
Legend of The Craftsman

A young man died due to a bizarre chain of accidents and got trapped in a blank space. He then Reincarnated in a world of fantasy with magic, monsters, gods, demons and fantastic creatures. What will he do to survive in this new world? Will he be able to adapt to his new environment? Will he be able to leave a carefree and laid back life? Read to know the story of this young man, and the road he took to be the very best.

AarconReix · Others
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Chapter 1

One fine day, a young man is walking at the roadside, carrying a bag of convenient store-bought ramen packets.

He is strolling on the sidewalk, going home, minding his own business when he sees a kid, crossing the street and then a truck comes out of nowhere, barreling towards the said child.

Before he could run to try and save the kid, the truck, a few meters away from the kid, suddenly changed its direction towards him.

Shocked by the sudden change of direction of the truck, he jumped out of its way into the road, the said truck then hit the building, destroying the wall. While observing the truck and calming himself down, he saw another truck from the other side of the road coming behind him.

He tried to jump back into the sidewalk but failed as he tripped on the ledge of the sidewalk and fell down, narrowly avoiding the rushing truck.

Standing up and dusting himself, he was about to curse at the reckless driver of the last truck when he heard shouts and looked at the people congregating around them, they were pointing above him, when he looked up, he saw a falling signboard,

"Ah shi--" he was cut off when his vision just suddenly turned black, and his body turned into a red mashed potato.

The signboard that fell on him said "Anywhere Travel Agency: You want it? You go there, One Way or Another!"


'Young Man' POV

"Fuck, what happened? is that really how I died? that's pathetic. At the very least, it is kinda funny..."


"Silver linings, I guess"

but now, where am I? It's... dark, not black or anything, but dark. I have this impression that there is light all around me while it is so dark that I can't see anything. It's kind of like a twilight of sorts.

"I died, and was thrown into this place. Maybe this is really the last destination after dying. If so, then I'll just sleep"


"Hmm? what is it?"

I opened my eyes because of irritation, there's a light..

In this world of stillness and in between, there finally is a light.

I looked at the source of the said light and saw a glowing subtle off white colored swirling circle. Kinda tasteful I might say.

"What is that?" I said to myself, as far as I'm concerned, I am currently in hell, a vast expanse of nothingness that will torment every soul that's in it. But not for someone like me, who can sleep whenever, wherever. But this? this is such a lousy attempt to give someone hope, a little bit of hope of escaping this place.

Well, who am I to not entertain whomever gets out of their way to create something like this just to give me hope, and extinguish it when I try to reach for it.

I flew closer to the mass of swirling light, I kinda feel the attraction of it, not that kind of attraction, but the pull, or maybe its gravity that is pulling me closer.

"Nice concept, put a gravitational field around the glowing white portal to make it more believable that it is a way out. Impressive."

As I flew closer and closer, I could also feel the tightening grip of its gravity, making me fly faster than my intended speed.

"Huh, did the one who created this thing got its concept from a black hole?"

As I flew closer to it, I saw something, something that gives me real hope.

A new land, a new life. I swear if this is a scam, I will call the manager.

As I was getting sucked by ....


Ok enough joking, as I was getting pulled by the 'portal' I just closed my eyes and hoped for the best.


Inside a tent in the middle of an army encampment, you can hear a shout of pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!" shout a blonde haired lady.

This lady was laying down in a bed and currently giving birth to her first born.

"Honey, you can do this, just endure it for a few more minutes." A man with long black hair said, trying to comfort his wife.

And failing miserably as the woman continues to disparage him with curses that would make a sailor blush.


"Catherine, you need to push, it's almost there" The woman who is delivering the baby said calmly, trying to relieve some pain for the blonde woman, who is apparently called Catherine.

"DO YOU THINK I'M NOT PUSHING ENOUGH!? WHY DON'T I PUSH YOU DOWN A CLIFF!? AHHHRRG!!" Catherine roared at the midwife while clutching the black haired man's hand, and it looks like she's crushing it.

"Hon, don't shout at Mathilda like that, she's the only help that we can get here at the frontline." He said while looking apologetic at the one he called Mathilda.

"And please, my hand is going to be crushed into dust if you clutch at it harder." He added.

"I DON'T CARE!!! I WILL CRUSH YOUR BALLS TOO IF I GET A HOLD OF IT!!" She replied in the middle of her shouts.

"It's coming!! I saw the head already! Erlond! go get a basin filled with lukewarm water and a clean towel quickly!" Mathilda stated urgently while focusing on supporting the infant coming out of Catherine.

The man, Erlond, ran outside the tent doing what he's been told by Mathilda.

"Push! Catherine! Push!" She urged while preparing to catch the baby.

A few minutes passed by, Erlond came back rushing in with a medium sized basin of water in his hands and a pile of clean towels on his shoulder.

"Here! everything you asked for!" he announced and put the basin down beside Mathilda, resuming his position beside his wife.

"Catherine! last push!!" Mathilda ordered Catherine and she's seeing the baby starting to come out.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Catherine howled loudly and suddenly felt relief, albeit still sore from the process of childbirth.

"It's a boy! A healthy little boy!" Mathilda exclaimed as she was holding the baby in her hands.

"Let me see my baby." Catherine said hoarsely because of her constant shouting earlier.

Erlond is just looking at his son blankly, not knowing what to do.

Mathilda rose from her seat, carrying the baby and went to Catherine's side of the bed and gave her the baby.

The boy has dark blonde hair, and dark blue eyes.

Catherine looked at their son lovingly and asked Erlond.

"What should we name our son? I really want to name him after my grandfather"she said.

Erlond woke up from his stupor and started thinking.

After a few minutes of silence, he finally looked back at his wife and son

"From this day forth, you shall be named after 2 of the most prominent people of humanity. My father's name will be given to you in hope that you will have the strength to wield a hammer and create beautiful things with those hands of yours. And the name of your mother's grandfather, The First knight of the Blessed Light, who is one of the most righteous men I've known, kindness without limit of race, gender, age, status, and condition. Who in his last breath, still used his life for the betterment of others. You shall now be named as Jin Ivan Phage, and hopefully, you do these two names justice and their due." Erlond solemnly said.

In this world, names have a significant effect on the person or object. It gives the existence of that object or person meaning. It was often used as an inheritance for the younger generation when the original name bearer died.

So giving their son the name of two people who obviously excel in their field or class, no one knows what would happen as there are no records of anyone who became famous in any field who carried two names of their predecessors.

Will those two names give him a head start and a smooth sailing journey in the future, or will it give him problems upon problems by carrying the burden of two exalted names.


Hello, it's me, the author.

this is me trying to write an original, and I want to know if those who read it like it or not. Write it in the comments, leave your reviews.

and also, I need some help, no more work, so no more money for food.

So if you're gracious enough I'll leave my patreon and paypal here

patreon dot com/Reixona


leave a tip or something. everything helps.