
Legend of Lando

WARNING: Recommended for mature audiences (Strong Violence, Cursing, Disturbing scenes), everything here is fictional. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/secjmnyjkH in a post-apocalyptic world where the earth is barren and animals are extinct, humans have turned to genetically engineering creatures called Nephalem for their survival. Lando, a skilled Nephalem pilot, works with a team consisting of Hana, Zander, Bale, Zynkara, and Mara, to complete various missions in order to protect their colony and gather resources. Their latest mission involves infiltrating a group of hostile humans known as the Vultures, who possess valuable information and resources. During the mission, the team engages in a brutal battle with the Vultures, using their unique Nephalem creatures to fight. As the battle rages on, Lando's feelings for Hana become apparent, but he must put his emotions aside to focus on the mission at hand. Despite facing various challenges and obstacles, the team ultimately succeeds in their mission and returns to their colony victorious.

nuggythegreat · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
102 Chs

One Week Later

Lando knelt in a serene, sunlit clearing, bathed in the gentle embrace of the bright blue sky overhead. His gaze shifted from the expanse of the beautiful heavens above to the solemn ground below, where a weathered gravestone stood proudly, bearing the inscription 'Zynkara.'

"Hey, man," Lando began, his voice carrying a touch of sorrow and fondness. "It's been a week since we lost you." He leaned closer, his head tilting slightly as he spoke, a bittersweet smile adorning his face. With a tender gesture, he reached into a vibrant red bag, retrieving a cherished bottle of whiskey—a symbol of their shared memories.

As the cap was unscrewed, the rich aroma of the amber liquid permeated the air, mingling with the delicate scent of nature. Lando poured a small libation onto the grave, a heartfelt tribute to his departed friend. "Have some," he murmured, his voice tinged with reverence.

"You deserve it." He lifted the bottle to his lips, taking a sip before gently sealing it once more and returning it to its protective confines within the red bag.

Lando's eyes wandered across the hallowed grounds, his gaze tracing the multitude of tombstones that adorned the landscape.

A wave of melancholy washed over him, as he acknowledged the collective loss and the void left behind. "We will miss all of you," he whispered, his words a quiet acknowledgment of the shared grief that bound them. His frown deepened, lines etching upon his face, as the weight of their absence settled upon his heart. "One day, I will join you guys," he murmured, his voice barely audible. It was a solemn vow, a whispered promise to his fallen comrades, etched in determination.

With heavy steps, Lando rose from his kneeling position, his gaze lingering upon the graves one last time, a poignant farewell etched into his soul. As he turned away, the landscape shifted, transforming into a labyrinth of dimly lit corridors that lay beyond the boundaries of the graveyard. He navigated the winding halls, each step echoing in the emptiness that pervaded the once bustling passageways. The silence enveloped him, a solemn reminder of the losses endured and the struggles that lay ahead.

As Lando stepped through the threshold of the cafeteria entrance, a heavy silence enveloped the room. Gone were the boisterous cheers and the lively chatter that once filled the space. Instead, a somber stillness pervaded the air, weighing upon Lando's shoulders like an invisible burden. He observed the scene before him—a multitude of faces, etched with grief, their expressions eternally captured in a moment of quiet contemplation.

Aqua, her eyes clouded with a mixture of sadness and determination, took a bite of her food before turning her gaze towards Bale and Zander. There was an unspoken understanding among them, a shared knowledge of the pain that Lando carried. "I'll tell him when he's ready," Aqua whispered softly, her voice carrying a gentle reassurance. Bale nodded, his eyes reflecting empathy for his struggling friend. Zander chimed in, his words underscored by a sense of concern, "He's going through a tough time."

A tender smile graced Aqua's lips as she looked over at Lando, acknowledging his presence. "Hey," she greeted him, her voice a soothing balm amidst the collective sorrow. Lando took a seat, his posture weary, his emotions raw. "Where's Hana?" he inquired, his voice laden with a mixture of longing and worry. "She's still getting ready," Bale replied, his touch of reassurance serving as a comforting gesture.

Akura and Marco, their expressions marked by sorrow, approached the group. Regret etched lines upon their faces as Marco spoke, a tinge of remorse coloring his words, "I'm sorry we weren't there to save Zynkara." A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he continued, "We were assisting Cherry with attending to the wounded." The weight of their absence hung in the air, a shared burden they all carried.

Mara, her demeanor usually guarded and emotionless, walked over and silently took a seat among the others. Zynkara's absence had left an indelible void within her, a connection severed too soon. She began eating, her movements mechanical, as if going through the motions of existence. Lando's gaze met hers, his eyes filled with determination. "Hana told me she'll be here in 12 minutes," she shared, her voice laced with a hint of resolute purpose.

Erik and Cherry joined the group, occupying seats at the same table. Soon, Jasmine and Tot also found their places. An unspoken understanding united them, their collective grief forging a silent bond. They ate their meals in reverent silence, their thoughts consumed by the weight of their losses. Lando's voice cut through the quietude, his words sharp with a thirst for justice. "I want revenge," he declared, his eyes fixed upon each of his companions, searching for shared resolve amidst the anguish.

Erik shifted his focus to Lando, his agreement evident in the nod of his head. "I believe it's time we organize a mission, but the problem lies in the fact that we have no concrete knowledge of their current whereabouts," he stated with a tinge of frustration. Shaking his head, he reached into the red bag beside him, retrieving a map from a previous operation. "However, we do have valuable information on the locations of their hideouts." His gaze met Lando's, a glimmer of determination shining in his eyes. Erik then turned to Aqua, seeking her approval. "Can we make this happen?"

Aqua surveyed the group, her contemplative silence stretching for a few moments before she finally spoke. Her voice carried a weight of resolve. "Yes, you can," she declared, her eyes fixed on Lando. She had once been a loyal member of the Vultures until they betrayed her, and the detonation of Gozu's bomb had awakened a fierce desire for retribution within her.

Meanwhile, in her dormitory, Hana stood before a mirror, her chest rising and falling with each rapid breath. The weight of loss bore down on her, her heart pounding within her chest. Clenching her fists tightly, she let out a guttural scream of frustration and pain. "WHY!" she cried out, her voice echoing in the empty room. In a surge of anger, she swung her fist towards the mirror, causing it to crack, shards of glass scattering across the floor. Blood trickled down her knuckles, mirroring the wounds inflicted upon her soul. "So many of us... gone now," she whispered, her voice laced with a mix of sorrow and determination.

Lando's gaze remained fixed on Aqua as he posed a critical question. "Is our target still Renan Cosmo?" he inquired, his voice laced with urgency. Aqua nodded, her brows furrowing in concentration. "Yes, he remains your... our target," she corrected herself.