
Legend of Marvel

What happens when a regular boy is reincarnated with wishes into Marvel multiverse? . . The Legend of God of marvel who makes the whole Multiverse usher in peace. Making the Multiverse Peace Legion and establishing peace. No one can shake the peace, weak civilization is protected, Multiverse stability is guaranteed, Dimension Demon God are repelled to never come again . PEACE FORCE is created to protect weak. This is a legend never to be repeated again in annals of history.

Yash_Mishra_0345 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

DNA Altrater

Author (POV)

Sorry for not updating new chapter for 2 days but Author is broke due to this shit happening out in the world and my internet pack expired so I was arranging money for it and finally I am here again to give you some new chapter.




MC became kind of too OP so I will be showing him very little until big events happen and will show the people of his civilization doing mission assigned to them and sort of stuff like that, MC will be behind the scenes and different stories of different mission assigned to Orion civilization will be shown because MC is literally too powerful to find a rival for him this early in story. I think you would like the writing just wait for me to update some chapter and you would know what I will change. I can assure you that it would be interesting.


Author (Quote)

"it's so fucked up how this pandemic is wasting my prime years, I was supposed to waste them myself ".



It's been a day since my powers manifested and I am thinking about what to do with it, when suddenly I came up with an idea that is kind of inspired by shit happening in marvel as they have human, inhuman, mutants, eternals, super powered people, magician, vampire etc don't all of them are just a branch of human species created by human mutation in some kind but they can't live together peacefully. Just think what if they would live how we humans live without always thinking about killing each other and extermination of another human sub-species. Well I know human being are not that much peaceful but atleast local citizens of a country don't hate citizens of another country (except some cases caused by politics).

After thinking about it I got my goal, I want to create a kingdom like clash of clans as all races live peacefully atleast hypothetically (not killing and hating someone just because they are of a different species).

After thinking about it, I started thinking which species to add in my kingdom, and after some thought I think of adding all the species that look like humans and when I will extend my kingdom to universe I will add alien looking species.

So after finalizing things I changed my gene to that of CELESTIAL SAPIENS (Alien X) but not look wise, I still looked human with 3 black horns on my head like ALIEN X. I think it's cool and then I shifted myself to an island in pacific region that is of the size of a small city and I proceded with my plans to building a kingdom using some suggestions of my future self.

First of all I created a huge palace like Asgard palace but different as it is made of Vibranium , Admandium and Uru mixed aloy so that is will be indestructible and can conduct magic and in core of I created a power battery (Lantern power source) of white lantern it looks magnificent and I created a shield around the island so that by seeing from outside it doesn't exist you would only see or detect ocean and nothing else and using white lantern power I created an indestructible shield around the island and another use of it is to block teleportation, so that not anyone can come and go as they please and after doing all this here comes the main thing the residents of island and naming the island, so for name I thought I would call the island "ORION" and being living here are collectively called 'ORIONS' .

After everything comes the final thing the residents of island for whom I thought about using the style of odin as I would be father of all of them but I would not rule them the ruler will be among them and for choosing the ruler I would made an artifact that will choose the 'King of Orion' and every king can only rule for a total of 10K years as all the residents of Orion can live for 100K years before dying naturally but they would not die literally as I have another thing for them to do.

So after all these things I started choosing which races to create and then I thought it would be injustice to just make someone born with some race maybe he don't want to be of that race so I think why not create it so that every Orion would be born as a normal human being but their soul will have an additional white gem which is forever connected to their soul so when they die even then it would be integrated in their soul and will go with them into the cycle of reincarnation and this gem stores all their memories and it behaves like a system (system novels like) which has all the knowledge of Orion civilization (Upto tech of Level 25) and due to this gem their mind and soul can't be read or destroyed and the use of this gem is to think of what race the owner of gem should be given the power of, one being can have the power of only two races but the dna will be dilited that way so the power of race can stay in one body.

( Simplified explanation )

Name of white Gem - Orion Gem

Power -

----------------Dna Altrater (Alters dna permanently by analysing the host what is best for him life warriors would have kryptonian gene or amazonian gene or saiyan gene, four arms or raph or humangasor gene etc, scientists can have galvan gene, jury rig gene and others , magician can have anodite gene,assassin can have ghost freak gene or Naruto world people gene,but they would all look like humans with little feature change on their body like people with four arms gene have four arms and sometimes maybe 4 eyes as well and those with galvan gene would have head shaped like galvan and have short heights and things like that and those with anodite gene will have maybe flame like hairs colour will change according to the magic they are proficient in. Maybe someone can have Kryptonian gene with anodite gene and they would look cool having power of magic Superman literally and there can be Superman with four arms and four eyes 👀👀 wouldn't they shoot four laser beams) .


---------------- Long life-all orions can live for 100k years.

----------------System like- can be used for knowledge sharing (it would have every knowledge upto tech Level-25 ,Magic knowledge,Martial arts knowledge,Chi manipulation knowledge and every kind of knowledge like inherited memories of dragon and every Orion would know it.), giving out mission and rewards and 1 after death mission that is to spread Orion civilization to whichever universe they are reborn to as even their children whould have Orion gem , and to be used for punishment, and can act like mobile phone and internet whole Orion civilization would be connected to each other like internet, can be used as storage space and be used for transaction and sending things to other orions like instant Dilevry, it would have store which will will have many things from different worlds and any Orion can add a product he /she wants to sell. #Completely_normal_System


----------------Teleportation and universe traveling- can teleport from one place to another or through parallel universe (because I have given all the coordinates of parallel universe that I have in it and shared my power to travel parallel universe with orions.


---------------- Sense of Brotherhood - every Orion will be with each other as best friends kinda and wouldn't betray any other Orion ( means they will never betray their kind means people of Orion civilization until some big things happen, like a brother would always love and prefer his own brother instead of some outsiders until and unless the profit is huge enough to betray his family kinda thing) .


----------------Power of white lantern-All power of white lantern (check google).


After finalising things I used my power to create 'Mother's womb' a tree which would give birth to Orions using my Original DNA so that I can be called their father (literally) even by DNA.



----------------Author thought----------------

From now I will write chapter from POV of Orion civilization people and their stories as to how Orion civilization developed and changed universe and their role in plot of marvel and things like that.


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