why he didn't take Sophia as his disciple because he wasn't appropriate one to teach her and the only thing he can do is teach her something basic at that's about it.

As for Paul Andrei, Kenneth teach everything he knows but he also very strict requirements and if Paul Andrei didn't meet the requirements then Kenneth increase the difficulty of his training by 4x.

4x might look like isn't much difficulty but the normal training routine that Paul Andrei do is 10x higher than any geniuses and even higher to a normal person.

"Master why would you call me?" Paul Andrei didn't beat around the bush and ask directly. The reason is that from what the message that Paul Andrei receive is that he talk sometime very important.

"I finished Sophia training today and it much faster than I anticipated so we just returned home and I'm thinking to train you today because I want to see your progress" Kenneth said casually even though half of it was a lie.

Paul Andrei understand something then nodded and Kenneth talk to Sophia that both Paul Andrei and him have to go somewhere and she need to stay behind.

Sophia first protest but after Paul Andrei persuasion Sophia then reluctantly agree with one condition that tomorrow Paul Andrei have to bring her to a amusement park. Paul Andrei agree without hesitation because he knows Kenneth have not told something to Sophia and it isn't time for her to learn something and he also planning to bring Sophia to an amusement park days later but it wasn't bad idea to make it happen much faster.

Kenneth and Paul Andrei said goodbye to Sophia and both of them walk towards their destination.

Kenneth and Paul Andrei goes to a nearby restaurant and when the two enter they choose the inconspicuous corner of the restaurant then Kenneth order a light meal for both of them.

After the waiter go away Kenneth then put a sound barrier that blocks the two conversation. Then Kenneth expression turn serious from friendly one.

"You should know you situation right?" Kenneth ask Paul Andrei with serious expression.

Paul Andrei nodded then thought about what Kenneth talks about. Back then when his parents mysteriously went missing he went to police station to report the incident and asks for search mission but after a month of search the police didn't find any clue about two and decided to give up.

This also the time that Kenneth start taking care of the siblings and teach them about some basic about cultivation. The two trusted Kenneth because when they were young Kenneth always visit every month to meet Paul Andrei parents for something that Paul Andrei didn't know.

Half a month after Kenneth taking care the two is that Paul Andrei who at that time currently cleaning the house enter Kenneth room without his permission in order to clean it but what he saw inside shock him through the core that he stood up there for a while and at the same time Kenneth who just came back immediately saw Paul Andrei staring at his room with shock expression.

What Paul Andrei saw was a bunch of documents about his parents and some kind of group but before he could read one document Kenneth stop him and decided to tell the information he knows.

From what Kenneth said at that time Paul Andrei parents manage to provoke a very mysterious and powerful organization by stopping one of its grand plan and by destroying something they really want.

Kenneth and the organization that Paul Andrei's parents manage to offend have some kind of history... or more accurately the leader of the organization and Kenneth have some kind of feud and both of them constantly clash for more than a century but the two stop fighting when that person decided to live peacefully but that peace only last for 2 decades when a accident happened.

Kenneth didn't anything about that incident but what he knows is after that incident that person create an organization for some purpose and this organization constantly grow for more than 50 years.

The one of the characteristics of the organization is that for those people who manage to angered them well be hunted and killed. This is also apply for all the relative of the person or group of people that angered them.

From what Kenneth deduce is that after some kind of and incident happen that the leader of the organization stop killing the siblings and that's if the two didn't show an amazing talent that might threatened them.

This is also why Kenneth constantly remind the two siblings to be low profile so that's the organization would not hunt them.

Even though Paul Andrei become famous adventurer know as Python, Kenneth plans many things just so that no one knows that Python and Paul Andrei is one and the same.

That day Kenneth also tell some truth of why he decided to teach both siblings even go so far as accepting Paul Andrei as his disciple because both siblings possess a very rare and powerful physique. If the organization that attack Paul Andrei's parents knows this then they immediately kill both siblings or making them their puppet. If it was the latter then Kenneth would have hard time eradicating the organization.

Paul Andrei physique called Primordial Fire Physique and Sophia physique called Absolute Ice Physique. Both physique consider top class physique and both of the physique is so rare that only 5 people have recorded to possess this physique and after 3 billion years both physique appear to the siblings.

The true reason why Kenneth didn't accept Sophia as disciple because all of his technique are fire type while Sophia physique is Ice which is opposite to him.

Kenneth also think a path for Sophia that's why he contact one of his friends that specialize in ice element but he need time to properly send Sophia to develop her physique because Sophia have been poisoned by Kenneth enemy thinking that it was his daughter and until now Kenneth didn't have any idea how to cure her.

Kenneth where enraged after he find out what happened and immediately went to find the bastard but failed. From what clue he gather at that time it's seems that his enemy knew that Kenneth knew his hiding spot but Kenneth never fight him because he doesn't worthy enraged by this he then planned to poison Sophia who he thinks Kenneth daughter to get Kenneth enrage and his plan work but after months of searching Kenneth didn't find a clue about that bastard.

The only thing he can do is suppress the poison but he got an idea on how to cure her and that is to let her drink an elixir but elixir is very rare and only high level alchemist can create it with very low percentage.

That's why Paul Andrei become a adventurer because he wants to save money to buy an elixir even though he knows that it was pointless but he still grasp this little hope because he didn't want his only relative to die and leave him in this world alone.

The another reason why Paul Andrei and Kenneth desperate enough that to plan to let Paul Andrei become adventure and hiding his identity even though it was riskier that with a mistake that would target the siblings by a powerful organization is because the moment Sophia turn 18 and without properly awakened her physique is the moment she dies.

Originally it was supposed to the moment that Sophia turn 20 before her physique kill her but because of the poison that the time she need to awaken accelerate. In Sophia's body have just tiny but deadly poison remain that was suppress by Kenneth and her physique.

Both Kenneth and Paul Andrei did their very best to find clue about elixir even if it was rumors the two didn't even hesitate to hear its details. Even though Kenneth is a very powerful person and supposed to have a very wide connection but for unknown reason he were currently hiding and from what Paul Andrei knew Kenneth didn't hide because he was a some kind of wanted criminals or something but because of a he didn't want to meet a certain person.Thats why the information that both of them gathered are very small and useless.

While Paul Andrei reminiscing about how he knew his situation he came back to his scenes after hearing something from Kenneth.

"For the time being just stop accepting some quest" Kenneth seriously said.

"What?!" Paul Andrei couldn't help but shout but also instantly calm down because he wants to hear the reason and knows that Kenneth would never do something useless.

"The reason why I told you to why you need to stop your activity as adventurer for the time being because that 'organization' are starting moving once again and we need to be careful with our actions" Kenneth calmly said.

Kenneth then remove the sound barrier to receive their order from the waiter. While the waiter put down their meal Paul Andrei thinking about what should he do for the time being.

After the waiter left then Kenneth put back the sound barrier and look at Paul Andrei who currently in his own world thinking something. Kenneth then suddenly said "For the time being you should focus on your study at the academy and tell the other 'four' to be more careful with their actions for the time being"